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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 17
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I can’t believe that this whole school is making such a big deal that Taylor stayed at the packhouse last

night. That’s the whole point of having a packhouse, in case someone was in need of it. But Missy really

did it this time. That bitch has been getting on my nerves ever since I got

here. She keeps asking me about my mate and why I don’t have one. Why I haven’t chosen one. She

wants to be my Luna. That much, I am sure of.

But she went way too far by calling Taylor slut today. She had no right to do that and I am actually glad

that Taylor beat the crap out of her. Maybe that will finally put Missy in her place.

I am sitting behind my desk at school

doing some work and fixing schedules for the school when someone knocked on the


“Come in.” I sang out without raising my



Hi Alpha Jackson.” Missy says coming inside. So I looked up at her and she wasn’t healing yet. She had

two black eyes and what looked like a broken nose.

“What did the nurse say?” I asked leaning back in my chair.

Broken nose. It should heal in a couple of days. Everyone is going to give me so much crap for this.”

Missy says walking closer to my desk.

“Well, you deserve it.” I say. And she

stopped walking closer to me and looked

at me in confusion.

“What do you mean I deserved it? I

thought we were friends. Why would you say something like that?” She asked looking genuinely hurt.

“Why did you think we were friends? I am your Alpha and you will address me as such. And that stunt

you pulled today was completely out of line.” I say standing from my desk.

Okay. I shouldn’t have called Taylor a slut. I was just trying to get under her skin. We’ve been doing that

to each other for years.” Missy says walking closer to me again. I leaned on the side of my desk and she

stood in front of me.

“I don’t care. Taylor is going through a really a hard time right now and you calling her a slut and bullying

her like that, I’m surprised she didn’t kill you. And believe me, I do think she is capable

of doing that.” I say looking straight at


“I know. She’s had more training than the rest of us. I figured that out pretty clear today. Is she going to

be punished for what she did to me?” Missy asked softly. 1

“No. She isn’t. Because you started it and she was standing her ground. That’s what we teach in training.

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You pissed her off and she did what I did when I took over this pack. So I’m not punishing her for what

she did.” I say.

“I guess I can understand that. It’s a shame though. With her out of the way then maybe us two could get

to know each other a little better.” Missy says walking

closer to me.

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m your Alpha and that is as far as it’s ever going to go with you.” I


“It doesn’t have to.” She says. And I look

at her strange before she quickly puts her arms around my neck and she kissed me.

I was shocked and stunned for a moment before I pushed her off me and she fell back against the wall of

my office.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? “I growled at her.

“I’m just letting you know what you’re missing out on. I’ve seen the way you look at Taylor. Believe me,

you will get a lot more from me then her.” Missy says. 2

“You’re suspended until further notice. I don’t want to see you at the school, at the packhouse or at

training until I say so.” I


“What? You can’t do that.” Missy says.

Are you kidding me? I am the fucking Alpha and I can do whatever the hell I

want. Now get the hell out of my office. I

don’t want to look at you again.” I

ordered using my Alpha aura and she bowed her head to me and left my office quickly.

I stood there in shock and wiped my lips because the thought of her kissing me was actually making my

skin crawl. I couldn’t stand her before today, but now I

actually really hate her for doing that. What the hell was she actually planning

on here. What did she think she was going to accomplish. She said it herself,

she’s seen the way I look at Taylor. So why the hell would I want Missy?

I sat back at my desk and tried to concentrate on what I was doing but I couldn’t. So I left my office and I

walked out of the school grounds and headed into town to the gym.

I spent a couple of hours there working out and I lost track of time. Because when

I looked at my watch I realized that

school was out and Taylor would be at the office working on her own.

I went to the locker room and had a

shower in there and got dressed into some fresh clothes but the images of Missy kissing me today didn’t

go away. I couldn’t make them go away. No matter how much I tried.

So I headed home to the packhouse and as soon as I walked into the office I saw Taylor sitting in her

usual spot working as hard as usual. But I couldn’t even face her. I walked over and poured myself a

drink and I could tell that she was

watching me, but I couldn’t look at her. So I just sat behind my desk and started looking at the fresh pile

of papers on my


I was looking at the one on top and my mind was so twisted at the moment that I

couldn’t even concentrate on any of the words on the page. It felt like I was just reading the same

paragraph over and over again.

