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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117 [ALEX] A storm raged inside my head, and there was one just one person at the centre of it. Mia Carson. Her st**y enchanting grey eyes and brown locks that had captivated my mind since the moment I first saw her. Every part ofwanted to go to her room and **k that mouth that had spewed accusations atlast night, but the sensible part of me, that part knew by all logic she was entitled to her own hurt and feelings and I needed to let her be.

I credit my mother for feeling all that empathy she had instilled inside somehow when I was a child while all I wanted to do was watch things burn.

And they will.

Xander will pay for making my Mia cry.

Nobody gets away with f**g withthe way he did, and he did it intently. He made my Mia cry.

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"Thanks for meeting me," I say to Hannah with no real gratitude once she gets into my car.

She shakes her head, dismissing my thanks. "Why did you call me?" "I just felt like seeing my beautiful fiancée." She stares atlike I had grown two heads, shifting her weight uncomfortably by crossing her legs. Her skin which was usually caked with layers of make-up was bare, her eyes sunken and her blonde hair braided into messy locks resting on her one shoulder. "What?" I smile. They're as fake as they come, but she doesn't need to know that. "We were set to marry early next year, but... I was thinking we should push the date up. How about... next month?" "You want to marry me?" Her eyes were wide. "I- I thought you were searching ways to call it off.” "Changed my mind." "B- But why?!" "Something about what Xander said last night, about how you're beautiful." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Xander said that?” Her surprise was audible. "He said you should marrybecause I'm beautiful?" "Something on those lines." "That son of a..." She mutters, and then shuts herself up, looking at me. "I don't want to marry you, Alex." I pretend to be hurt. "You've wounded me." "I don't love you." She takes an exasperated breath, looking so done with my s**t.

0 "Love doesn't exist, Barbie,” I mocked. “I can give you status, money, power. And I'd say I'm not bad looking. So what is it?" "I love somebody else," she plainly replied.

1/3 Chapter 117 I smirk. "Somebody else as in the unhinged idiot who trodded into my house last night wanting to share a girl withand encouragingto marry you? Hurt flashes in her eyes, and I knew that had little to do with the fact that I told her I was f** someone else. She blinks, covering up the emotions like the perfect robot she was raised to be. "This girl," she comments, "She's yours?" "She's mine." I established. “And I'm going to blow your Ken up for suggesting he could share her. Unless, you givea reason not to." After a successful morning doing what I do best AKA f**g up peoples lives for sport, I returned to my house, and more specifically to the girl who was sitting on the couch impatiently. She looked freshly bathed, her hair semi dried, but her eyes were distant. I don't think she had gotten much sleep last night or eaten anything from the breakfast I had asked the chef to make especially for her.

Lana stood behind her watching Mia closely, who springs up on seeing me.

"Where were you?" Her accusatory glance fell upon me, and she crossed her hands in front of her chest.

She was cute when she was all worked up.

"Work," I replied.

"Sit. I'll tell you everything." She instructed me, and I blink slowly, taking my place on the couch. I don't miss the way she intentionally puts distance between us and sits across me, or the way she looks sad.

Oh, Xander was going to die for this.

"I had a best friend. Her nwas Alina. She and her family died in a fire in their house six months ago because of a faulty fuse." Mia pauses, takes a breath to calm the shakiness in her voice. "She wasn't even supposed to be there. She had shifted out, and she was just- she was just visiting. All of them died." The muscle in my jaw clenched. "So when you heard theand Bakshi talking about a fire.." "You mentioned it being around six months ago. Seven now, I should say, since I've been here for over a month." She sniffed. "I recorded it because I- I thought you could be responsible for it and I wanted to get to the end of it." "Okay." "Okay?" She looks up, maintaining eye contact for the first tsince morning. I hated the tears glistening in them and only Xander will pay for each one. "So- So, did you do it?" I shook my head. "I am hearing her nfor the first time." "Sandler. That's her last name. It doesn't ring any bells?" I hated how her voice was full of hope, as were her expressions.

I shook my head..

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"Are you lying?" She confirmed one last time.

"I thought we had established last night I am a liar, and I was playing you all along," I subtly taunt.

She retreats back into her seat. "You're lying?" 2/3 Chapter 117 "Why should I tell you the truth if you don't believeany way?" Mia's mouth opens, and then closes. Her nose flares, anger visible when she gets up. "I told you what you wanted to know. Letgo now." "No." She glares at me. "You can't keepcaptive forever, King." She seethes out the fake last name. "As it i Queen here." I wanted to roll my eyes at her childish taunts and tantrums. "Dispose off the trash." we need to make space for your The need for murder I had been concealing since last night rises in the form of anger and with a swift motion, I grab her arms and pin her to the wall.

"What did I tell you last night?" I growl, "Do not bad mouth yourself. You are not disposable, and you're certainly not trash." Challenge consumes her gaze. "I am not allowed to badmouth myself? What about that friend of yours when he assumed I "He will pay for it."

"Letgo, Alex." She hisses, wiggling more violently."I am going to go hYou can't keephere forever. I told know, so letgo." "No." a prostitute?" what you wanted to

"I am going to go any way." Fire burns in her eyes. "I am going to walk but of here. If you want to stop me, ask your En men to put a bullet through my head."

My grip on her foosens at the hate seeping in her words, and my m eyebrows furrow. "'Alt this sudden dislike just because you found out the deal betweenand Hannah?” "It's not a deal!" She cries. "It's an engagement. Call it so. And yes, that is why." "Then there's an easy fix to it." I step back, my arms folded in front of my chest.

She freezes, and I knew she hated the hope in her voice. "What?" "I'll not marry her then.” I announce. Her gaze softens.

"You won't?" "No," A sinister smile plays on my lips. "I'll marry you instead." A/N: My new book called 'My Bully Alpha' is out NOW! The first chapters are posted now! Please do give it a chance.