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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31 Chapter 31 Summer Frost "Ma'am, I won't be able to pick the kids from school later. I have something to attend to at home. Could you go pick them yourself?' Chloe had said on the phone earlier just a few minutes after my meeting with Lisa, Miguel offered to go pick them instead, but I insisted knowing they would be happy to see me.

After fifteen minutes drive, I arrived at the school. They were already waiting at the parking lot when I arrived.

"I'm so sorry, my boys. Did I keep you waiting for long?" I squatted in front of them and ruffled their hair "No, Mommy. School just dismissed. Why are you here instead of nanny Chloe? Is she alright?” Jack looked atworriedly.

"Yes, she's fine. She had something to attend to at home, so she couldn't chere. Con, let's get going," I held their hands and led them to the back of the car. After I belted them, I went to the driver's seat and started the car.

"So, how was school today? Did you have fun?" I looked at them through the rearview mirror.

"Yes, Mommy. We did," "What about school activities? Did you participate? The teachings in class, did you understand everything?" "Hmm, we did," "That's good. You must be hungry. Should we go eat out before going home?" They usually don't take much food to school on Fridays since they close early.

"No, Mommy. We are not hungry," Jake shook his head, and I pulled a puzzled looke "You had nothing before leaving for school earlier, and to the best of my knowledge, Chloe mentioned you only took snacks to school. How cyou are not hungry?" They glanced at each other with suspicious look on their faces which gavethe impression that something was going on.

*Uncle Xander cto school today, and we had lunch together," I matched the brake and the car made a loud screeching sound as it halt abruptly in the middle of the road.

"Mom!" They both shrieked with a terrified expression on their faces as a truck drove past us, almost hitting the car.

"Da mnit!" I parked the car properly at the side of the road. For the next few seconds, I tried to calm the anger that was eatingup, but the more I tried to control it, the more annoyed I was. It felt like something was fueling this burning rage in me." "Mom..." Even though I had not looked at them yet, I could tell from Jack's voice that he was scared to the bone. I didn't want to scare my kids, I wanted to be gentle with them, but this rage was too much forto handle.

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"What did I tell you about strangers?" I tried to keep my voice down. It tookall my s "Yo... you...

self-restraint not to yell at the top of my lungs.

"It was my idea, Mom... Don't scold Jack. He toldyou were going to get mad, but I insisted that we eat with him. He was completely harmless, Mom," Jake's voice con, and those words from him felt like fuel to my anger becit sparked it even more.

"They are just kids. You need to control yourself Summer. Don't be so harsh on them. Please calm down,” I kept whispering to myself with my eyes closed 10:13 Wed, 12 Jun Chapter 31 "I told you two to stop hanging out with strangers, didn't 17 I finally looked back at them, and they flinched.

thai "He...he wasn't harm..." 84% "How did you know that? You are just a kid for f uc..." I paused as the realization clawned onthat they were just kids and I couldn't use those words for them. I took a deep breath and scoffed. "Harmless? You two are just kids. I told you that not everyone who look innocent are good guys. Why don't you want to listen to me?" "He didn't do anything to us. He only wanted to have lunch with us. He is fun to be with, and...

"One more word from you, and you are going to see the other side ofShut your mouth this minute" finally lost it and yelled at Jack. The fear in their eyes at their moment was drivingcrazy. It felt like they were facing a monster who was about to end their lives, and I wish I could control it, but couldn't. 'They are kids, Summer. Don't scare them like that I kept telling myself, but the thought of Xander getting close to the kids he denied years ago kept sparking my anger. What fuck ing right does he have to do that? What f u ck ing right does he have to po close to my children? How dare he think of himself as someone in the right place to eat with my kids? "Mom." I watched as tears streamed down Jack's cheek, "I'm sorry, Mommy... We didn't mean to get you angry. It just felt good having a meal with him," Jack's teary voice sounded through my ears as I rested my head on the headrest.

