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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 [ALEX] Fuk ng Mia was never the plan.

But I did this thing when it cto her, called not acting like myself. I lost my judgement of right and wrong when she was involved, especially if she was as naked as she was right now, ready for me, pressed against the wall, my dick rubbing against her or gas med vagina that was somehow wet for more.

"Are you ready for me?" I ask her, a mere formality.

She nods almost desperately.

I raise one of her thighs to wrap around me, and then the other thigh follows, her back supported by the wall.

"I am not going to go easy on you, Mia," I tell her, and she bites her lower lip.

She was scared, I could see that, but also turned-on. "I like it rough," she promises.

The tip of my dick teases her entrance for a moment before gently entering her. She was tight, I knew that when I was fingering her, but the resistance ! found was unexpected.

She was a virgin? When she toldshe hadn't sucked a d i c k before, I went nuts by the idea of claiming a first. Her first.

But she had never been d before either? Her eyes twinkled, and when I hesitated to push inside, she wiggled, trying to get it in deeper.

I would have smiled looking at my desperate girl if that was one of the things programmed into do.

I just took her virginity against a wall while I was 'punishing her!.

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I pull out, and get her legs on the ground again.

"Wh-What?" She whines. "Why?" "Get on the bed." I instruct. I wasn't a sentimental guy, but a good girl like her didn't deserve losing her virginity to someone like me. A murder.

I was sure blood repulsed her just as much as I turned her on.

Like an obedient sub, she made her way onto the bed.

"Has your boyfriend ever f u c k e d you, Mia?" I asked her while walking to the bed after her.

Her lips part, and she shakes her head, fear glistening in them.

"No?" I ask.

"No." She confirms.

"And he never will," I promise her, hovering over her as I take one of her s in my mouth, my hand playing with the other one 14:51 Tue, 18 Jun 3 Chapter 102 "Alex." Her gasp is almost instantaneous, melody to my ears.

I trail upwards, sinking my teeth into the skin below her collarbone, marking it. Marking her.

My erection rubs against her pussy again, and she wraps her legs around me, rubbing it to give friction to her abandoned t.

I chuckle darkly while positioning myself at her entrance.

"You like it rough, huh?" I bury my head in her neck to bite her skin while I enter her, and as much as I wanted to claim her all at once, I use all the restraint I was born with to do it slow.

"Al-Alex!" She screams my nwhile I press deeper into her.

"Yes, baby. That's it. I'm almost inside." I was just half way in, pressing further.

"Alex.." she sounded breathless.

I pull out a little, thrusting in slowly. "Your moans are mine,” I groan, the idea of sother man doing to her what I was doing drivinginsane.

I didn't even care if she had a boyfriend outside or if it was a lie, because all her important firsts were mine. "Your pusy is mine." I thrust again. "You are mine." Her wraps around my hair, pulling it as I set my pace, g her raw.

I raise above her, my hands supporting my weight as I look at her closed eyes, pale skin, messy hair.

"Open your eyes, Mia." Thrust. "Look at me." Her breathing was uneven but she does what I ask her to like a good girl, looking back at me.

I thrust into her. "TellI am the only man who gets to fuck you." "You- you are the on-only man allowed." She was breathless as if she wanted to pass out.

"Tellyour puss is mine." She surprisesby doing one better. "I- I am yours." Her words a small whisper, "I- I am close." "Cfor me, Mia." I never had any control issues, but I could barely contain myself when I was inside her. She was tight, and she was made for me. Every bit of her.

Her o r g a m drenches my dick, and when I feel it subsiding, I thrust harder before coming into her.

"Mine," I growl before pulling out of her, watching the daze cover her eyes beneyes as she pants, her perfect nipples moving with her chest. 1 had to look away before she turnson again, because she could do that by not doing anything at all.

Just her.

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I watch as she rolls to the side and cover her with a blanket. I would have offered to run her a bath and as much as carried her into it-least I could do after I took her virginity like it was my right all along-but she looked too out of it.

She mumbled something, something I didn't quite catch.

14.01 Tue, Chapter 102 18 Jun "What did you say, cupcake?" I repeat, but she just blabbers incoherently before passing out completely.

A smile breaks on my lips, small but genuine.

Fuck ng Mia was never the plan. Claiming her and telling her she was mine wasn't either.

But now that I had, 1 knew there was no stopping.

Everything she had to offer was mine.

If she did have a boyfriend outside, I would find him and obliterate his existence. There is nobody, and nothing made that could take this girl away from me.

As the high of my own or a s m subsided I realised I didn't want to just fuck her.

She wasn't just another fuck.

Mia was more.

I never wanted more but when it cto her, I wanted everything.