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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 16
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Missy soon got up and charged at me but

I ducked out of the way at the last second

and she punched the lockers behind me

and I kicked her in the back which forced

her further into the lockers. She turned

around with blood pouring out of her face

and she was growling and I could see fur

starting to sprout on her arms, she was getting ready to shift in the middle of the

hallway at school. This bitch was crazier than I thought.

But then Alpha Jackson came running down the hall with other faculty members and he managed to grab

control of her and orders her under Alpha command to calm down and not shift. Being a werewolf, she

had to obey. She didn’t

have a choice. She had no control over it.

And she started turning back to normal.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Alpha Jackson yelled as he let go of Missy.

“You’re little slut there attacked me.”

Missy yelled. And I stood there and

crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

“Did you attack her?” Alpha Jackson


Only because she called me a slut

because she assumed that us two are

sleeping together.” I say to him looking him directly in the eye. Which I haven’t seen anyone else in this

pack do yet.

Alright. I am setting the record straight

right now. Taylor is staying at the

packhouse. In a spare room. I have

dozens of spare rooms. We have not and will not be sleeping together.” Alpha

Jackson yelled for everyone to hear and

they all backed away from the anger that

was in his voice. He then turned his

attention to Missy and ordered her to the nurse’s office and then she was to report

to his office. And he ordered everyone

else to leave except for me.

So Parker gave me my books back and everyone took off so it was just Alpha Jackson and I left in the


You can’t use violence like that against your own pack members.” Alpha Jackson says leaning up against

the lockers while I was still standing there with my arms


“Believe me, that shit with Missy has

been going on a lot longer thank you’ve been here.” I say.

“Well, it needs to end. I will be talking to

her after she sees the nurse and I will

make sure that it ends. I know that you were just reacting to what she said, but we know that it’s not

true.” He says

looking directly at me.

“I’m not a slut and I am not going to be accused of being a slut just like my

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fucking mother.” I snapped out at him

which took him by surprise.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked pushing off from the lockers.

Nothing. I have to get to class.” I say

starting to walk away, but he grabbed my

arm and it zapped me again.

Sorry.” He says pulling his hand away.

“Would you stop doing that?” I asked as I started walking away.

I got to my first class and everyone was staring at me but I sat at the back next to Parker and Emily was

on the other side of me but I ignored her. She did look at me and tried to smile to me but I just shook my

head and opened my book.

When class was over I stood up and

grabbed my books and Emily stood in front of me with Aria.

“Listen, I’m sorry about this morning. I heard what I heard and I just assumed that it was true.” Emily


You’re my fucking friend. You should have known to come to me first and talk

to me before believing some stupid rumour. I thought we knew each other better than that.” I snapped at


“We do. And that’s why I’m sorry. I

didn’t know that you were staying at the

packhouse. No one would have known that.” She says.

Why are you staying there?” Parker

asked and I looked at him trying to figure

out how I was going to explain this to


“Because I can’t go home right now. My mother and I had a fight and I am not interested in talking to her

right now. She screwed up. Big time.” I explained and they all seemed to understand that that’s all I was

going to give them.

At lunch time I didn’t want to go to the

cafeteria because everyone would be

looking at me so I headed to the library

and I got a head start on my homework

from the morning classes. While I was

sitting there I recognised a scent that was lingering behind me.

“Does your girlfriend know that you’re here Edward?” I asked.

“No. Of course not. She’s not here today. “He says walking around so that he was in front of me.

So, what’s this then? Am I your dirty little secret?” I asked.

“No. There’s no dirty little secret. I just

wanted to make sure that you were alright. After seeing you yesterday afternoon and then the rumours


morning.” He says. And I looked up from my books and looked him directly in the


“Do you believe the rumours?” I asked.

“No. I didn’t believe them when I heard

them. The packhouse is there for these

specific reasons. When someone needs

help, there’s a bed waiting for them. So their not sleeping in the woods or on a park bench. I wasn’t

surprised at all when I heard that you slept at the packhouse last night.” He says sitting down at the table

with me. 2

“Yeah, well. At least that’s one person.” I say.

“I know that you don’t give a crap about

titles. You’re not interested in being Luna.

You never have been. You look at the person, not the position.” He says.

“Tell that to the rest of the school. Most

of these kids have known me my whole

life and yet they still believed it. I guess being gone for a year, they thought that I turned into some

massive slut bag or something like that.” I say getting back to my homework.

