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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Four. Months. Later, I swole.

Being six months pregnant was hard. Being pregnant with twins was harder. And it being a high-risk pregnancy because. apparently your uterus wasn't getting big enough and one of the babies' growth was restricted? The hardest.

Not to forget the number of hospital and medicine bills this was bringing.

I couldn't find a way around my old insurance, and since I wasn't on any insurance any more, I had to pay everything out of pocket. I always thought it was being pregnant that would be the hard part, but it was paying for the number of ultrasounds and blood tests and doctor checkups and injections that I required.

I did work for two months, and almost every last cent I earned from that and my savings was spent at the doctor's clinic. The amount I somehow did end up saving was blown on buying two tickets back to my hometown, forand Luna.

As nice as my new neighbours had been tosince my bump started showing, my first stance remained. This wasn't the kind of place I could bring two infants to. Besides, between one room being mine here and the other being Luna's, I didn't even have the place to set up the cots.

I hadn't even bought cots.

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In the last week of my second trimester (after which I wouldn't be allowed to travel), we flew back. We landed in the city, and then travelled four hours to reach my hometown.

My grandfather's house, now mine according to his will but I was having a hard tcoming to terms with that, was dusty. Being shut since the past six months had done that to it, and we spent the night cleaning up.

The rest of the week I spent changing the guest room into the babies' room. I was putting off going outside the house, and Luna was the one who boughtpaints. I painted it a very pastel blue with white clouds and stars. I know I wanted a hanging moon light and two cots kept close to each other, but for getting that, I would have to move out of the house and I wasn't ready for that. I didn't want to meet people.

That night, after dinner, there was a knock on the door.

I exchanged a look with Luna.

Nobody knew I was here.

"Stay here," Luna said, grabbing a knife and went to answer the door herself. I could have been careless coming back here after being kidnapped here, but if the person's problem really wasbeing Gabriel's wife. I wasn't his wife anymore. I don think he would cafternow that the divorce articles had already hit all news channels months ago. But I had to still be careful, pregnant and all, which was partly the reason I hadn't stepped out of the house much.

Luna answered. "Yes?" "Um. Who are you?" A voice outside asked.

"You have cto my house. I should be the one asking you." ta "Your house? Did.. Did Sophia sell the house to you?" The voice becincreasingly familiar even though I was at a distance. My eyebrows knit and I got up from the couch with a lot of difficulty. Being six months pregnant does that to you.

"Sophia? You know her?" Luna asked.

"Yeah. I am was one of her best friends. My name's Sam. Look, if you have her number or something, or anywhere I can 1/3 reach her? That'll be great- A pang of guilt filled me, and Luna looked athesitantly. I nodded.

Luna got aside, giving him way. "Here? She's here?" Sam's voice was reluctant, but his steps were quick.

He froze when he cin, looking atwalking towards him.

"Soph." His eyes flickered fromto my belly, and then back to me. "You're...." "Pregnant?" I offered.

"Here. His muscles relaxed, "You're here." He walked ahead, wrapping his arms around me, and I hugged him back.

"Where were you?" He asked, "I called you everywhere. I went to the city, to your house. L... I lodged a complaint with the police, Soph. F*ck." My face fell, the guilt returning. Im sorry. L. I just... Grandpa, and then the divorce and then this..." "It's okay. He offersa little smile, “I'm so glad you're here. And you're okay. Welchome?" Thanks. I smile back. "Dinner?" "No. No. He chuckled, T've had a really hectic day at work. I just saw the lights were on a couple days ago and couldn't stop myself from checking if it was you." Ismile.

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He continues, I'll cback, yes? Tomorrow? You can fillin about everything" "Sam" I asked, hesitant, stopping him before he could leave. "You said you went to the city. To my house." He nods: "Did you... Did you meet Gabriel by any chance?" "Yes. His lips thinned. “He wasn't alone." It's weird how my heart sank every time, breaking all over again.

"He never deserved you, Soph, Sam added. I try nodding or giving him a smile, but nothing comes. "What're your p tomorrow? "Oh, I have to go to pick out a cot." "At mom and me?" He asked.

"Yeah. The one and only." "Can I calong?" My eyes narrow. "Aren't you working tomorrow?" "It's Saturday, Soph "Oh All the days felt the sthese days, and specially since I had been busy painting their nursery. "Sure," I smile. "Only if you want to," "I want to," he smiles back. "I'll pick you up at noon?" Chapter 70 1mod "Bye" He waves and I wave back. Luna shuts the door behind him, frowning.

What is it?" I ask her, making my way back to the couch.

"I don't like him," she says.

I chuckle. "Gabriel didn't either She raises her shoulder in a shrug.

Tve just missed having friends, I tell her. She says something on the line of her understanding before om disappearing into the kitchen. I open my phone to Alice's number, and the urge to dial it overcomes me. But I can't.

She shifted to the city, and I hurt her by disappearing. I had promised to never do that again, and yet I did. I had to explain to her how my mental health deteriorated, and how I spent the past few months bringing back my will to live and look ahead to a future, and I didn't have the energy for maintaining friendships because everything I did have went in earning and surging. I knew explanations were due and I will make them the day they don't feel like excuses to myself. I shut my phone, retreating to my room when I felt like peeing for the sixth tin this shour.

When I'm alone and what Sam told me- about Gabriel not being alone I in throw up all the food I had settles in, I throw for dinner, and let sleep be the small bandage over the hollowness in me. X