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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57 Gabriel always keeps his word. He letrun through the house and he chasedlike he was a predator and I, his favourite prey "Caught you." He muttered when I tripped on one of the stairs in the back house, sitting overwith his knees on either side of me, careful to not exert his weight on me. "You know what's going to happen now, don't you, my little mouse?"- His hands gripped my shirt from behind and he tore it. Tore. It I gasped, left in only my bra, face down on the stairs.

"The... cameras... I breathed.

"You really think I'm going to let someone watch you naked, baby?" He mumbled, kissing my back while unhooking my bra. "I mean I might if you're into the kink, but then I'd have to gouge their eyes out. Actually no, not even then. Don't want it to live in their memory either." He smacked my a*s, and I gasped. I doubted this was his form of dirty talk, but it turnedon crazy. His possessiveness, his protectiveness, him. He could read Shakespeare toin this position and I would still be turned on.

He pulled my pants down without unbuttoning them, and let them pool at my ankles. I wriggled to get them off completely, but couldn't because his hands were holding my arms down from behind, and he thrusted into me. I could feel his bulge through his pants.

"At my mercy, as it should be." He bit my neck, and I cried out his name.

Then, there was a pause. His belt was unbuckled, and his pants were removed.

"You feel me, little mouse?" He positioned himself at the entrance of my a*s, his fingers tracing my wetness.

"Gabriel... My eyes widened.

"You remember the safe word?" I nodded. Excited. Confused. Scared. All of it together. He was stroking himself, putting lube on him.

He was going to claim my a*s.

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He was going to.

oh my.

"What're you doing? Gabriel. Stop." I was terrified, I was very much a virgin there. And still, I couldn't bring mysel safe word, "Askto stop and I'll just go harder. If you really wantto stop, use the safe word." "S-Stop" He pulled my body up, spreading my butt cheeks so far, they hurt. He spankedwhile positioning himself at my entrance, and then let my butt cheeks go. The clasped around his d*ck, even though he was inside by barely an inch.

"Gabriel stop He pushed inside another inch. Or more. I don't know. I dazed out the next minute, the pain, the pleasure, my stomach doing flips inside me..

1/3 Chapter 57 My p*ssy dripped, and when I focused on him again, he was all inside. Positioned.

"Do youto stop?" "Yes." I replied, while shaking my head.

He removed himself half, and thrusted again.

"F*ck!" I screamed.

This wasn't like losing my virginity. It was so much..... more.

"So tight." He murmured. Another thrust.

"Just made for me." Thrust again.

"Taking it in so perfectly More thrusts.

I moaned. I begged. I screamed, even though I knew I shouldn't-my vocal cords having just healed a few weeks ago and all that. But, I didn't care. In the truest sense possible. I didn't care.

I was a dripping mess.

I wanted more. I wanted everything.

I wanted him to go harder, even if I couldn't take it. Especially if I couldn't take it.

The orgasm that hit was different than any orgasm I've ever had more intense, more something I couldn't point at. It was awesome.

I was sweating despite it being cold around us and when he let go of me, I thumped to the carpeted stairs, eyes shut. I could literally see stars.

But the high of my climax didn't last long because Gabriel had claimed my other hole without warning, thrusting all the way inside. He was pounding my p*ssy just like he promised, even though I was completely out of it.

"G-G- Gab... Gabriel." I moaned as his thrusts got quicker, and tears filled my eyes, My *ss hurt, and now so did my vagina, especially as he pinched it and spanked my ass while f*ckingnow.

My eyes were shut. I had given up on even trying to open them. He bent on me, sinking his teeth into the other side o neck, pressing my boobs so hard like it didn't hurt me.

It did. A lot.

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But I think I got off on the pain, because I loved it. Especially when he pinched my nipples.

I yelped. I gasped. I squirmed. I wriggled.

He didn't letgo, not even when I asked him to stop. I begged him to stop. And every time, he toldif I really wanted him to, I could use the safe word. I didn't.

I liked giving up my control, I liked that he did things towithout my permission.


O It was a f*cked up kink to have, it madefeel ashamed and guilty sometimes, but when I was under him, when he took ine without my permission, when he went harder and harder every tI asked him to stop as if I had woken beast inside ham, an insatiable animal, I didn't feel bad about it anymore. I let go of my control, and all I felt was desired. Touched. by the right man, who I knew would pickup and taketo our bed after he had his way with me. Chapter 57 And God, was he good at this.

I cthrice before he did, and then slept next to him on the stairs, panting, sweaty, naked, hair messed up. My favourite look on him.

"I didn't Use a condom, f*ck. He turned his head to me. "I didn't think I needed a condom for what I was about to do, and then I saw your p*ssy dripping and I just... lost control. I'm so sorry" "If this is your apology, I might be gearing up for a round four, smiled at him softly.

He raised his eyebrows, before pulling a smile to his lips as well and leaning overagain. "That can be arranged." I giggled, and he kissed me. A soft kiss.

The sudden realisation hitthat we were kissing after more than a month, and it was as if he thought of the sthing, because he bent down again, and kisseddeeper. More properly. Lighting up magic in my stomach. And then pulled away, just as breathless as me. 1 passed my hand through his messy hair. "Did you cin"No. I don't think so. *, Freckles, you makelose control." I kissed his chin. "I'll take a pill later just to be safe." He looked hesitant. "You sure? It has side effects." Tll be okay. A little giggle escapes my lips. He cares forin the little ways, and they always win my heart. "Where is everyone in the house?" "I sent them to see their families." "All of them?" He grinned, a sparkle in his eyes, his voice the kind of husky that madeswoon. "All of them." I shake my head. He adds, "Now, lettake care of you.

Then, he picksup in his arms and takesto bed just like I thought he Ο would, runningbath because he Ο thought would be sore. I was, and I might even need a pain killer. But it was totally worth it. When he putin the tub and washed my hair for me, I realised I was irrevocably in love with him. There was no back, ever.