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Martial God Asura

Chapter 4379: Ancient Copper Compass
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Chapter 4379: Ancient Copper Compass

“It’s really the guest elder!”

“Guest elder, how did you end up in such a state? What in the world happened?”

“There was a sign from the main formation earlier that the treasure was about to be ready, but all of a sudden, it vanished. What happened over on your side?”

The SuprElder and the other elders immediately swarmed over and bombarded him with questions.

As compared to the safety of the disciple, they viewed the treasure to be far more important.

“Someone has made away with the treasure. Even my cultivation was crippled by him. If not for my desperation to live on, he would have assimilatedto death!” the guest elder cried out.

“Who is it? Who did it?” the SuprElder asked in agitation.

“It’s a little scoundrel who doesn’t have the slightest shred of conscience! He’s vicious and callous. He isn’t even a human but a demon!”

When the guest elder said those words, the look in his eyes wasn’t fury but fear.

Even though he had lost his spirit power, he was still able to use the power of the main formation to create the silhouette of a person.

“I-it’s him...” Li Rui exclaimed feebly upon seeing the silhouette.

“Li Rui, you know him?” the SuprElder asked.

“Master, he’s Chu Feng!” Li Rui replied.

“He’s Chu Feng? He was the one who stole the treasure?”

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Upon hearing those words, the SuprElder and the other elders had complicated looks on their faces.

They thought that the other party was already brazen enough to dare torture their disciples in such a manner, but who could have thought that he would be so audacious to actually steal the treasure too?

The infuriated SuprElder suddenly fell silent at this moment.

It was at this moment that he realized that he had underestimated that young man named Chu Feng.

The Soaring Flower Gazebo’s sectmaster viewed the treasure with great importance, and now it was stolen away from someone else. They would have to take responsibility for this.

“SuprElder, what do we do?”

The other elders ccloser and asked the SuprElder worriedly.

They knew just what kind of person the Soaring Flower Gazebo’s sectmaster was, and that was why they were frightened.

Despite putting on the front of a righteous sect, the Soaring Flower Gazebo did all kinds of evil deeds in the shadows in order to amass power. Given so, what kind of a person could the sectmaster possibly be?

He was a demon clothed in the skin of a human.

“Since things have gotten to this point, we can only honestly inform the sectmaster of this matter,” the SuprElder said.

“We’re going to be honest? But... wouldn’t we be punished then?”

The faces of the elders paled in fear. They didn’t want to face the sectmaster’s wrath at all. His means were so cruel that even they wouldn’t be able to tolerate it.

“What else can you do? Escape? If you try to do so, the only fate that awaits you is death!” the SuprElder replied.

The other elders also fell silent.

Indeed. If they were to try to escape, their sectmaster was even more likely not to let them off. They would only be caught and be tortured cruelly till their last breath.

“Pass down my instructions. Everyone is to followto find the sectmaster!”

Hearing the SuprElder’s command, everyone immediately got to action.


Meanwhile, Lian Xi and his two companions from the Cloudsky Immortal Sect had arrived at a hidden underground palace. Astonishingly, there were many disciples and elders of their sect gathered in this place too.

From the slightly unkempt looks on them, it would appear that they had rushed over here from all sorts of places.

The one leading this group of people was a white-haired elder.

“Lian Xi, you’re saying that the man who identified himself as Asura the other day at the Red-dress Holy Land saved you all?” the white-haired elder asked.

His voice had revealed his true identity.

He was the unfathomably powerful expert who was with Lian Xi and the others but didn’t show himself back then at the Red-dress Holy Land.

That day, if not for him speaking up and stopping Lian Xi and the others, even if Chu Feng hadn’t died in his hands, he would have surely suffered severe injuries from them.

“Elder Gongsun, I was deeply surprised too. I didn’t think that he would saveafter how I treated him that day...”

As Lian Xi spoke these words, he hung his head in shame.

Even when he was suppressed by Chu Feng’s spirit power and was forced to divulge Yin Zhuanghong’s circumstances, the only thought that was in his mind was that he would exact vengeance on Chu Feng for this humiliation.

All along, the impression he had of Chu Feng was that he was an inferior being, a mere ant that wasn’t worth a notice. So, he couldn’t accept this defeat at all.

However, when Chu Feng saved them, that impression suddenly shattered. His view of Chu Feng changed completely.

He suddenly realized that the way he had been looking at Chu Feng and the world might have been too narrow-minded, and he began to look back on his previous actions.

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“Back then, I thought that that lad was just a talented world spiritist, but I didn’t think that he would be so righteous and magnanimous as to save you too. I understand that he might have done it on Yin Zhuanghong’s account, but nevertheless, this is enough to show that Yin Zhuanghong has a good eye for choosing her friends,” Elder Gongsun remarked with a smile.

From his smile, it could be seen that his impression of Chu Feng had improved after hearing of the encounter Lian Xi and the others had with him.

“Lord Gongsun.”

It was at this moment that yet another three more figures arrived at the underground palace. They were elders of the Cloudsky Immortal Sect.

“You’ve returned. Pass that thing over to me,” Elder Gongsun said.

Lian Xi immediately took out the incomplete object that he had received from opening the treasure.

The three elders who had just returned, as well as a few other people present in the room, also took out parts of the incomplete object too.

After collecting all of them together, Elder Gongsun also took out a piece of the incomplete object from his Cosmos Sack too.



All of a sudden, these incomplete objects began putting themselves together, forming a round plate that was around ten meters in diameter. There were runes revolving around the round plate, and one could vaguely sense a mystical aura emanating from it.

However, what that really stood out about the round plate was the primordial vibe that shrouded it.

“Everyone, you have worked hard,” Elder Gongsun said as he eyed the Ancient Copper Compass with narrowed eyes.

“Elder Gongsun, is this... a success?”

Lian Xi and the others asked in uncertainty.

All of them had chere from the Holy Light Galaxy in order to open their treasures simultaneously at a few specific locations so that they could retrieve the incomplete object from within.

Even though sof them had faced sdanger due to the conspicuous phenomenon that ensued after the incomplete object was released, it was fortunate that all of them still managed to make it back in the end.

If this copper compass was the item that they wanted, they would have successfully completed their mission. This would be a huge contribution to the Cloudsky Immortal Sect from all of them.

“Not yet, but your mission has already succeeded. You can return to the sect to collect your rewards. You can leave the rest to me.”

As Elder Gongsun spoke, he kept the Ancient Copper Compass into his Cosmos Sack.