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El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 965
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Capitulo 965 Ella ya tiene a Jean

Ese beso fue tan dulce que llegé a lo mas profundo del corazén de Jean.


Toda su ira desapareci6 en un instante, reemplazada por una sensacién de impotencia e indulgencia. El se

inclind y le planté un beso en la frente. “Esta bien, te dejaré libre por ahora. Sin embargo, ya es mediodia. No

estara de mas almorzar primero antes de irnos”.

“Mm-hmm”. Neera asintié agradablemente, casi demasiado educada. “jQuiero comer fondue de queso!”

Con una leve sonrisa, Jean la ayudé a subir al auto.

Después de cenar, los dos se dirigieron directamente a la residencia de Avery.

Antes de bajar del coche, Neera sugiri6: “Quizés no quieras esperaaqui. Si todo va segun lo planeado, es

posible que hoy tenga que seguir algunos pasos preliminares para el tratamiento, lo que llevara algin tiempo”.

Después de pensarlo un poco, Jean estuvo de acuerdo. “Esta bien, haré un viaje a la sucursal y vendré a

recogerte por la noche”.

“Mm-hmm”. Neera estaba lista para desabrocharse el cinturén de seguridad y salir del coche.

De repente, volvi6 a sentarse.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Justo cuando Jean estaba a punto de preguntarle si habia algo mas, la inclinarse y darle un beso en la mejilla.

Hizo una pausa por un segundo, instintivamente queriendo detenerla, pero ella se escabullé6 como una anguila,

ya fuera del auto.

Cerr6 la puerta del auto y se par6 frente a la ventanilla, saludando mientras sonrefa. voy ahora. No te

pongas celoso sin motivo y no seas infeliz. jRecuerda recogepor la noche!

Después de terminar su comentajuguetdn, se vuelta y se alejo.

Jean mir6 fijamente su elegante figura, tocé el lugar donde ella lo habfa besado y se ri6 suavemente para si


Al entrar al lugar, Neera noté que la seguridad de la residencia Cox era algo mas estricta que antes.

Todos los guardaespaldas eran feroces e intimidantes. Ni siquiera ella pudo entrar facilmente porque la

detuvieron afuera de la mansién.

Uno de los guardias, a pesar de parecer bastante feroz, fue bastante educado y explicé: “Disculpas, Sra. Garcia.

Primero debemos notificar y confirmar. Una vez que todo esté correcto, se le permitira


Neera simplemente asintid, sin decir una palabra.

Ella especulé que probablemente se debia a Charles que la familia Cox habia reorganizado su personal interno.

Probablemente estaban siendo muy meticulosos para evitar incidentes imprevistos.

Afortunadamente, Violet aparecié rapidamente y llevé a Neera al interior.

12:01 miércoles, 25 de octubre

Al llegar al sétano, Neera descubrié que los dos ancianos de antes también estaban alli. Le pidieron disculpas


“Ms. Garcia, | hope you don’t mind, but the current situation is a bit special, so we have to be extra cautious. To

be honest, we've been trying to interrogate Charles these past few days to find out who's directing him.

However, he refused to talk. No matter how we treat him, he won't spill a word.” Speaking of which, the two

elders were so upset that they becfurious, scowling as if they had swallowed a fly.

Neera was very clever and immediately thought of something. “Are you worried that someone may seize this

opportunity to strike at Avery again?”

The two elders nodded. “Yes, in fact, given Charles’ status, he definitely doesn’t have access to such a rare wug

pest. The only possibility is that someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes. This puppeteer is the real

threat, so we must be on guard.”

Neera understood and didn’t say much.

Regardless, that was a matter concerning the Cox family. It was not her place to interfere.

Soon, after completing the sterilization and preparation, Neera entered the treatment room to see Avery.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

At that moment, Avery was fully conscious. Seeing Neera approaching, he smiled. seems the allergy situation

has been resolved, then?”

Neera glanced at him with a raised eyebrow.

Qu’'re here? It

That man, with his captivating eyes and irresistible lips, naturally exuded a somewhat enchanting


Due to his illness, his hair had grown a bit longer. Coupled with his frail appearance, he inexplicably gave off the

vibe of a charmingly delicate and handsman.

After glancing at Avery, Neera moved her sight away, nodding faintly. “Yeah, it's been taken care of. Thank you

for the snowleaf you had Violet deliver earlier.”

Avery chuckled. “Despite that, | heard from Violet that it wasn’t put to use. What a pity. | was quite worried about

you before...”

Neera could sense the concern in his tone, which gave her a slight headache.

After spending ttogether, she sensed that Avery seemed to be taking their engagement seriously.

However, she already had Jean.”

Still, that was not the tto discuss that. She quietly made up her mind that once Avery was better, she would

find a suitable tto talk about that matter in depth.