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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 Chapter 28 Summer Frost "Ugh!" Waking up with a banging pain in my head wasn't something I signed up for, but the most frustrating part is finding myself in a strange place I had no knowledge of The last tI remembered, I was at the restaurant, but I had no idea about what happened after that or how I ended up in this unfamiliar room.

The sound of the knock on the door caught my attention.

"Who is there?" Even the sound of my voice was making my head hurt even more as I managed to stand up from the bed, dragging myself toward the closed door.

"It's me, ma'am. The room attendant, Ca feminine voice from outside, and opening the door, I was welcomed by a pair of blue eyes belonging to a young red-haired slim and elegant lady, dressed beautifully.

"Good morning, ma'am. Hope you had a lovely night rest," She smiled atpolitely, revealing her set of perfect and white dentition.

"Hmm," I managed to nod my head while rubbing my forehead to get the pain away, but it beceven worse, "Your boyfriend asked to give you this, and also this. It'll help relieve the hangover. You can cover to the reception when you're done, to get your car keys" "Boyfriend?" My voice cout in a whisper while staring at the neatly folded dress and a mug of tea in her hand each, wondering who the f u ck was my boyfriend. Could it be that Hunter broughthere? "Hmm. Thank you. Please cin," I opened the door wide for her, and she bowed slightly before she walked inside. I watched as she dropped the mug on the center table, and the cloth neatly on the bed. She then turned towith a smile on her face.

"You can make use of the telephone if you need anything, ma'am. We are at your service. Excuse me," "Uhm... Please wait..." For a second, I wanted to ask her who the person that broughtto the hotel was, but on a second thought, I didn't think it made sense. I mean, how the f u ck could a grown up woman like myself ask such ridiculous question? "Is there a problem, ma'am?" She raised one of her eyebrows as she looked atin the face as if the answer to her question was written right there.

"No, never mind. Thank you," I smiled it off, and she nodded before leaving.

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"What the f u ck happened last night?" I tried to remember even the tiniest bit of what must've happened that endedup here, but my head was blank and couldn't provide any information aside from the excruciating pain, so I had to give up trying.

"My phone..." As if it heard my call, I spotted it on the sofa immediately, and I rushed and picked it up. Thought I would find something, but there was nothing on the call history, not even a single text from anyone.

"How cMiguel didn't call me?" "Maybe he didn't want to disturb me," I concluded as I dropped the phone and headed to the bathroom where I had a long and relaxing bath, I changed into the dress, drank the tea and waited for another fifteen minutes until I could barely feel any pain before I left for the reception to get my car keys.

"Looking forward to having you here again," The receptionist smiled atas she handedmy car keys.

"Hmm," Turning to leave, a part ofwas desperate to know who broughthere, but I put off the sparked curiosity and left the hotel.

85% Chapter 29 I stopped on my track as soon as I stepped out of the hotel building and saw Hunter stepping out of his car which just pulled over at the parking lot.

"Could it really be him? F u ck! Why can't I remember anything?" "You are here," He smiled as he walked up to me.

"I cto pick you up.." He paused then looked behindas if looking for someone.

"Are you locking for someone?" "No, not really. Con, let's go. I'll drive you," in all honesty, I had my doubt at that moment. A part ofkept tellingthat it wasn't him even though it didn't make sense. I mean, who the f u ck could've done that aside from him? He askedout on a date and if something like this happened, then it was definitely him, yeah? "Did you bringhere, Hunter?" Unable to hold it in anymore, I was forced to satisfy my curiosity. I could swear on my life that a suspicious look flashed through his face for a split second, but he was quick to replace it with a smile.

"What do you mean? Don't you remember what happened?” He raised his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't be asking yo you if I remembered what happened last night, so can you answer me?" I didn't mean to be rude, but it was already f u cking annoying having to talk to him, and here he was, making it even worse.

"Of course, I brought you here. You got drunk at the restaurant, so I brought you..." "Why didn't you takehinstead of bringinghere?" I couldn't help this side ofthat was not believing everything he was saying.

For the next few seconds, he remained silent. The look on his face stated clearly that he was lying and probably searching for what to say toto convince me.

"It was late at that tand you needed to rest as soon as possible. Your apartment is far from the restaurant and I didn't want to take you to my house, so i brought you here since it's close to the restaurant,” He tucked his hands inside his pockets as he spoke confidently.

"Good thing you didn't taketo your apartment. Thanks, anyway," I walked past him, but thought I should thank him for the dress he sent toat the hotel, so I paused and turned to him. "Thanks for the dress and the hangover tea. Sendthe price later. I will pay you for the dress and the tea," And with that, I headed toward the parking lot where my car was parked.

"Why are you doing this to me, Summer?" I halt abruptly on my track.

"All I ever wanted is to love you even if you can't return the feeling. Why am I not allowed to do that?" His voice sounded painful, but I could only care less about him. Why should I? "I don't love you, Hunter..." I paused and turned to him.

"I hope you will stop hurting yourself and move on. You will find someone who would love you genuinely, but that someone is definitely not me. You should move on already," I was blunt and straightforward because giving him hope when there was none for him was the most heartless thing I could ever do. I wouldn't ever do such a thing. "It's not up to you to decide, Summer. You don't tellwhat to do. My heart chose you, and it won't stop just because you want it to..." "But at the very least, you can stop askingout on ridiculous dates, right? Lovingis not within your power, but you can do that for me, right?" "Summer...

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on if you ar even if you are the last man on earth. You are nice and all, but you are not just the one for me," His eyes flickered "I don't love you, Hunter, I never will with pain, but do I care? Well, no, I don't, Jun Chapter 28 "I only cout yesterday because Dad insisted. Don't expect that again. Excuse me," And with that, I headed to my car, hopped inside, and drove out of the hotel premises.

"Ugh! So clingy and annoying." The thought of Hunter disgustsso much, My phone started to ring about five minutes into the drive, so I pulled over at the side of the road since I was on the highway.

"Miguel" was written on the screen of my phone when I checked it, so I swiped the answer button and held it to my ear.

"Finally! Ma'am, why didn't you m answer my calls? I've called you severally, yesterday and Hunter didn't take his calls too. Is everything alright?" Miguel's worried voice sounded from the other end, Hmm. I'm fine." "Where are you now, ma'am? I will cget you," "Don't worry about me. I'm on my way home," "Alright, ma'am."

"I need you to do something for me.

Find out what happened last night from the moment I left the house and to the restaurant. Make sure you check the CCTV footage at the restaurant and also the hotel down the street. I will send you the addresses,

"Yes, ma'am. I will do that" After the call ended, I sent him the address of the hotel and restaurant. Just when I was about to drop the phone and start the car, it started to ring again, but this time, it was Lisa. "Hey, sweetheart. Do you have tlater? Let's have lunch together," Her ever sweet and cheerful voice con, and I smiled.

"Sure. Sendthe address and the time," "Sure, baby. I will do that. See ya," The call ended, and I dropped my phone. It had been years since we last ate together, and I bet it'll be fun as always.

"Why does she want to eat with me, anyway? Is it because of her Mom or brother?" зл