When the cook bought dinner in Taylor was happy to get something to eat but I couldn’t stomach it right

now. I glanced up at Taylor and she had made herself comfortable on the floor and I was so twisted up

inside just looking at her. The guilt was just eating away at me so I got up to get another drink instead.

I was hoping that the alcohol would help me function a little better, but it wasn’t really doing much. And

thanks to our werewolf mtabolism, we don’t get drunk. At least not easily. We have to drink at least two

bottles of pure alcohol before we start to feel the affect of it. I thought that really sucked. Because I would

love to

have a buzz right about now.

All night I would steal glances at Taylor and she was just working away like she always does. She’s

definitely a hard worker. There was no doubt about that. But I saw her looking through one file before she

slammed it shut and threw it across the coffee table and grabbed the next folder. I was guessing that was

her mother’s folder and she wasn’t interested in looking through her mother’s

information right now. Whatever

happened between them two, really had Taylor doubting her mother.


I know that they were close before but for Taylor to not want to talk to her at all,

there was definitely something serious going on there. Her mother did

something that Taylor thinks is

unforgivable. And that made me just as angry. Someone else that has upset Taylor to the point that I

want to kick

them out of the pack. But I didn’t. Missy was lucky that she just got a suspension. I don’t know how long

it will go for, but after what she did, I could have had her thrown in the dungeon. I know Taylor would

have liked that.

I was ripped from my thoughts when I heard Taylor’s phone go off and when she looked at it her whole

face dropped. Whatever message she just got, it really upset her and she started gathering her things

and saying that she was finished for the night. It was abrupt and out of character for Taylor.

But then she put the phone down on my desk and left my office so I reached across and I grabbed her

phone and I looked at the photos that were on her phone. Someone had sent her photos of Missy kissing

me. Someone was standing outside my office taking photos so Missy

planned the whole fucking thing. She was really going to pay for it now. How many other people did she

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send this message to. Actually, I don’t care. She sent them to Taylor.

I got up from my desk and I took off down the hallway and I ran upstairs but she wasn’t in her room. So I

ran downstairs again and out the front door and I was calling her name but I got no response. I mind

linked the patrols that were on

tonight and told them all to keep a look out for her. And if they pick up her scent then they need to tell me

immediately. But no one had seen her.

She grew up on these pack lands, she knew every hiding spot that there is. And it was in the middle of

the night so she could be anywhere. I don’t know where she could be. I heard that she was fighting

with her friends today because they all

believed the rumours that were going on about us two. But then I saw her in the library with Edward. So

that’s where I headed.

I got to Edward’s house and I started banging on the door. His mother opened the door and I walked in

without being invited and I went straight to Edward’s room who was lying on his bed playing with his


“Alpha.” He jumped up quickly.

“Taylor. Where would she go if she is really upset?” I demanded to know.

“What are you talking about?” He asked


“I saw you two talking today. I know that you two used to date. You know her really well. Where would

she go if she didn’t want to be found?” I asked walking closer

to him.

“1 Well, if she doesn’t want to be found then there’s a reason for that. I found

that it was always best to leave her when she was like that.” Edward says. And I

growled at his answer. I didn’t like that

one bit.

“Tell me.” I demanded through gritted teeth standing over him.

” There’s a swimming hole and we used to go to. It’s on the south east end of the territory.” Edward says

cowering away from me. That’s when I realized he was in pain because I was using my Alpha aura

on him.

“South east. That part of the territory doesn’t get patrolled as much.” I say standing back and thinking

about it for a


We know. That’s why we used to go there. Because it was private.” Edward

says. And I turned around and darted from his room and out of the house.

I headed towards that part of the territory and I could hear something in the

distance. A fight. I could smell Taylor’s scent from where I was and I knew that she was there. She was

in trouble and I started running as fast as I could. Hold on Taylor. I’m coming.