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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 280
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Chapter 280 The renowned medical organization, with branches worldwide, is a haven for medical prodigies. Honestly, you don't exactly meet the crite to join such an elite group. However, recognizing your potential, the organization has decided to make an exception for you. But be wamed, if your performance isn't up to par, you'll be shown the door without hesitation." The recruitment officer's words were carefully chosen to keep Flora's ego in check. She was already quite full of herself. If she believed the organization needed her, it would only inflate her ego further To ensure Flora understood the prestige of the organization, the recruitment officer continued, "Letput it this way, joining the medical organization is every aspiring medical professional's dream, the pinnacle of their career goals! The University of Maple Grove can't even begin to compare." Flora listened quietly until he finished, then smirked and replied with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, how impressive. I have no interest in your so-called prestigious medical organization, and I respect it even less. I'm only considering the medical department at the University of Maple Grove As for you go back to wherever you cfrom?" Her voice was cold and defiant. After her statement, she slammed the door shut.

The recruitment officer, staring at the tightly closed door, was left fuming with frustration.

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No interest in the medical organization? Looking down on it? Such audacity from a national top scorer! He swore he'd make her regret this "Didn't you go to Cedarvale High and were Flora's classmate? the recruitment officer asked, turning to Selene. Selene nodded, her eyes still on the closed docs, her mind racing.

hat she had just said? Did she just dismiss the world-renowned medical organization so casually? "Excellent" the recruitment officer sneered, a cold smile forming. "From today, the organization will invest its finest resources in you. I want you to outshine her. Soon enough, Flora will have no choice but to look up to you!" By then, Flors would be green with envy.

Selene, head bowed, didn't feel any joy. She sensed the support wasn't because of her talent but as a means to spite Flora, which felt humiliating the living room, Raul and Henrik exchanged glances. Flora's anger was quite the spectacle.

Flora had always wanted to pursue medicine, and the medical organization would have been the best option. But if she disliked it, so be Their girl, no matter where she went, would always shine the brightest.

After the recruitment officer left, he published a lengthy essay It painted Flora as talented but lacking in substance. She was described as rude and arrogant, and her brilliance was overshadowed by her hubris. The medical organization, while valuing talent, placed a higher premium on character. Flora's lack of manners was a disgrice to the organization, and she would never be allowed to join.

The publication caused an d an uproar Everyone had assumed Flom's admission into the medical organization was a done deal, but this was a tic twist.

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Taking the organization's side, public opinion quickly turned against Flora.

Commenter 1, [What's the use of talent? IQ doesn't equate tŒEQ. m stand with the medical organization!)

Commenter 2, [After watching the video, Flora doesn't seem like the person the organization describes... She seems quite polite to mem Kimla classmate of Flora's. She's genuinely nice. Though she may coff as cold to Commenter 3, Keto outsiders, once you get to know her, she's very approachable. She's always helping and tutoring her classmates. Her character is not at all what the medical organization claims] X