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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112 [MIA] It was just the four of us after dinner when Ronan brought the cake out.

With his hazel eyes and lighter hair and that toothy grin that was basically always on him, he gave off major golden retriever energy. I could see why everyone babied him.

His grin was extra wide as he used the frosting I had made to make a crooked smile on the cake before cutting it like it was his birthday.

"Mia has made this with a lot of love, by the way," he added for precaution before cutting two huge pieces, giving one to each of the older Whitlock twins.

Aurora looked excited about it while Alex was neutral as they both took a bite each. Ronan pretended to take a piece for himself and one for me, passinga mischievous look.

I shake my head, grimacing as I saw the change in both their expressions.

God. I wanted to hide.

This is what I do for a living, and Aurora's first impression of my work is going to be that I'm terrible at it.

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That cake was sweet to the point of death.

Aurora broke into coughs, her eyes widening and reaching her brother who glared at her.

"What? is something wrong?" Ronan blinked innocently, sounding almost offended on my behalf.

Alex shook his head, painfully gulping. "It's perfect.” I bit my lower lip.

Ronan grinned like a fool. "Really? Lethave some." "Nope." Alex snatched the cake from our side until it was out of reach. “Need to save sfor tomorrow. It's that good." I exchanged a look with Ronan, who looked like he wanted to laugh so loud. I, on the other hand, was red.

“Lethave a bite." Ronan prodded, grabbing a spoon to take a bite from the piece in his plate but Alex snatches that too.

"It's for me." "But," Ronan pouts. "I need some." "No." "But-" Alex takes another bite. "I said no. It's mine." I purse my lips to hide my laughter, but I was sure my red cheeks gaveaway, "I can't," I whisper to Ronan.

Chapter 112 He eyesto shut-up, but I just couldn't.

"Please don't have that," I sheepishly confessed, laughing under my breath, “Ronan added cake is considered poisonous." too in it; I'm sure that sweet of a Aurora's eyes widened. "You knew? And you still served it to us?" I flustered. "Ronan's idea." Alex glared at him, while he just grinned like today was the happiest day of his life. "I didn't think Alex spared anyone's feelings, considering how brutally honest he is," Ronan teased smugly, "I guess Mia is the exception." Alex scowls, while Aurora bursts into laughter. "Yes, Alex, what the hell?" She asked, “Would you have eaten the whole piece?" "No." Alex grumbles, but the three of us just laugh while I mumble apologies to no one in particular. "Colleague's sister, huh?" Aurora slaps Alex's shoulder playfully with her own, and I turn even redder.

Alex on the other hand rolls his eyes, not moving a muscle, shaking his head as if the three of us were the bane of his existence, and I think! liked that a little.

Or maybe too much.

goofy, Aurora had been a little cold I didn't want to leave. But the next evening, we had to. I wish I could stay there forever. Ronan was so when I first met her but eventually opened up, Sofia was the sweetest and Gabriel... I didn't have an opinion on him yet. He was nice of course because, I mean, Sofia married him, but I kind of got the feeling that Alex got his cold stares and glares from his father.

Nonetheless, I didn't want to leave. I liked it here where I could talk to people and I felt like a human, not a bird in a fancy cage.

There were a lot of goodbyes before we departed, more towards Alex. Sofia almost cried.

I was pouty before we took off.

"What?" Alex raised his eyebrow at me, studying my expressions. Dominic, who was usually uninterested in almost about anything that concerns me, was also suddenly listening.

"What?" I repeated, shrugging with one shoulder. “Can't I live out my punishment here at your parents house?" He frowns. "No." "But-" "No." I pout more, and it dissolves when the plane starts moving.

"You look pale," Dominic comments the obvious.

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"It's only my second ton a plane. Ever." Iglare at the muscular man, not my smartest decision "okay to get scared."

"The first tI was on a plane, I piloted it." Dominic tells me, and h blink in surprise because it was the first the willingly spoke to me. Till now, I was just a burden. Chapter 112 "But you knew how to pilot, right?" I chuckle nervously. "You took lessons to ride a plane, right? Right?" Dominic's muscles don't move an inch.

"Oh my, God." I gasp, shaking my head. "Good for you, but still very scared. Your hand is still going to be held during the take off."

Dominic gives out a disappointed grunt, and I don't care very much about it. This was more than he had ve spoken tosince I had chere, and that was almost a month. Progress, I was making progress in my new life.

Alex, on the other hand, didn't look too amused. He nonchalantly stared up from the iPad he had been m el scrolling on because he was all about business the second he left home- and looked at his right hand man. "Switch places with me." Dominic raises an eyebrow. "What?" "Switch places with me," Alex repeats, "My seat is highly uncomfortable." "There are six other seats on the plane, Sir." "I want yours. Up, Dom." Dominic grunts again, sounding a lot more bemused this time, but he trades places with his boss nonetheless.

Alex sits next to me, and I cock an eyebrow.

"Planes catching speed," he says in a matter-of-fact way.

I hide a "Mu know." "My hand," he says as in the most nonchalant way ever. "Hold it.” The smile breaks out on my lips as I hold his hand, and he laces our fingers together.

Oh, he likes me.

I stare outside the window, my smile so huge it couldn't be contained.

He really, really likes me. Which was great, because I felt just the sway.