Edward stayed there with me and he was talking to me while I was doing my homework and then he

started acting a little weird. He was getting really uncomfortable in his chair and really


“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“The Alpha is staring at us.” He says trying not to move his lips while he

spoke. So I turned around and looked at

the glass windows of the library that showed the hallway outside and he was standing outside the library

staring at us. So I gave him a wave, but he just walked off without doing anything.

“That was weird.” I say turning back to


“Good. So, it wasn’t just me who thought that was extremely weird.” Edward says

relaxing a little bit.

“No. It wasn’t.” I say.

When I finished school that day I headed back to the packhouse and I went straight to the office and the

Alpha wasn’t there. So I sat on the couch and I opened the laptop and I looked at the first file that I

needed to start inputting.

When Alpha Jackson did finally show up in his office he walked over to the drinks cart and poured

himself a bourbon before

he sat down and started going through

some paperwork. And he didn’t say

anything to me.

“Tough day?” I asked looking at the

computer screen.

“I guess you can say that. The life of an Alpha.” He says.

“I can imagine.” I say. And I kept working when the cook came in with

dinner and placed it down in front of both of us. And then he turned around and


So I sat on the floor leaning against the couch and eating while I was working and then I grabbed the file

for my mother. I opened it and there was a photo of her there so I pulled the photo up on the computer

and attached it to the file.

I started reading through the information before I threw the file on the other side of

the coffee table and I grabbed another file while I was still eating. I would deal with mother’s file later. I

looked up and Alpha Jackson was looking at me but I didn’t say anything to him. I just kept working

while Alpha Jackson got up and got

another drink before he went back to his


When we finished eating dinner the cook came back and took the plates and I saw that Alpha Jackson

was getting into the alcohol a lot more than usual. I was pretending not to notice but I knew that

something was bothering him.

My phone then went off and I looked at it and someone had sent me some photos. I didn’t know who the

number belonged to but I looked at the photos and they were taken from outside Alpha Jackson’s

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He is standing in his office with Missy

after our altercation and he is leaning against his desk while she is standing there talking to him. The

next photo

showed her getting closer to him and then the next photo showed them two kissing.

I couldn’t believe it. And that bitch had the nerve to call me a slut at school today. And yet she is getting it

on with the Alpha. I looked up at him and he was

staring blankly at the wall with his glass off bourbon in his hand.

“I’m finished for the night. I’m going to bed.” I say closing the laptop and closing the file that I was

currently working on.

“You’ve barely done anything tonight.” Alpha Jackson says as I grab my bag and I stood up.

“Maybe you should ask Missy to come over and do it. If you two would even get

any work done.” I say placing my phone on his desk with the photos showing on the screen and I left his


But instead of walking upstairs, I walked out the front door and took off towards the woods. I heard Alpha

Jackson calling after me but I ignored him and I blocked off all the links to everyone. Making sure to

avoid the patrols and I managed to make it to the old swimming hole. I knew that not many people ever


around here. This was too far from the packhouse and no one ever attacked out

this way.

‘I can’t believe he would go for someone

like Missy.’ Ava says.

‘Well, not every guy has the best taste in women. I know the Alpha’s that rule over this pack never do.’ I

say sitting on the


‘Why do we always come here when we’re upset? Edward knows where to find us.’ Ava asked pacing in

my head.

‘Because he is the only one who knows where to find us. No one else does. And if I tell Edward to get

lost then he will.’ I

explained staring at the moon in the water below me.

‘What are we going to do? We can’t go home to mom and we can’t go back to the packhouse.’ Ava says.

‘We can go back to the packhouse. But when we’re ready to. I don’t get it. Why the hell am I getting so

upset about him and Missy? I don’t understand what is happening to me.’ I say wiping a stray tear off of

my cheek.

‘Because you like Alpha Jackson.’ Ava says and I scoffed at that.

‘He likes you too. More than friends. I

know that he does. His wolf told me.’ Ava


‘Oh yeah. What else did his wolf tell you?’ I asked looking around the woods at

where I was.

‘That you get away with so much because Alpha Jackson hates punishing you. He wants you close.

That’s why he offered you that job and a place to stay when you needed it. He put you in the room

across from his room. No one usually stays on the Alpha’s floor except for Alpha’s. But you’re there.’ She


So, what do we have here?” A voice asked out of the darkness and I jumped to my feet immediately.

“Who’s there?” I asked. And then a man

came into view. I knew that he was a werewolf but he smelt off. He smelt

rotten. Oh my god. Rogue.