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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 277
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Chapter 277 "Hmm Flora mulled it over for a moment, then said, "I want to study medicine.

She had been torn between computer science and medicine for quite a while, but in the end, medicine won out. No one could rival Flore in computer science. Harvard had even dangled a tempting offer for her to teach there, but she turned it down..

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The incident with Henrik's surgery had been a wake up call for her. She wanted to get serious about medical training so that if anything like that ever happened again, she could help her loved ones.

When she mentioned her interest in medicine, Mr. Williams eyebrows twitched slightly. Oakville College's strongest program was computer science, their medical program didn't quite stack up to the University of Maple Grove's But he couldn't bear to let such a gem slip through his fingers. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Our medical school is one of the best in the country! If you choose Oakville College, we'll give you a $500,000 scholarship every year and you'll be taught by top-notch professors. How about it? Tempted?" *Flora, don't listen to him!" Mr. Garcia chimed in excitedly. "When it comes to medicine, University of Maple Grove has the clear advantage! Our programs are better! You know about Jules, right?" Mr. Garcia continued quickly. "The medical genius Jules is the dean of our medical school and the vice chancellor! If you choose University of Maple Grove, you could be his protégé, with full tuition waived and an additional $1 million scholarship every year!" He even played his trump card, Flora, didn't your brother graduate from University of Maple Grove? If you chere too, it'll be like keeping it all in the family." Mr. Williams gave a sorrowful look. Flora, your brother already went to University of Maple Grove. Maybe it's tto give Oakville College a chance. spread the love around..." Mr. Williams had fought hard for Henrik back in the day, but Henrik still chose University of Maple Grove, and that had stung for a long Btime.

Henrik, feeling caught in the crossfire, thought, "Why draginto this?" "Mr. Williams, I'm sorry, but I'm leaning towards University of Maple Grove, Flora stood up and apologized to Mr. Williams.

the moment she said she wanted to study medicine, Mr. Williams had almost guessed she would choose University of Maple Grove. After all, their medical program was the best in the country, and they had Jules.

"Flora, computer science is also a great field," he made one last attempt. "Consider it. Coding can be fun." Flora shook her head. "No, thank you." Her gaze was resolute, and Mr. Williams could tell she was someone who wouldn't change her mind easily. He sighed, another brilliant talent slipping through Oakville College's fingers.

Mr. Garcia, on the other hand, couldn't stop grinning, "Flora, welcto University of Maple Grove! So, it's settled, you're one of us now Flora nodded slightly, her expression calm Mr. Garcia handed her his phone number and walked away! elated. Mr. Williams, however, looked crestfallen.

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"Con, it's just one top student. No need to look so down. Let's go grab a drink, Mr. Garcia patted him on the shoulder, voice deep

Mr. Williams couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Just one top student?

He made it sound so trivial after all that fighting! If Flora had chosen even want Oakville College, he didn't ev to think about the complaints he'd hear from his wife, to the point where he wouldn't be able to sleep in his own bed!

The news of Flora choosing University of Maple Grove's medical program spread quickly online. It even stirred the medical X