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Let’s start all over again,shall we?

Chapter 392
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Let's Star All Over Again, Shall We? Chapter 392 I'm Fed Up With You! "What's up? Heard my brother's got you under lock and key, Timmothy's voice cthrough the phone- with a hint of checkiness.

Maggie lowered her gaze and replied casually, "You seem to be quite well-informed." "Need a hand? Why not tell him you've fallen forinstead? Timmothy suggested casually, a hint of mischief in his clear eyes.

Maggie chuckled. "I'm afraid he'll tear you limb from limb." Timmothy mused. "Is that so? Sounds exciting." Maggie closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, then heard Timmothy say again through the phone. "Three days. I'll give you three more days, or else don't blme for finding other ways to make him suffer.

"Of course, if I don't see any progress in three days, Iris won't treat you anymore. That's why, you better plan accordingly." Timmothy's words only added to Maggie's already sour mood, making her feel even more frustrated.

"You're quite generous, givingso much tto work things out!" Maggie retorted sarcastically. seething with the desire to throttle him.

Timmothy raised an eyebrow. "Glad you understand." Maggie closed her eyes and said calmly, "Three days is too short. Make it a week." Timmothy chuckled. "A week? Sure, but remember to senda photo of Nathael heartbroken to the core." "Get lost!" Maggie ended the call in frustration, feeling utterly fed up.

After sthought, she messaged Mia to fill her in on the situation.

Mia, who was currently enjoying a spa session, was taken aback by the bombshell in Maggie's message.

"Wow! Is this skind of imprisonment ?" Maggie was so irritated that she felt like blocking her, but after a while, Mia replied again: ‘Are you breaking up? Or is it just a heat-of-the-moment thing?" Maggie's throat tightened, and she replied bluntly: 'It's serious.

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Mia didn't ask any further questions. After a while, she said, 'When Nathael isn't home, pick a time, and I'll cto see you." Maggie thought for a moment and agreed. After all, Nathael had only said she couldn't go out; he hadn't said others couldn't cto see her.

1/4 Chapter 392 I'm Fed Up With You Not long after, she heard Nathael coming out of the study and entering the bathroom.

Maggie quickly turned off the lights and lay down with her back to him.

Her heart still ached faintly, but there was also a small, inappropriate sense of relief that they were stil together But she knew that Timmothy and Master Harris wouldn't give her any more time, and her body couldn't handle it either.

She had to cut ties cleanly as soon as possible and then focus on getting treatment.

Lost in her thoughts for a while. Nathael pushed the door open and entered. In the pitch-black room, every sensation seemed magnified infinitely, and Maggie could feel his movements.

Before long, there was a weight beside her. Nathael also lay down on the bed.

Neither of them spoke, and Maggie felt uneasy. She didn't know if what she was doing was right, but it seemed like she had no other choice.

In her past life, she didn't have much tleft, and Nathael had kept it from her.

But she could sense that during that time, he becincreasingly silent and irritable. Even though he never changed towards her, she secretly witnessed him losing his temper many times She couldn't see his body becoming thinner due to his increasing busyness, nor could the see the dark arcles under his eyes. However, she could feel his pain and despair very clearly Maggie didn't want him to suffer alongside her in despair anymore, holding onto hope only to be let down again and again. She didn't want him to go through desperate measures like a madman, searching for ways to extend her life regardless of the consequences.

She also didn't want him to lose his mind like he did in her past life, seeking revenge on the Camerons after her death She wished for a bright and shining future for him.

Even when standing alone in a high place, it felt lonely and sad But Maggie never viewed love as an essential component of life. She believed he would get through it, and someday, he would gradually adjust to life without her.

When she was lost in her thoughts, someone cup behind her.

Nathael wrapped his arms tightly around her waist from behind, his strong arms encircling her slender waist. He closed his eyes, able to sell the fragrance of her hair. It seemed that only in this way could he realise that she was still by his side, not gone.

"Nana..." Nathael's voice was low, struggling to accept her harshness.

There must be a reason.

She did say she loves me.

"Can't we stay together?” he whispered, sounding almost pleading.

2/4 83% Chapter 392 I'm Fed Up With You! Maggie's heart twisted as she heard him, biting her lip to hold back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Nathael lightly kissed her neck and murmured, "I'll change what you don't like about me. Okay? "If you feel trapped, I'll set you free," Nathael said quietly.

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Maggie looked down, hiding the tears in her eyes, and tried to sound indifferent. "Nathael, you know this won't makestay. Can't we just part ways on good terms?" Nathael turned her around, his dark eyes meeting hers. He noticed the tears in her eyes and asked, “You're sad, so why do you want to break up?" Maggie looked up at him, tears still on her lashes.

She smiled lightly at him. "Nathael, you should know, at first, I was just using you. But I have to admit, you're apretty likeable guy. But I never planned to be with you." Nathael stubbornly stared at her, his eyes dark and deep, like a vast ocean or endless night.

"Before, I used you for the Camerons, but after seeing what the Camerons Ve were really like, I started using you against them. It's not that different fundamentally, but to show that it's different from before, I naturally had to put in sgenuine effort. "I appreciate it, but I don't want to be with you anymore. I do love you, but honestly, not that much... Maggie said.

"That's enough! Stop talking!" Nathael cut in coldly.

But Maggie persisted, "Keepingaround doesn't do you any favours. My past has madesomeone who always looks out for myself. I don't want to keep using you." "So, everything before was just using me? Then what about the things you said, the things you did?" Nathael's eyes grew dark and desperate, with a hint of redness at the corners.

Maggie pushed him away slightly and said in a cold tone, “Let's cut our losses and call it quits here." Nathael's voice turned cold and heavy. "But you said you do love me."

Maggie chuckled mockingly. "Don't you get it? Today I love you, tomorrow I can love someone else. I don't believe in love. Loving someone n is so easy, isn't it? As long as they're good-looking, wealthy, and treatwell, what's the difference between them? "I might get sad, but sadness doesn't last long. In a few days, there'll be better options," Maggie said.

Nathael tightened his grip on her arm and said in a serious tone, "If it could be: one, why can't it be anyone, me?" Feeling frustrated, Maggie pushed him away, sat up, and said sharply, “Nathael, can't you get it? I'm fed up with you.

I'm done playing around! So I want to find someone new to have fun with!" X