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Boomerang Love

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 Dennis and Christine found themselves baffled by the situation.

They concluded that it was their responsibility to personally guide their daughter, Naomi. Otherwise, the constant indulgence from everyone in the household might lead her down a troublespath.

Brendan chauffeured them home, and during the ride back, the couple flanked Naomi and gave her a stern lecture.

"Young lady, we sent you to study law to champion justice. As a lawyer, how is it that you yourself would break the law? Why would you go to someone else's house to start a fight?" Christine questioned solemnly.

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Naomi was unwilling to entertain these words. She retorted, "Doesn't Madelyn know that assaulting people is against the law? Why should I follow the rules when she doesn't?" Christine responded, "Then, you should pursue legal procedures and sue her!" With a sneer, Naomi remarked, “And after going through all that trouble, I'd just get an apology from her and maybe compensation for the medical expenses." "What if the Sabella family decides to sue you? You're so fond of being a lawyer. What if it tarnishes your reputation?" Naomi said dismissively, “If the Sabella family wants to sue me, let them. I'd like to see who dares to take on this case. Besides, even if I can't be a lawyer, Dad and you would be happy to lethelp out at the company." "Oh, my dear child." Naomi's brief words left Christine at a loss.

Naomi had never been a model child. She could be well-behaved one moment and a little spitfire the next. Her temper was unpredictable.

Meanwhile, Dennis frowned and said, "Suing the Sabella family won't work. It would only cause our business competition to increase in the future." Before Christine could grow anxious, Dennis reassured her, "Don't worry about it. The deed has already. been done. Moreover, the Sabella family probably did this intentionally.

"It's obvious that they're looking for an excuse to oppose us. I could tell that they couldn't hold back any longer when we were bidding for the projects." He then added, "I suspect the Jenkins family is involved in this too." With years of business experience, Dennis had a more insightful perspective. Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

The Sabella family initially wanted to marry Madelyn to Brendan, but Brendan had declined. Instead, the Ludwig family initiated a marriage proposal to the Goodwin family, stating that if Naomi didn't agree, Brendan would remain a bachelor.

In reality, Brendan was the one who willingly agreed, while Naomi...

Chapter 430 The longstanding grudge between the families had been simmering for quite stime, and now it had cto a head.

Christine nervously asked, "What? Are the Sabella and Jenkins familles allying with each other? Dennis, what should we do?" Dennis remained calm. I'm right here. Don't worry about it. Our lives won't be affected anyway." He continued, "Naomi, you can continue working if you wish. If one day you manage to grasp the ways of the world, cback to the company and assist me." Naomi didn't take the bait when Dennis suggested the idea of returning to the company. She chose to ignore it instead.

She was content with her current lifestyle, relishing the freedom it provided.

After escorting Dennis and Christine back to the Goodwin family's residence, the young couple returned to Yellowind Bay.

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Naomi's actions tonight had caused quite a stir in the community, and people of all ages were discussing 1. it.

"Naomi is really resilient. She's my role model!"

"Madelyn deserves it, no doubt. She always picks on the weak. Kdset off fireworks to celebrate if she were taken down." "The Sabella family is taking a hit this time, but Madelyn truly had it coming."

While everyone was engrossed in conversation, Naomi paid noom attention. The unresolved matter of Estelle and Pauline lingered in her mind, causing her to feel uneasy. After a while, when Brendan cout of the shower, Naomi collected her emotions and looked at him with a playful smile.

"You've been remarkably protective oftoday. How about I offer myself to you?" X