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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96 [ALEX] I was blinded by rage, seeing only red.

In my six years of being a member of the Mafia, I had never been attacked. That was partly why I stayed a silent member- if something happened to me, my parents would bringback to life just to killagain.

This was the first tan enemy had managed to get close enough toto take a shot, and it enragedthat I didn't even know who sent them. To my own f*cking house.

Sixty three of their men had come, and sixty two were dead. The only alive man? The one who was chasing Mia, and it took every ounce of my restraint to not drive the bullet through his skull for it.

"Sir, you have to agree, the timing is suspicious," Dominic says while I wash the blood from my hands and face before we enter the interrogating room.

Usually, I would have indulged him, even if I just pretended to. Today, all I saw was red. "I don't pay you for your opinions, Dom," I hissed. "I need to know who sent these men. Don't showyour face till you have information for me." He nods stiffly and disappears from my eyes, and I enter into the interrogation room where the man I had shot was strapped down to the chair, and Mia was in the opposite corner.

As soon as she heard my footsteps, she raised her face from between her knees, standing up. "Why- Why am I here?" "I already told you... so you can watchkill him." "And I already told you, I don't know who he is. I- He means nothing to me!" "Then you won't have any issues seeing him die, right "Of course I would have an issue, Mr. King!" She cried out, "I am a normal person! This- This isn't normal." "Mr. King?" I c*ck an eyebrow, walking to her. "Tellyou know my name, Mia." She snaps out of whatever anger she was in, blinking as if processing what I had just asked before she shook her head. "I- I don't." "Jesus." Either she was really innocent, or too good at faking it. "Alex," I tell her. "It's Alex." "Alex," she repeats softly.

"Now, one last tbefore I kill him. Do you know him in any way?" I ask her. "Is he here for you?" She shakes her head and turns to see him which is when I notice the huge cut in what she was wearing, exposing most of her back.

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"Mia," I call her, trying my best to keep the venom out because I have seen earlier how much it scares her. “Did he touch you?" "What?" She asks, surprised.

"Your back..." Her hand reaches behind her, and she gasps, as if noticing it for the first tbefore turning to me.

"I- I didn't.." she stammers.

1/3 10:40 Wed, Jun 12 0 Chapter 96 "Don't be afraid," I try softening my voice. "Tell me, did he try to touch you?" She shakes head. “I- I think this must've happened when I was running from him. I-I didn't even realise." "Okay." "Okay?" She asks.

"Okay," I repeat before turning and shooting him right in the head.

Mia's shrick resonates in the room, her mouth palmed by one of her hands, eyes so widely staring at the dead man before they turn to me. "What did you do?" She cries.

"I killed him," I tell her.

"Wh- Why?" "Did you really think any man attacksin my own house, and gets to live?" I ask her. She blinks, drinking away her tears.

"Besides," I add, "He tried to attack what was mine." "Yours?" She hiccups, and I walk towards her like she was the centre of the gravity that keptafloat.

"What did I tell you about yourself?" I ask her.

"That my life is yours," she inhales, her whisper broken.

"And your death?" I ask her.

"Y-Yours." "Good." I try not smiling, but the ghost of one lingers on my lips any way. "If your life and death is mine, who do you belong to you?" "You?" She asks in a whisper.

"Me. Every part of you is mine." I announce, walking close till there was negligible space between us. The urge to touch her, claim her with more than words overfills me, and takes more restraint to not do it than it had taken to not kill that man earlier.

A wasted effort any way because I had to drive the bullet through his head the moment I saw his bare back. He did that to her.

He touched what was mine.

I place both my hands on the wall on either side of her, caging her in. "Would you have let him touch you, Mia?" Lask, "If he wanted to, would you?" She shakes her head softly, her breath uneven. While it was always out of fear, this tit was not.

"And your boyfriend?" I spit as if it's a poisonous word.

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"No," She breathes.

"Then who can touch you, Mia?" "Y-You." I try my best to keep it inside me- the warmth that spread through my chest, the urge to smile. "And why?" Chapter 96 "Because I belong to you." Her lips quiver.

"Right as f*ck you do." "Are you going to..?" "Am I going to what?" She breaths, as if waiting forto understand.

"What, Mia?" I demand. "Use your words." "T-Touch me."

My, my. I think the glint in my eyes gave up my surprise, because could see the red creeping on her face. My cek strained against my pants, liking the idea a little too much. "I will." I reply, hoping I didn't look as smug as I felt.

I lead her to the second room, and use my gun to shoot the CCTV camera. She gasps, but doesn't shriek.

My shy, innocent Mia doesn't scare Thad away fromany more. Instead, I turn her on. Maybe, Xalways did. Maybe, I had the seffect on her that she had onsince the day I saw her. That itself makes something dark rise in my chest as I hold her hips and place her on the table.

She gasps, her eyes boring into mine with desire and lust.

My c*k was rock hard and painful, Thadita demanding to be free, and had to remind it that it would too soon for her, too fast. I lick my lips. "Open your legs for me, Mia."