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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 Chapter 25 Summer Frost POV 85% My day was fair enough today, but not entirely fair and beautiful. At least it would've been if not for this d a mn dinner date. I couldn't say no to it neither could I postpone it. Dad would be so mad at me, and it would also be unfair to Hunter since I already promised him.

guess this is it," I stood in front of the mirror, and I could be only impress by the beautiful elegant lady staring right back atfrom the mirror. Oh, yes! I'm referring to my reflection, "I thought this would look good on you. Wear it to our date' Hunter had sentthis purple short gown earlier with a pair of purple heels and small purse to march it, and of course, he didn't forget to attach the note, professing his love to me. It's annoying, but I couldn't deny that his taste is sweet and epic.

I love the dress.

"This is is fair enough," I was even more impressed after I finished packing up my hair in a tight ponytail. A knock sounded on the door.

"Who is there? Cin," The door opened and my handskings walked in, wearing their pajamas. "Mommy. They ran into my arms and huggedtightly.

"Hey, sweetheart." I led them to sit on the bed, and sat on the center table in front of them.

"You look tired. Do you need anything?" I ruffled their hair.

"Are you going out, Mommy?" Jake asked with a sense of disappointment in his voice.

"Mommy, you were supposed to help us with our homework today. You promised to help us." Jack pouted his lips disappointedly, and I sighed.

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"I'm so sorry, darling, Mommy need to step out for a few hours, I'll be back before you know it," I felt guilty because I've not spent quality twith them in a while. It's not entirely my fault. I've tried several times to make tfor my kids, but I always had to attend to one emergency or the other.

"Chloe will help you with your assignment. Let's hang out on Saturday and Sunday. I promise to stay with you this time," I crossed my heart, and they glanced at each other.

"Hmm. We understand. Stay safe, Mom. Don't stay out too long, and if anything happens, call us. We'll protect you," Jake cupped my cheeks in his small palm as he uttered cutely.

"I love you, Mommy," Jack gently patted my hair with a cute smile on his face. I couldn't help the excitement that filled my heart knowing that I have these two handsand smart kids as my sons.

Llove you more, my darling kids. Chere, I hugged them briefly.

"Good night, Mommy." They both kissed my cheeks before re running outside, and a small smile formed on my lips.

"They are so cute," My phone beeped, and I rolled my eyes when I saw Hunter as the sender.

"Is he here already?" I hesitantly swiped the unlock button and clicked on the message to read everything.

TILU 85% Chapter 25 I'm so sorry, Summer, but I don't think I can pick you sip. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but something cup and it needed my attention. Filmeet you there in a couple of minutes I couldn't deny my excitement knowing that I won't be riding with him in the scar. I was choked up already and the last thing I wanted was to be in the scar with him, but I could be only glad that it didn't work out, although it would've been great if he had canceled the date.

Hmm, I'll drive there and wait for you" I replied to his text then picked up my car keys from the dressing table and strode out of the room.

und of I guess the sound of any heel must've gotten Miguel's attention because he stood up from the couch as I descended the staircase "Ma'am," He bowed slightly.

"Where is the car...

"You don't have to cwith me, Miguel. I'll drive myself there," I cut him off, and he raised his eyebrows. "You can't go out alone, ma'am, It's late, and out there can be dangerous especially for a woman," He had a valid point, but too bad that I wanted to go alone for sreason unknown to me. Maybe because he had been guardingand I needed stalone.

"It's fine, Miguel. I'll be fine. I'll call you if I need you," I patted his shoulder, and he slowly nodded.

"Yes, ma'am," "See you," I smiled at him and finally headed to the parking lot.

It was almost getting dark since it's a few minutes before 7pm. Evening fresh air always hit differently, so I wined down the glass, and trust me, I made the right decision.

The drive to the five-star restaurant took pretty much tas a result of heavy traffick, but I made it there before 8pm.

I had expected to see cars parked at the parking lot, but there was no single car there. It couldn't be that Hunter reserved the whole restaurant for us, yeah? That's ridiculous.

"It's his money though. Why do you care?' I shrugged off the thought and proceeded into the restaurant. It was my first there, but I had been to other five-star restaurants before now, so of course, there was nothing much to be excited about.

A young man in his thirties walked up towith a smile on his face.

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"Greetings, madam. You are welcto Key to your heart restaurant. This way, please," He pointed toward a direction which I assumed to be the way to the VIP section stopped and the VIP section looked around the restaurant, hoping to find at least a customer around, but it turned out that I was the only one here. Wow! Hunter must really have too much money to throw huge amount of money into reserving this place for a woman who doesn't give a da mn about him. It's crazy, and I wouldn't ever do such a thing if I was in his shoes. "Why am I the only one here?" Still, I was curious or maybe anxious to know or confirm if he really reserved the whole place, but I tried to hold back my question. He should just show up so we can get this done with and I can f uc king go back home.

"After you," The young man ledto the VIP section just as I had suspected earlier. The settings I found somewhat looked familiar, Bouquet of rose flowers, my favourite drink which only my ex-husband knew about, and the familiar scent. This looked just like the date I've had with Xander in the past.

I stood at the entrance, staring at everything which remindedof my old days with Xander, the only man whom I ever loved so much. The only man whom my whole entirety revolves around. The only man who knewmore than anyone else, yet the one who brokeinto pieces. Funny how the f u ck I still loved him even until now. "Don't think about him, Summer. He's not worth it." I told myself as I tightened my grip around the purse, but I couldn't help myself. Not when everywhere was screaming the memories of us together, not when everything here was remindingof the sweet love we used to share together before that incident.

10:12 Wed, 12 Jun Chapter 25 "Are you ok, ma'am?" The young man's voice disrupted my thoughts, and I blinked my eyes, trying hard to fight back the tears that was trying to force its way out of my eyes.

"Hmm, I'm fine." I forced a smile. I tried to shrug the thoughts oft, but something didn't seem right. Hunter couldn't have done this, and of m this, the course, Xander was the last person who would do this. I mean, he didn't have any reason to. If he ever had a reason, then it would be for his Mom's treatment, but I didn't think he would do this much. Besides, he didn't know I would be here today, so it wasn't something I should think about. "You should c*t, ma'am, He pulled out a chair for me, and I walked over to it.

"Thank you" I muttered.

"Callif you need anything, ma'am. Enjoy," He bowed slightly and finally left.

"Did Hunter really do this?" I wondered as I reached for the bottle of wine, uncapped it, and poured sinto the tall wine glass until it was full to the brim.

"He'll be here soon, anyway. There's nothing to be worked up about," I concluded...