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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279 No sooner had Flora sent the message than her phone rang with a call from an unknown number.

She had no intention of answering, but her fingers accidentally tapped the screen while she was typing. She sighed and pressed the answer button.

"Is this Flora? I'm an admissions officer from the Medical Institute. We're arriving in Cedarvale soon. I'll send you our flight details. Make sure you pick us up at the airport" The person on the other end hung up immediately after speaking, followed by a text message. The tone was definitely haughty Flore raised an eyebrow at her phone. Seriously? They wanted her to pick them up? Was this skind of power move? With a chuckle, Flora glanced at the flight information before closing the message and returning to her chat with Connor. Meanwhile, the admissions officer and his team landed at Cedarvale Airport. He scanned the area but saw no sign of Flora. His mood soured. He had called her in advance to ask her to meet them. When they arrived, she was nowhere to be seen. Trying to keep his anger in check, the admissions officer called Flora again.

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After several attempts with no answer, he began to wonder if he had been blocked. His face darkened, and any positive feelings he had towards Flora vanished.

What did it matter if she was a genius? Or the top in the country? The medical orginzation was never short of geniuses. Everyone who made it into it was top-tier in their field. It wasn't her place to throw tantrums Holding back his rage, the admissions officer led his team to the Irving residence, even more determined to put Flora in her place. At the Irving residence, Raul was cooking in the kitchen, with Henrik assisting, while Flora lounged on the couch, eating watermelon and watching TV.

The doorbell rang. Flora put the watermelon down, wiped her hands, and went to open the door.

Six people stood outside. One of them looked familiar It was Selene.

Leading them was a middle-aged man in a white lab coat, wearing a badge on his chest that caught Flora's eye. "Are you Flora?" Flora nodded, arms crossed, leaning against the doorfrwithout inviting them in.

Her casual demeanor further imitated the already displeased admissions officer, Tm an admissions officer from the Medical Institute. I called you earlier," he said, sounding like he was reprimanding a subordinate. "1 had already asked you to pick us up at the airport, and here you are, still in your loungewear at home. You better have a good explanation for this.” Flora slightly raised her eyebrows and smiled slowly. "Ah. Couldn't be bothered." Her words, though few were bold.

The admissions officer's companions, including Selene, all looked taken aback. They couldn't help but think how arogant she was.

Was being the top in the country enough to justify such arrogance? The admissions officer's face soured, thinking she was too naive and unaware of the real world.

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"Flora, you're young and your perspective is limited. You have no manners. I don't blyou for that. Once you cback withto the medical organization, ensure someone properly educates you to rid you of this bad attitude."

Raul and Hennk, hearing the commotion, cout just in tto catch the officer's words, feeling displeased. "No manners?" Flora squinted, amusedly watching him.

"I think a person with manners wouldn't make their guests stand m outside while talking the officer ve replied with a sharp tone. "I might indulge you now, but once you're at the medical organization, you must follow the rules." Flora rubbed her wrists, her thin eyelids lifting. “The medical organization? Never heard of it.”

The admissions officer was taken aback. The medical organization was world-renowned, and she claimed to have never heard of it! X