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Boomerang Love

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 Naomi thought that she had gotten used to these words, but Brendan's behavior tonight infuriated her.

Even for a good-tempered person, there were limits.

Instead of soothing him with a few words as usual, she chose not to tolerate him this time.

Naomi's words made Brendan's expression turn darker.

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He clenched his fists angrily.

Brendan lowered his head and looked at Naomi before saying with a sneer, "Did I hinder you from finding your happiness? Let's see how happy you can be after leaving me." With that, he turned around and left, slamming the door as he went.

Brendan couldn't guarantee anything if the two of them kept arguing The "incident" would probably happen again.

So, he controlled his anger and left.

As she heard the heavy slamming of the door, Naomi raised her right hand and held her forehead. She couldn't calm down for a long time.

It wasn't a peaceful night.

At the bar, Brendan drank several glasses of beer in a row but still couldn't calm himself down. He sneered. "I won't fulfill her fantasy. Naomi must be daydreaming." Meanwhile, Ronald spoke loudly, "If you continue behaving like this, Naomi will definitely run away with another man without you needing to do anything else." After receiving a cold stare from Brendan, Ronald quickly amended his words, "Never mind. She's still yours." On the side, Mason said, "Brendan, Maximus only gave her a ride. There's nothing to worry about." Brendan remained silent.

Of course he was worried. He was a petty person.

Seeing Brendan remaining silent, Ronald spoke again, "What does he have to worry about? Naomi was just getting a ride home. Brendan is the real shameless one here. He accompanied Chloe to the hospital and even sent her home.

mad at Naomi, "He left his wife behind and treated another woman well. He doesn't even have the right to get n "If I were Naomi, I would surely have cheated on you more than once by now. Are you an idiot? Do the affairs of other women have anything to do with you?" As Ronald spoke, Mason tried to stop him but failed.

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It seemed like this idiot had forgotten that he had been transferred to the northwest region for three months last tbecause he couldn't control his mouth.

It seemed like he wanted to get transferred again.

As Ronald finished his speech happily, Mason said, "Control your mouth."

"I need to light for Naomi, otherwise Brendan will think that he isn't the e ope to blhere," Ronald said.

"Ronald, you're awesome!" Mason praised. S~'a''h the Findet to e on Googled to access website on chapters of early and in the highest quality. Ronald Laughed even louder after getting a compliment from Mason.

However, when he unintentionally shifted his gaze to Brendan, his m whole body trembled, and the smile on his face froze X