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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Summer Frost POV "We need to talk, Summer," He tried to hold my hand again, but I stepped away from him and shook my head.

"If you are here to whine about your Mom's health and begto perform surgery on her, then you better not waste your tbecause no way in hell I'm ever going to do that," I stated bluntly, and he sighed.

"Why are you doing this, Summer? This is my Mom we are talking about here. This woman was your mother-in- law," Those words from him made mel want to strangle life out of him because why the fuck would he remindof that disgusting thing? "Maybe I would've considered her if she was good enough to me..." I paused, then took a step closer to him and smirked.

"Don't ever show up in front ofbecause of that woman ever again. Trust me, you don't wantto report you to the police for stalking me,” I stated coldly, and with that, I headed to my car and pulled the door open.

"Why don't you just take it out on me, Summer? Why do you have to involve my Mom when she never did anything wrong to you?" I stopped on my and clenched my fingers tightly into a fist.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Yes, she wasn't on her best behavior toward you, but that was because she wanted the best for me," His next words made my stomach grumble not because I was hungry but because I was disgusted. How could he say that? track "She thought you weren't the best for me, and of course, you proved her right. You proved her right by jumping into another man's bed and getting pregnant for him. Are you blaming her for what you did, huh?" There wasn't an atom of remorse in his voice as he spoke tocarelessly. His words y weak pierced my heart like a dagger, I felt my eyes brimming with tears, but I did my best to hold them back because he was the last person I'd show my side to.

“I am still kind enough to want to get back together with you even after what you did. You should show your gratitude and fucking do what's right, Summer," His voice cout louder and angrier this time, and I scoffed. For the next few seconds, I stood there unable to think straight or cup with anything to say to him. I was grossed out by his disgusting attitude.

"Are you going to blthe innocent woman even though everything was clearly your fault?" I finally turned and faced him.

"The Hughes family is the second most influential in the city. I'm only being nice for the sake of old tand because of the love I still have for you. should seize this opportunity while I'm being nice. I'm not someone you can mess around with, trust me," His eyes were so cold as they stared into mine.

You "I give you forty-eight hours to think about it. Don't blme later if you don't do the right thing." I watched as he walked over to his car, hopped inside, and drove off The te tears I'd been holding back finally streamed down my cheeks after I hopped inside my car. I tried to hold it in, but it was so painful that I couldn't help myself.

The sound of my ringing phone disrupted my thoughts, and I answered when I saw that it was Miguel.

"Miguel?" "Yes, ma'am. Do you wantto cpick you up?" His voice sounded from the other end.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine alone," "You must've forgotten you have a lunch date with Mr. Hunter and Mr. Miller at the villa. They are waiting for you, ma'am," I had forgotten that Dad asked to have lunch with him at the villa along with Hunter if not that Miguel remindedChapter 11 "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes." The call ended afterward, and I breathed out after I tossed my phone on the seat next to me. I started the car and drove off.

I arrived at the villa about twenty minutes later, and I headed straight to the dining hall where I met Dad and Hunter waiting for me.

"I thought you forgot about our lunch plan today. I guess you aren't that busy to forget such an important meeting." Dad smiled atas I took a seat beside him. Well, I would've forgotten, so thanks to Miguel for reminding me.

1 "Something cup in the kids' school, so I had to hurry there," I explained to Dad.

"What happened? Did the kids get hurt?" Hunter asked worriedly, but I just smiled at him and shook my head. "What happened?" Dad asked.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| "They got into a fight with their classmate, but it's already sorted out now," I replied to Dad, and he nodded. "Con, let's eat. I had the maids make this delicious meal for us. Con," We began eating. The atmosphere was quite boring and awkward, especially with the silence, but I enjoyed it like that regardless. I wasn't in the mood to hear anyone talk. I had a lot on my head and couldn't deal with anything at that moment.

"I was thinking of something, Summer," Dad broke the silence, and I had to pause so I could give him all of my attention.

"What's it, Dad?" "I think you should get engaged with Hunter," I almost choked on my food when he said those words. My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes narrowed in shock "What

"Yes, darling, I think you'll both be a perfect match. Hunter is a good man, and he is the only one Dean trust you with He is the only man I trust to be able to take care of you," He further said, and I huffed. Dad..

I know you don't love me, Summer...

But I've always loved you from the moment I set EN set my eyes on you. I promise you that you won't regret this if you give us a chance together..." "I'm not ready for this, Hunter, I'm sorry..." "I know what y t you're worried about. You don't have feelings for me, and I know that. My love is enough for us... I'm willing to wait for you undly I you...

"Dad... I think I should be excused. I'm sorry.) when Dad spoke up.

you would have to continue the lunch without me," I stood up, grabbed my handbag, and started leaving

"Xander Hughes... Is it because of him? Are you rejecting Hunter because you still have feelings for that monster?" My footsteps slowed down until they stopped, and I froze on the spot. What did I just hear? Did Dad know who Xander was?