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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9 From the sharp, grey suit the man in front ofwas wearing to his hair set perfectly with heat and gel till the last strand, he screamed money. And not to forget the smile on his lips,, so conceited, so wicked.

I didn't want to talk to him, but it seemed like he could be here ir Gabriel.

1 offered him a little smile, only what looked polite. "Can I help you? "Only you can help me." His lopsided smile did not sit right with me.

"Excuse me?" "You are one of the housemaids, yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

My lips parted slightly. I knew I didn't look my best in the oversized sweats I was wearing, but I did not look shabby. Heck, all the housemaids here were wearing a uniform. Could he seein that uniform? "I'm actually Gabriel's wife." "Ah. He clicked his tongue. "Apologies. He didn't look sorry. He wasn't apologising. He knew exactly what he was doing. when he calleda housemaid, and he knew what he was doing when he stepped ahead, and much to my discomfort, forwarded his hand.

Not seeing any way to get out of it, I hesitantly shook it and took it back the moment I could.

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He looked atin a way that madesquirm under his gaze, shivers all the way down to his spine. Pulling a lopsided smile to his lips, he said, "You're really gorgeou orgeous.

"Is that why you thought I was a housemaid?" The smile turned to a laughter. "Have I offended you, sweetheart?" "It's Sofia." I replied dryly, crossing my hands in front of my chest. "Are you here for Gabriel?" "I was, but now that I have finally met you, I must tell you what a number you have done on your husband. That man has never looked in as much hurry to leave for has he was in last night, and I can see why" His sight shamelessly moved from my face all the way down to my feet. I was completely covered in oversized sweatshirts, but he madewant to co up even more.

I still stayed my ground, my expressions poker. "I'll call Gabriel and let him know you're here." Saying as much, I turned grab my phone but froze half way when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, stopping me.

Arthur's hand.

"Excuse me?" 1 scowled, turning back to face him, immediately pulling my hand away. The smile I was holding to be polite was long gone and the fact that the man was still standing there looking smug irked me.

He could be an important person to Gabriel, I reminded myself. He could be an important person to Gabriel. He could be an important person to Gabriel. He could be-1 "Chill" He raised both his hands up, "I don't bite." "Please do not touchagain! "Whatever you want, sweetheart." He only smirked, “I just cto leave this s file for your husband" He raised a file that was in his other hand, one I hadn't even noticed till now and placed it on the table.

1/3 Chapter 9 I crossed my hands in front of my chest, the scowl still on my face.

TII see you at the charity gala, I hope?" I didn't reply.

He didn't look like he was expecting one, because with the sst*pid smirk on his lips, he turned on his heels and left.

I watched as he walked out before letting go of my scowl and shaking my head. Who was he to cinto my house and hold my hand? That was so inappropriate.

I turned to go back inside, and saw nobody. Luna was supposed to be behind me, at least she was when Arthur had come, and now she was nowhere. Weird, but I didn't think much of it.

I didn't even feel like painting anymore.

I just shook my head, and returned to my room.

GABRIEL "Sir." Peter whispered tofrom behind, annoyingly for the third tin the sminute.

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Other times I had just dismissed him, but this tI turned behind to glare at him.

He shut up.

With that, I turned my attention back to my meeting, one I had been preparing for three months now. We were planning to expand our brand ahead in eight different countries in Europe, and the budgeting had been a task so far.

"I think England is a far more approachable option in Jason stopped talking and cleared his throat, his eyes set behind me. "Mr. Whitlock, your assistant looks very uncomfortable.

Cursing under my breath, I turned back to Peter, who looked more timid than ever. "What is it, Peter?" "Sir, we need to talk. He barely murmured, his voice almost nonexistent.

"And it can't wait till this meeting gets over?" Even as pale as he got, he shook his head.

I groaned. "Mr. Williams, please excuse us for a moment?" He nodded and I grabbed Peter by his arm, dragging him outside. "Peter, Jason Williams is here as a special favour to my grandfather and I swear to God, if this isn't important, I will fire you." Peter gulped. "Sir, you know that file you had asked Mr. Geller to drop?" "If this is about the fact that he hasn't dropped the file yet, I will fire you first and then I will make sure you don't get a job anywhere else." "He did drop the file, Sir." "Then why do you look like your grandmother died?" "My grandmother is already dead, Sir." Chapter 9 th "Peter." I warned. I didn't have a lot of patience, and sometimes people tested every end of it.

"Sorry." He gulped, "You had asked Mr. Geller to call before he drops in the file and he called and you were busy so I told him he could drop the file and leave." I tapped my shoes to the marble floor. "So what is the issue?" "He dropped the file at your house." My eyes narrowed. "And?"

"And... Peter's voice was barely audible, "And he m-met- m-met Mrs. om Whitlock And And And I believe he made her uncomfortable." I took in a sharp breath, growling, "He made her uncomfortable how?" "I- I don't know, Sir. Luna- Luna- She said there was touching involved. I- I don't know." "He touched her?" "I-I don't know."

Then know! I pay you to know." | almost shouted, voice way louder than I intended. I was contemplating firing Peter on the spot, but at least he was better than the last three better than pack bunnies had hired who seemed more interested in eye f'ckingthan doing their godda*n job. "You need to go inside and apologise the f*ck to Jason Williams, tell him I am having a family emergency and get another appointment with him. because if he leaves from here disappointed, I will fire you. Clear?" Peter nodded. "W- Where are you going. Sir?" I looked at him like he was st*pid. "Home, Peter. I'm going home." ☐ END GIFT 0 X