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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 Mikayla turned back and said, “Who allowed you to throw it away? Pick it up!” The receptionist wasn't afraid of her. “Why bother? Mr. Miller won't look at it anyway, Every tyou send something, he tells us to throw it away.” In the past, Mikayla used to worry about Jerworking too hard, so she tirelessly sent him food, clothes, and small items to relieve stress.

She even wrote letters pouring out her feelings, like the female protagonists in .

Little did she know that Jertreated her care like this. Even the receptionist dared to dispose of her things..

Mikayla glared at the receptionist. “Whether Jerlooks at it or not, you have no right to throw away my things! Now, pick it up!” The receptionist sneered, “Fine, I'll pick them up. Why the attitude like you're the CEO’s wife? You're just throwing yourself at him.” Mikayla was angered. “You “What's going on here?” Mikayla was about to make the receptionist apologize when a stern male voice interrupted.

She turned and saw Jerome's assistant, Mike Ashford. Standing beside him was Jerome, dressed in a black designer suit.

He was tall and good-looking, and even though he seemed a bit cold, he still looked charming.

In the past, just seeing him would make Mikayla’s heart race. Her face would turn red, and she would shyly call out to him. Now, she didn’t even want to speak.

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“Mrs. Miller,” Mike greeted her politely.

Mikayla didn’t respond with her typical self-satisfaction because Jerhad never acknowledged her from the start.

This “Mrs. Miller” was just a matter of courtesy.

Unaware of Mikavla’s thoughts Milen saladu Chapter 4 2/3 The receptionist looked at Jerome, then reluctantly explained, “Mr. Miller instructed us not to accept anything from Mrs. Miller, but she insisted on giving it to Mr. Miller, so I-” Upon hearing that, Jerfrowned and questioned Mikayla, “Who allowed you to behave so arrogantly here?” Mikayla stated, “I didn’t act arrogantly, and | didn’t force her. She threw away my things, so | asked her to pick- “Enough!” Jerinterrupted impatiently. “You're just making excuses. Mikayla, you're truly despicable.” He immediately pronounced her guilty without looking into the matter-no wonder the receptionist felt comfortable distorting the facts.

In Jerome's eyes, she was full of flaws and wickedness.

Mikayla didn’t bother to explain. She smiled indifferently and said, “Soon, you won't have to tolerateanymore.” She picked up the file folder and remarked, “I've prepared a divorce agreement. Let's go to City Hall to finalize the procedure before it closes.” Upon hearing this, Mike discreetly gestured for the receptionist to leave, and he retreated a few steps away.

“I called you and sent messages, but you never responded, so | cto the company,” Mikayla explained as she handed the file folder to Jerome.

Jerdidn’t take it. He sneered, “Mikayla, can’t you just be quiet and not make trouble for a few days?” Mikayla calmly smiled and said, “No matter what | say, you won't believe it. The best thing to do is go to City Hall and get a divorce now.” Jerfrowned slightly upon witnessing Mikayla’s indifferent smile and emotionless gaze.

After years of Mikayla’s relentless pursuit and utilizing every conceivable method to marry him, he was incredulous that she would now be seeking a divorce.

Jerperceived everything she was currently doing as the ultimate joke of the century. He thought she was playing hard to get, thinking it would garner his attention. Jerscoffed, “Is your rush to City Hall part of a staged spectacle you've set up for my arrival? Milavla, aside from clinging tovery day, don’t you have myttang else to deff 0 Her wholehearted love was a mere entanglement in his eyes.

Mikayla was once again grateful that she had finally stepped out.

She pulled out the divorce agreement from the file folder and said, “You can sign it now.

That will prove I'm not clinging to you anymore.” At the sight of the divorce agreement, Jerome's patience instantly diminished.

Since Atikayla insisted on the divorce, he might as well go along with it.

Act Fast Free Bonus TRunning Out! Chapter & “einga pen!” Jerdemanded.

“Mr. Miller, Mr. Diogo is still waiting for you to sign the contract. Tis running out,” Mike reminded him in a hushed voice, The Miller Group had been diligently negotiating a crucial collaboration for an extended period, and Mikayla nearly jeopardized it.

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Jerignored Mikayla and hastily walked toward the exit with Mike.

“Jerome!” Mikayla chased after him.

“Get her away from me!” Several bodyguards surrounded Mikayla once Jergave the order. T Aware of Jerome's workaholic nature and the unlikelihood of him having tfor a divorce today, she shouted, “See you at City Hall tomorrow at 9:00 am!” Jergot into the waiting car and promptly left.

Mikayla pondered whether he would show up but quickly ascertained that he would, as Jerwas eager to be rid of her.

Mikayla felt relieved at that thought, Back at the villa, she logged into her long-neglected email account. There were several job invitations from investment banks.

Instead of instantly trashing them like she used to, she opened each one. Unfortunately, all the offers had expired.

She forfeited an opportunity from a prestigious investment bank, an institution coveted by numerous financial elites, just to cater to the selfish whims of Jerome.

Filled with regret, she vowed to plan her life more meticulously to avoid being blinded by romantic relationships.

After sending out a few job applications, Mikayla thought about the impending divorce with Jerthe next day and felt relieved.

She shut down the computer and began packing. Once the divorce certificate was in her hands, she could leave immediately.