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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 We were late to Anna's birthday the next day because once we started having sex again, there was no stopping. It was definitely easier when there was no staff around and the entire house could be used. Nothing was off limits.

It was hard to go to work after the shower session, and even harder to go to Anna's birthday. We were late, but she was fine with it when she saw the gift I picked for her from Channel. All was forgotten and forgiven.

Zach and Gabriel did sneak off for stfor work things, leaving the birthday girl pouting. Apparently, the charity gala was scheduled the next weekend, a stark reminder that it had been five and a half months since I got married to Gabriel and would mark two months since I got to know about Lily. And got kidnapped the week after.

Twas passing so fast that I wanted everything to pause right as it was, We stayed there that night because we were playing monopoly till four in the morning. Yes, monopoly. I thought it would be weird playing with two billionaires, but it wasn't. Gabriel was oddly competitive though, and Zach self sabotaged because Anna was losing and apparently, she was a sore loser.

I was sleepy the entire day at work, but Gabriel wasn't. He looked like he had slept for twelve hours straight, and I looked like a drug addict roaming around for coffee every hour.

At midday. Gabriel asked everyone to go home. I think he couldn't seemoping around in sleep any more, and when he insisted that I should go home, I refused telling him I didn't want special treatment just because I was his wife. So, he sent the entire floor home.

My new friends lovedand even more after their boss let them go hearly because of me.

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That weekend, I grabbed drinks with them. Gabriel knew and surprisingly, he was okay with it. My bodyguard was at a safe distance at all times and as long as I didn't ditch him, Gabriel sail I could have all the fun I wanted. I didn't tell him that I didn't have any plans of ditching my bodyguard because as much as I pretend to be okay on most days, I still have nightmares about being kidnapped. I feel scared being alone in public without Gabriel and this was only the second or third tI had been.

I got dressed with the girls at their apartment. They insisted I wear a short dress but when I didn't budge, they letsettle on jeans and a really s*xy black corset top that I borrowed from iv.

sip would knockdown.

While they all had shots, I had a LIFT. It was strong but not in the sense that one sip By the teveryone was on their sixth shot, I had just finished my first drink, and the buzz started hitting.

I wish it would've been the good kind, but it wasn't. I felt anxious and paranoid.

I immediately removed my phone and texted my husband. 'Hi' Before I could wait for a reply, my phone was snatched and placed on the table with a thud that madecringe. "No phones allowed," Mike all but yelled in my ear, and then added in a small voice, “Unless you were texting our boss in wh case I absolutely did not stop you." I chuckled, lying, "Nope. Not texting the boss." "Good" He gavea lopsided grin, "You both actually seem pretty in love, you know?" "Yeah?" "Yeah. Like there were snasty rumours when you both got married." My curiosity overtook me, and I had forgotten all about my paranoia. "Like what? I married him for money?" 1/3 Chapter 58 "Nah. We all knew our boss is too smart to get trapped down for money." My eyebrows furrowed. "Then what?" "They said you were a witch that hypnotised him." Baylen Benny chimed in from across the table.

My mouth hung low. "So he's not smart enough to dodge a witch" "It's a witch. Ethan replied, "No one can dodge a witch." "What're you guys talking about?" Eve was all cars and suddenly, the entire table was a part of the conversation.

"I'm telling her about the nasty rumours we heard when she and boss got married." "Oo. I got a good one!" Liv swayed a little because eight shots does that to you. "I heard you were pregnant." I frowned, taking a sip of the melted ice water left in my finished LIIT. I'm very not pregnant, thank you very much." "I heard he lost a bet and had to marry you because of it. Benny added.

My mouth hung again. "Yes, guys, lay it all on me. Why protect my feelings?" All of them broke into chuckles. We know now that all of it isn't true," Benny said, "He's completely wrapped around your finger.

Yup. Never seen him like this. That's why I won't discard the witch theory." Ethan teased, and I threw one of the plastic straws at him that he dodged effortlessly while laughing.

"I heard it was an arranged marriage," Eve eyed me.

Sober Sofia would have coughed and flustered. Tipsy Sofia flashed her a grin. “Nope. He savedfrom kidnappers. And he boughtthirty two rings." I flashed my engagement ring at her Olivia's eyes sparkled. "Your ring is so pretty." "Are we going to skip over the part where she said kidnappers?" Mike asked in the background.

"Gee. Eve held my hand to closely inspect my new ring. "Can I share your rings with you? I like diamonds." I nodded at her enthusiastically.

"So we are going to skip over the kidnap part." "Not my wedding ring though, I conditioned.

"Of course not" She replied in a duh voice.

"So I guess we are skipping over it." "Over what?" Gabriel's voice boomed over out booth, and we all went dead silent.

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I was the first to overcthe shock and turn to face him.

He was still in his work clothes, but just the white shirt and blue trousers, hands tucked in pockets.

"Gabriel" I stood up "What're you doing here?"

"You textedand then you disappeared, Freckles. I've beenm calling you and you didn't answer" He кочала looked atwith a slight frown "Are you okay?" Chapter 58 "Yes. L." My checks heated. "Lmissed you.' He c*cks an eyebrow. "Are you buzzed?" "A little?" I pick tup my LIIT which was now only melted ice water and offer it to him.


He shakes his head. "Well, since you're missing me, I should join you." He peaks over my shoulder to my friends: They all stare back at him, dazed and tipsy, He glares.

"Y-Yes Sir. Join us. Benny offers, stammering and evidently nervous. "I mean, please. Please join us."

Very well then. It's settled. My husband gives them a saccharine smile and sits on the chair the chair Thad just gotten up from. pullingonto his lap. "What're we talking about?" "Rumours about our wedding. I murmur and all my friends give him a death glare.

"Is it?" He shakes his hand around me, thoroughly amused. "Humour me." "Apparently, I am a witch who has enchanted you, I giggle, snaking my hands around his neck, hiding my face in his chest.

X "Can't say they're wrong. He raises his shoulder in a small dismissive shrug. "You have enchanted me, little witch.

1 giggle in his arms, happy he was here, avoiding all my friends smiles and snickers.