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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 2108
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Carl opened the hospital room door with a gloomy expression.

A female nurse with an unfamiliar face stood at the door, holding a tray. She smiled, "Good day. It's tfor Mr. Schmidt to take his medications. It wouldn't be good for his condition if he missed his dose." "You're not the usual nurse," Carl observed, his eyes narrowing.

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"I was just transferred here yesterday. My last nis Thompson. You can just callMs. Thompson. The previous staff member met with an accident, and there isn't enough manpower." Briar Thompson reassured them confidently, "Please don't worry. I've signed a non-disclosure agreement. I won't reveal anything I'm not supposed to." "Cin," Carl said, still keeping a cold look on his face as he made way for her.

Briar walked in and placed the tray by the side of Jameson's bed. As she was about to touch Jameson, he spoke frigidly, "You're not needed here anymore. My secretary can helpwith the injection. You may leave." Briar was taken aback but obediently left the room.

Jameson couldn't hold himself back anymore. With his shaking left hand, he held his right arm, which was also trembling. He had also lost control of his facial muscles. "Carl... I can't stand it anymore!" Carl was like an overindulging father who couldn't bear to see his child in any sort of pain. Even though he knew that it would only be a temporary relief, he still retrieved the drug. Feeling conflicted, he injected the needle into Jameson's arm, already marred by countless puncture marks.

After a moment, the tremors stopped, and color gradually returned to his pale face.

Carl sighed in helplessness and dismay. He was conflicted, unsure whether Justin had fulfilled Jameson's wishes or ruined him completely.

"Carl, take this medicine to Dr. Skye Parris for testing. Also, go and find out about the background of that new nurse." Jameson eyed the syringe on the tray with a treacherous gaze.

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Carl nodded in understanding. "Got it, Mr. Schmidt. I'll take care of it now." Carl returned to the hospital room a lmoment later, looking much more at ease. He reported, "Mr. Schmidt, there are no problems with the medication. Ms. Thompson is clean. Plus, that previous nurse did have an accident and suffered a broken leg." "Okay. Good that there aren't any problems. You may be excused. I'd like to rest." Jameson closed his eyes. His Adam's apple bobbed. He thought back to the day when Alyssa cto visit him. He could still feel her warm and sweet scent lingering in the room.

The drug made his heart race and gave him hallucinations. This was why he couldn't quit-he felt as if he were in Alyssa's tender embrace, with her watching over him, looking after him, smiling at him. S "Lyse... I really, really love you. You've always been in my heart. You've always been with me. You've never left." Even if she hated him, he was still deeply satisfied.

Deep into the silent night, Briar clocked off her night shift and exited from the hospital's back entrance. She got into a plain, black vehicle and left.

Over ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance to a pitch-dark alley.

Briar hurried out of the car. She scanned her surroundings before entering an MPV that was parked in the alley.

"Ms. Alyssa!" Briar was extremely excited that she met with Alyssa successfully. She looked as if she were a huge fan meeting a celebrity. "Wow... You're more stunning in person than on TV! You're like an angel! The cameras didn't do you justice!" S Sean, who was seated in the driver's seat, burst out laughing. He agreed with her.

"You're too kind, Ms. Thompson." Alyssa flashed a friendly and gentle smile toward her. She handed Briar a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "Here, have scoffee and take a breather."