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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80 When Gabriel got back, it was as if a flip had switched in him. His eyes were distant, cold, angry, "If I wouldn't have chere today, I would have never known about my kids?" He demanded. "Your kids?" I raise my eyebrows. "I carry them for eight months, and they're suddenly your kids?!" "You know what I mean." H "No, actually, I don't." I scowl, "You chose to givedivorce papers. I left you a voicemail telling you I'm pregnant and that you're welcto be a part of the kids' life and I don't want anything from you if you don't want to be around for them." "What voicemail?" He asked, cutting off my little rant.

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I tried ignoring his curled up fists. "The one I left you, about a month and a half after I left." "I didn't get any voicemail, Sophia." I flinch at the coldness in his tone. I called you and you never picked up. I thought maybe it's because I called from an unknown number, so I left you a voicemail but I never heard back from you." "One voicemail! That's how you wished to inform me, a voicema?" I scowl. "You should be thankful I did that, because I didn't owe it to you after you serveddivorce papers and when I called you, your f*cking ex picked up." He takes a deep breath as if he was exasperated, as if it took every ounce of his will power to lean on the wall acrossand not cross the distance between us. “I ran into Lily at a local cafeteria the day before you chome. We accidentally exchanged phones, and I didn't even realise it till I wat at my grandfather's, who toldyou were home. And when I rushed home, you were gone!" If I hadn't been manipulated by him before, I would have actually believed him. "Why are you lying to me? What are you going to get out of it?" "Freckles... what?" His lips parted, and the way he calledFreckles in that little, surprised gasp hurt. "Why... Why would lie to you?" "I don't know." I raise my shoulders in a tiny, tired shrug. I saw her call. At my grandfather's house, I saw the caller I her. You leftthere and had to return because she called. You lied toabout it being a work emergency, and you continued lying toall the days I was there. And you're lying tonow givingsbullshit story about how sh you and you accidentally exchanged phones.

into "Sophia..." he takes quick steps towards me, and stops in his way when I squeeze myself further aback into the chair, not wanting to be close to him. He takes a deep breath. "I didn't.. I wasn't..." He stutters.

I shake my head.

He goes on, "You're right, I did get a call from Lily. The only reason I didn't tell you that was because you were grieving your grandfather and I didn't want to upset you more. But I didn't he to you. I didn't cback for her. It was my grandfather on the other end, calling from Lily's phone. He calledback. He was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I spent the three days that you weren't there flying to the best oncologist in America, and then meeting Lily's uncle Dr. Michael Grant at that cafe because if the paparazzi would've snappedat his clinic, it would've been a PR disaster. That's why I met him at the cafeteria and that's where I met Lily. She just wanted to know if was leaving you and going back to her, and I told her no, She left. That's all.

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I blink, processing every word he said. Unable to find a proper response, I settle on, "Alister has cancer?" 1/3 ||| Chapter 80

"A contract marriage," he corrects me. "A means to an end. But youn because than that to se so much more than me, Freckles." His hands, shaking as they were, hold mine. I ignore the way my hands burn under his touch, how a simple touch ignites a fire inthat I thought was long dead. "I will never leave you," He promises.

"It's too little too late, Gabriel,” I raise my shoulders. "I spent the entire tof our marriage scared that I would fall for you and you would leavefor Lily. I was always so terrified of you leavingthat I didn't realise thatleaving you was an option too."

"You have lied tofrom the start, Gabriel. You beceverything I dreamt of in a man while there was a girl waiting for you. You knew it, and you letfall for you any way, the You and consequences be dam*ed. And I was so crazy for you by the tI found out, I lived with any pieces you offered. You didn't even tell Lily that you wanted to stay withtill our six months ended. I was insecure all the time. I was left feeling foolish and rive at the end of it" Tears I was holding break free silently. "So, Gabriel, I don't care if you don't want to leavenow; because I'm leaving you." I took my hands off him and got up and walked away, just like he had done tosix months ago in my grandfather's house.