"He made us feel like his friend... He promised to always eat with us which is what we have always wanted. Mommy, can you please allow us? He really didn't do anything to us. He was nice... He smiled at us, and I think I like him already," Jake's heartbroken voice broke my heart into a million pieces, forcing down my cheeks, the tears I was fighting back. I didn't want to cry, at least not in the presence of my kids, but I couldn't help it. This is not the kind of life I want for myself and my kids. I wanted my kids to have fatherly love, care, and attention. It was all that ba st ard's fault.

"Mommy... Can you please look at us? Please don't be mad at us. If you don't want us to see him again, we won't. I promise. Please look at me," Jack's voice con again, and my heart wrenched painfully Unable to face them in this state, I picked up my phone and stepped out of the car.

"Don't cry, Summer. You can't cry in front of your kids, please," I wiped my tears with the back of my left palm while scrolling through my phone with my right hand. After I found Miguel's number, I dialed it and held my phone to my ear.

"Yes, ma'am," Chis voice.

"Meetat Saint Louie estate. I'm parked across the street," "Alright, ma'am. I'll meet you there right away," I ended the call and breathed out.

Seconds slowly ticked into a minute, and although the twenty minutes Miguel spent before he arrived in a cab felt like forever, I was glad he made it there.

"Do you wantto..." "Send the kids home. I have something to take care of," I pulled the car door open, then picked up my handbag and turned to him.

"What about you, ma'am? I didn't bring a car with me. I thought I was going to drive you home," "Don't worry, I will take a cab," I patted his shoulder, and he nodded.

"Stay safe, ma'am. Callif you need anything." He finally hopped inside the car and drove off.

Getting a cab around the estate wasn't something possible since only private cars are allowed here, so I booked a ride which arrived in less than ten minutes, and I set off to Xander's office.

Chapter 31 Wed, 12 Jun "We are here, Ms," The young man called my attention after he pulled over in front of the tall building.

"How much is the money?"I took out my phone, ready to pay him.

"Thirty-five bucks." Since the money was not much, I picked out a hundred dollars note from my bag a and handed it to him.

"Keep the change." 84% "Thank you so much, Ms." I stepped out of the car and made my way into the building. A lot of things has changed here over the years. Not that I was expecting everything to still be the safter six good years, anyway.

It wasn't my first there, so I knew my way around.

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The elevator I took soon arrived at the fourth floor where his office was located. I barged inside once I got to the door to his office, and a young lady in his late twenties rose to her feet as soon as she spotted me. "Excuse me. Who are you?" She raised her eyebrows while looking at me. Xander had a man as his secretary back then. Didn't know he switched to a woman.

'Don't be ridiculous, Summer, He mym couldn't have kept up with one secretary for years, fight?" subconscious mind scolded me, but f u ck it! People are doing it. Having only one secretary for ten years and even more. "That's not why you are here! I reminded myself.

"I'm here to see Xander. Is he in?" I tried to be as polite as I could even though my voice was betrayingbig time.

"Who are you?" She asked the ridiculous question that madewant to throw her a slap.

"Is that supposed to be your business? Is your boss in?" I knew I was sounding rude, but I didn't like the idea that she was here. It's p is singoff for no reason.

'It's not for no reason, Summer. This is jealousy. You are jealous. You are angry because another woman is here" Myjannoying subconscious "En reminded me, and f u ck! Can it please be wrong? Yes, I'm f uc king angry, but can this stu pid subconscious mind stop reminding? "Sorry, but I think you need an appointment to meet Mr. Xander. You can't just wanted to do, so I walked out of her and forced my way inside.

t cout of nowhere and..." Wasting my ton her was the last thing! "You can't go in, Ms. I'm going to call the security on you if you keep being stubborn," She held my hand once we were inside his office, and I scoffed.

"You need to lea..." "If you don't get your hand offthis da mn minute, then don't blme for what will happen," I threw her a deadly glare.

"It's ok, Nancy. You may leave," Xander's voice con, and she glared hard atbefore she let go of my hand. She left immediately.

My heart wrenched painfully when I turned to him and found him sitting behind his desk and his daughter sitting on the desk in front of him, eating noodles.

"Summer... I wasn't expecting to see..." "What right do you have to go see my kids at their school?" I cut him off...