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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Xander couldn’t hold back his fears as he sat on the chair beside the bed, while staring at his Mom. The mistake

he made years ago had chaunting him. Something he never expected would happen to him..

“Mom... It seems like I've made a huge mistake... | don’t know what to do,” Ilis heart wrenched painfully as he

reached for her hand and rubbed it gently. It felt like the whole world was against Xander at this moment. He

wasn't sure yet if those kids were his, but deep inside him, he was sure they could turn out to be his kids since

he was never sterile,

“We were having a beautiful life, Mom... She was the best thing that ever happened to me. How could | have

treated her that way? Why didn’t | listen to her?” He whispered as he rested his head on the bed, his cheeks

soaked in his tears. As the memories of that night hit him hard, recalling how she cried, pleaded with him not to

throw her out, tried to prove her innocence. The memories of everything made him only resent himself for never

listening to her even if it was just that once.

The sound of his ringing phone disrupted him, and he sighed as he raised his head and sat up on the chair.

“Nick” was boldly written on the screen of his phone as he checked it out. He watched the phone ring until the

call ended.

‘Sir, please answer my call. It’s something important A text popped on the screen of his phone as soon as the

call ended, and barely five-seconds later, the phone started to ring with Nick's number on the screen again.

Xander hesitantly swiped the answer button and held the phone to his ear.

“What is it, Nick?” His voice was rough and weak as he wiped his tears with the back of his palm.

“Sir... | think Ms Summer is having a dinner date with Mr. Hunter tonight,” Xander’s eyebrows furrowed


“Dinner date?” Of course, he heard Nick correctly, but just wanted to confirm if he really didn’t misheard him,

“Yes, Sir...

“I want you to find out where they are meeting, and make a reservation in the whole restaurant. Make sure that

ba st ard doesn’t go there,”

“But, Sir...”

“I want an answer in thirty minutes. Don’t keepwaiting!”

“What if he makes a reservation in another...”

“Then f uck ing stop him from showing up! To serve me! That's what | f u ck ing employed you for!” Xander tried

not to yell as he clenched his fingers around his phone.

“Yes, boss. I'll do that,” The call ended afterwards, and he breathed out.

— “That b as ta rd!” He cursed under his breath with his eyes closed.

He was sure

we getting

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Ing Summer to forgive him was going to be difficult, but f u ck it! At this point, no way he would sit back and

watch another man have a chance with her. Never!

“I'll csee you again, Mom... | need to attend to something.” He kissed the back of his Mom's hand, stood up

from the chair, and strode out of the ward.

He took the elevator to the last floor where he stepped out and headed to the parking lot.

Chapter 24

“Right...” He paused just before he arrived at the parking lot, took out his phone, and dialed a number.

“Hello, boss. It’s not yet thirty.

“I need an appointment with Doctor Spencer first thing tomorrow morning. Be fast about it!” He pulled his car

door open and hopped in the driver's seat.

“Sir, Dr. Spencer is not in town now, | heard he traveled to Canada and will only be back in two days,” Nick's

voice sounded from the other end, and he


“l want to be the first person he sees as soon as he gets back. | don’t know that’s going to be possible, but tell

him | f u cking want to see him!”

“Yes, Sir, | will make sure of that.”

“Good. | need feedback about that b as ta rd. You have...” He paused then checked his wristwatch and

continued, “Twenty-two minutes more,”

“Yes, Sir. Il send it to you shortly,” He finally ended the call, and tossed the phone on the seat beside him.

“Spencer... You are f u cking done for! I'm going to ruin your career as a doctor the sway you ruined my


Kander picked up his phone once again. For a second, he thought of texting Summer, but on a second thought,

he knew this didn’t make any sense. It wasn’t a good idea. What the f u ck was he going to tell her? Oh, I'm

sorry, | found out | was never sterile? Does that even make any sense?

“F u ck it!” He tossed his phone back on the seat, started the car, and drove out of the hospital

It was barely five minutes into the drive when his phone’s ringtone disrupted his attention. “It must be Nick

calling with that thought in mind, he reached for his phone, but sighed disappointedly upon seeing who the caller


“Ella, Daddy is busy right now. Can | call you back later?” He tried to sound calm after he answered the call.

“It’s me, Sir, Phoebe. Ella is burning up. | think she has fever,” Phoebe’s worried voice sounded from the other

end, and Xander marched the brake abruptly, bringing the car to a halt as it made a loud screeching voice.

“Ella? What happened to her? Where is she now? Have you taken her to the hospital yet?” He blinked his eyes


“She doesn’t want to go to the hospital until she sees you, Sir,” CPhoebe’s voice again, and he sighed.

“Alright. I'll be hin a couple of minutes,” He tossed the phone back on the seat.

“Not today, please,” He muttered as he started the car and continued his drive

Twenty-eight minutes later, Xander pulled over at his parking lot, and alighted from the car.

“Phoebe... Phoebel” He called out as he walked down the hallway minutes later. He pushed one of the many

doors open, and barged inside.

“Daddy!” Ella pouted her lips and grimaced her face as soon as she saw him.

“Sweetie... Are you ok? Daddy is here,” He hurried over to the bed and hugged her.

“I missed you, Daddy. Her ro und ey es were filled with tears as they stared up innocently at him.

“I'm sorry for not being here, sweetie. Something cup, and | had to attend to it,” He cupped her cheeks in

his palms and flashed a smile at her.

“Are you ok, Daddy? You don’t look fine,” She raised her eyebrows suspiciously, and he forced a smile.

“I'm fine, sweetie. Where is Phoebe?”

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Chapter 24

Just then, the door opened and a

blonde-haired young lady inher arte

twentieg palkedin With bowl of

wate and a white towel on her

shoulder. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“I'm here, Sir. | went to get water to massage her body.”


“Let me

“What would you like to eat?”

“I'm not hungry...”

“Don’t givethat. You need to eat something,” He cut her off, and she pouted her lips.

“I'll have noodles.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Get her

noodles. Don’t make it too sp icy,”

“Yes, Sir,” And with that, Phoebe left the room and closed the door gently behind her.

“Are you still going out today?” Ella blinked her eyes cutely as he gently tucked her on the bed.

“Hmm... | still have something to take

care of. But don't worry, | wony be

out orgs ssi her as he

gently: ipped the towel inside the

bowl. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Hmm,” She slowly nodded her head.

Xander carefully wrung out water from the towel and placed it gently on her forehead.

“You should get srest while I'm...” His voice trailed off as his phone beeped,

“Excuse me, sweetie,” He brought out his phone, unlocked it, and a text popped on the screen.

“I've reserved the whole restaurant

and also tipped the manager not to

tell him about it. $rvda) delay i

He sighed briefly af rhe read

through the text. Now that it was

done, what was he going to do?

Show up there instead of Hunter?

How was he going to face her after

all the pain he had caused her? The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!