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Boomerang Love

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65 Right after Henry left Brendan's office, Naomi walked in with a set of documents in her hand.

She approached Brendan's desk and smiled as she pulled out the chair opposite him.

"I heard that you'd sent someone to beat Henry up last night." Brendan raised his head. “Isn't that what you wanted?" Naomi's smile widened. "I guess you really do know me.

She sat down and continued, "You're a great husband in every aspect, but you just don't like me." Without waiting for Brendan's response, she handed him the documents and started talking about work. Our legal department said that all these documents require your signature." Sear*ch the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Brendan took the documents, but his mind was still lingering on what she had just said. He was a great husband, but he didn't like her? He withdrew his gaze and glanced over the documents. He took a fountain pen from the pen holder and signed his nat the end of the document.

Naomi took the signed documents and remarked, "You're quite cooperative! I'll give you a surprise tonight.

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Brendan was speechless for a moment.

"There's no need for that." Naomi's surprises usually turned out to be more of a shock.

"We've been married for so long already. There's no need to be so formal!” Naomi said with a smile and got up from her seat.

Just as s she finished speaking, Brendan's phone rang.

Seeing that he was busy with work, Naomi took the signed documents and left with a cheerful expression after whispering goodbye to him.

In the hallway, just as Naomi left Brendan's office, Chloe cover from around the corner.

She saw Naomi and quickly walked over with a smile. "Naomi." Naomi responded with a noncommittal hum.

Chloe looked at the document in her hand and remarked, “Are you here to ask Brendan to sign sdocuments?" After saying that, she held onto Naomi's arm and whispered, "By the way, the last tI was in your room, I didn't touch anything. I just sat in front of your dressing table all night. Brendan..." Chapter 65 32 Before Chloe could finish speaking, Naomi interrupted her, "Chloe, you could have your own life. Don't ruin it for yourself." Naomi had almost forgotten about that matter. She wasn't sure whether Chloe was explaining herself with good intentions, but Chloe knew that best.

Chloe looked embarrassed and whispered, “I know. I just didn't want you to misunderstand.” Seemingly afraid that Naomi would be unhappy, Chloe immediately raised the lunchbox in her hands.

"I made lunch for Brendan. Naomi, would you like stoo?" Chloe appeared humble.

Naomi responded with a half-smile, "Well, it would be impolite ofnot to accept." Naomi said this and took Chloe's entire lunchbox.

Naomi would never wake up early in the morning to make food for Brendan. It was no wonder that Brendan wanted to keep Chloe around.

Seeing this, Chloe hesitated and said awkwardly. "Naomi, you can't finish all this alone. There's still-" Naomi interrupted, "Don't worry. I have a big appetite." Chloe was dumbfounded.

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She looked troubled, but Naomi remained composed and said, "Chloe, I'm not a man.

han. Your pitiful act won't sway me, Brendan isn't someone you should be fixated on.

Don't let your heart wander too far." Chloe becanxious and said, "Naomi, I'm just very grateful to Brendan. I..." Naomi couldn't be bothered to listen to her and simply walked away.

"Ms. Goodwin." At that moment, Jason emerged from the office nearby.

Naomi handed the lunchbox to him and said, "Helpthrow this out. Mr.

throwe ever Russell, if Brendan ever eats her food again, I'll make sure you won't have to eat anymore." Jason's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly replied, "Ms. Goodwin, you can rest assured. I'll personally oversee Mr. Ludwig's meals from now on."

Naomi was a formidable person. Eyen Mason and the others didn't dare to provoke her. For someone like him, a mere assistant, there was no way he would disobey her. X