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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 Chapter 97 Summer Frost POV I dashed out of my room as soon as I heard Xander's car honking from outside. He had left earlier to go pick Chloe up.

A smile formed on my lips as I descended the staircase and advanced toward the door. I could not wait for them to cinside, so I went to welcthem outside.

"Ma'am," Chloe's smile welcomedas soon as I stepped out of the house, and she ran into my arms. It felt good hugging her again. Thought it had only been a couple of days since we were not together, it felt like forever.

"I've missed you so much," I whined as I embraced her warmly.

"I've missed you two," Once I pulled away from her, I turned to Xander who was standing with her suitcase. He had gone to get it from the car trunk while we were hugging eachother..

"Thanks a lot for this, Xander. I will find a way to pay you back for this favor," I smiled at him excitedly, and he nodded.

"Thanks a lot, Sir," Chloe turned to him and bowed slightly.

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"Don't mention it...” He paused, then handed the suitcase to me.

"I need to step out for stime. I'll be back later in the day. You two should catch up," "Hmm," I watched as he walked over to his car, then hopped inside and drove out of the house.

I had no idea I was drooling over him until Chloe's voice disruptedand drewback to reality.

"How does it feel being here with him? You must really be happy." A smile formed on my face as I turned to her and nodded shyly. There was no point lying to her since I considered her my sister now.

"Con, let's go inside," "I'll take that," He tried to take her suitcase from me, but I pulled it away from her and shook my head.

"I got this," I patted her shoulder and walked ahead of her while she trailed behind me, Since we haven't decided yet which room she was going to stay, I took her to my room.

"We've not decided yet which room you'll be staying, but I don't have a problem with you staying here with me," I turned to her once we walked inside my room, and she nodded.

"Thank you, ma'am- 1/3 Chapter 97 "You can just addressby name, Chloe," I smiled at her, and she batted her eyelashes. Walking over to her, I pulled her into my arms once again and embraced her warmly.

"Thank you for hanging in there," I whispered while rubbing her back slowly.

"Thank you for hanging in there for me," I whispered, and she huggedback.

"Thank you for being there for me, ma'am. I don't know what would've becofif you didn't intervene," Her eyes brimmed with tears as she pulled away fromand looked at me.

"I thought I was going to end up on the street," A drop of tears slid down her cheek as she held her gaze low.

"You will never end up on the street for as long as I am here. That is a promise," I assured her as I held her shoulders, and she nodded.

"That's the way to the bathroom. Joindownstairs for lunch once you are done showering." I patted her shoulder and walked past her toward the door.

"The kids... What about them?" I paused and looked back at her with a smile on my face.

"You will see them soon. They ar something for her to eat.

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are taking a nap in their room," And with that, I stepped out of the room and headed downstairs to go make My phone beeped once I arrived in the kitchen, and I hesitantly checked, but my heart missed a beat when I saw the sender.

"Haven't you wondered why I haven't taken action since daybreak? I'm still waiting for you to make your decision, Summer, I won't be patient for long Ca threatening text from Mr. Miller that forced a deep sigh off my throat. Can he just fucking leavethe hell alone? It's not mandatory forto marry who he choose for me, right? Just as I've been doing for the past few days, I ignored his text and slid my phone back inside the pocket of my trouser before proceeding to do what broughtinside the kitchen.

I was setting the ingredients on the counter when my phone started to ring, and I cursed silently before I took it out. Lo and behold, it was Hunter.

"Can't he read the bold handwriting that I don't want to talk to him?" I muttered as I mute the phone and tossed it angrily on the counter before resuming what I was doing Shortly after the call ended, a text popped on the screen, and I curiously checked, but I a text popped on the screen, and I curiously checked, but I sighed when I saw it was from Hunter.

At first, I was just going to ignore the text we usually, but something kept tellingto open it, so I eventually did.

'For how long are you going to continue this? Your Dad is going to mess your career up, Summer. Are Of your you going to give up six years of life for that guy just like that? pur Remember this man broke you. Mr. Miller was there for you the whole time, so it's not fair to treat him like this! exhaled deeply and dropped the phone back on the counter once I was done reading the text. There was no point replying to him, or I had no point rather, so it was best to ignore it just as I've always done, right? They never get tired of textingas my phone buzzed again, and because I was curious to know who the text was from this tand what was said in it, I reached for my phone and unlocked it.

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'Are you going to keep ignoring me, Summer? We can still fix this. Let's destille fix this while Mr. Miller is still patient. He is going to destroy your career if you keep being stubborn Canother text from Hunter that hadrolling my eyes. Does he ever get tired of sendingtexts every day? "I don't think he ever does," I replied to myself, I was about to drop the phone and reswhat I was doing when it buzzed and a text popped on the screen, but this time, it was from Miguel. I hurriedly clicked on the message and opened it.

'Mr. Miller seem to be planning something, but I don't know what it is. You should be careful over there and lie low for now. I will try to figure out what he is up to and feed you beck as i get my hands on back as soon as I get my hands on any information. Stay safe, ma'am' I exhaled deeply as I reclined on the counter and ran my fingers through my hair frustratingly. I just wish I could wake up and realise that everything was just a nightmare. I wished someone would tapand tellto wake up from this dream, but this was