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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Summer Frost POV "By chance, does Mr. Xander have a daughter or something? I knew the question was ridiculous especially as I had claimed to him that I didn't care and had nothing to do with Xander, but I couldn't help it.

"What do you mean, ma'am?" Miguel pulled a confused look as he looked atmaybe for further explanation which of course, I had no idea how I was going to tell him, "Never mind," I waved my hand dismissively, reclining on the couch.

"Why are are you asking, ma'am? Is there..." "Nothing. I'm just curious," I cut him off.

"Are you going to consider his Mom's surgery? She has been in the intensive care unit for a couple of days, and...

"I want to go see her. Is there a way to?" I looked up at him, and he stared atfor seconds.

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"Ma'am, it's going to be difficult to see the woman because you are not her family member..." "But I might be her surgeon later. Don't you think that is enough reason to go see her? What if I want to know what her condition looks like?" I raised my eyebrows, and he quickly nodded.

"I will make an appointment with the doctor so you can go see her then," He bowed to me.

"Don't let Xander know about it," I stood up and headed to the staircase. My phone beeped as I walked down the walkway minutes later.

"Let's have dinner together tonight. I will pick you up' A brief sigh tore through my nostrils after I read through the text I had just gotten from Hunter.

"Hmm. I'll be waiting I didn't want to have dinner with him, but I replied to his text, regardless. I already gave him my word that I was going to have dinner with him if he helpedget rid of Xander, and I should keep my promise, yeah? It was 2:15pm, and I barely had anything to do at home.

My phone started to ring as soon as I walked inside my room with bad's number displayed on the screen.

"Dad..." I spoke on the phone after I answered the call and held the phone to my ear.

"A friend of mine and a business partner is having his birthday dinner party at his villa tonight. I was going to attend the party myself, but something cup. I will speak with Hunter so you can go together," His voice sounded from the other end, and I nodded as though he was there with me.

"Alright, Dad. I will wait for Hunter to cpickup later" There was no reason to argue with him knowing he was never going to listen, and besides, didn't make any difference since I was going on a dinner date with Hunter tonight.

"Hmm," That was his last word before the call disconnected, and I threw myself tiredly on the bed, staring up at the sky.

"Is he the father of that little girl?" As much as I didn't want to think about it, I couldn't help it. He accusedof cheating on him, he claimed to be sterile. Did he do all that just so we could go our separate ways? "That's not true. Xander will never do something like that. He would never look for an excuse to make us separate," Even though we didn't separate in a 11:28 Tue, 11 Jun Chapter 20 UG good way, I knew he would never do such a thing. He would never be that petty or heartless.

"Why do you care? Why do you care if she is his daughter? You should stop thinking about him," I tried to force myself to stop thinking about that jerk, but it didn't work. In the end, I always caught myself doing it over and over again.

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The doorbell rang and I looked over to the door.

"It's me, ma'am... Someone is here to see you," Chloe's voice sounded from outside, and I rose to my feet. Many thoughts ran through my mind. Could it be Xander who had cback to see me? What does he want now? Crazily, I was hoping that it turned out to be him. Yes, it's crazy, but luck! I couldn't deny that I missed him so much.

"I'll be there shortly," Chloe's receding footsteps sounded from outside, and I presumed she must've left to go tell whoever the person was, that I would soon join him or her. A part ofwas sure that it was Xander though. I mean, I didn't have any friends over the years, nobody knew that I lived here aside from Hunter and Xander, but no way it could be Hunter. I was going to leave the room, but I stopped and went to check myself out in the mirror to be sure I was looking good. Appearing like a beggar in front of my ex-husband was the last thing I wanted.

"A little natural makeup should be fine, right?” I mumbled at my reflection while sitting in front of the mirror.

crazy, Summer. It's Xander! The crazy jerk that threw "Why are you dressing shing up to go meet him? Are you trying to impress him or something? You En must be crazy, you out in the middle of the cold night years ago," I scolded my reflection loudly, reminding myself about the incident so I could have even more reasons to hate him. "It's not worth it," I left everything and headed to the living room where I presumed he would be waiting for me. My heart pounded hard against my chest as I descended the staircase, but the tension eased when I perceived the strange feminine cologne. It was then that I realized that it wasn't Xander. Waves of disappointment spurred throughimmediately as my hope or whatever I was holding up until a moment ago, broke into shreds. "I must've really lost my mind," I scoffed and finally walked over to the living room, but I stopped in my track when I saw the least expected person.

"Lisa?" Her nleft my lips effortlessly as my eyebrows furrowed and my lips parted in shock.

"Long tno see, my dear friend. Her smile was ever beautiful and soft, just as years ago. How could she show up out of nowhere?