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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 “Mikayla, haven't you caused enough trouble? How long do you want to keep this up?” Jercoldly accused.

Mikayla silently chuckled. Despite being his wife, Jerome's attitude toward her was worse than that of a stranger.

“Jerome, don’t be so mean to Mikayla,” Kylie said before Mikayla could speak.

She explained, “Jerwasn’t here just today for my birthday. My dad hadn't seen him in a long time, so he invited him for a meal at home.

“I didn’t think it would cause such a big misunderstanding, and you even got hurt because of it. | chere quickly to explain. I'm really sorry. Please, don’t be mad at Jerome. It's all my fault,” Kylie said gently, with a sincere and apologetic smile.

Mikayla remembered Kylie had cto the house three years ago and had said the sthing. The only difference was it happened in the bedroom.

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She was upset when she heard Kylie’s words and saw them standing together like the perfect couple. She screamed at Kylie to leave and even threw a flower vase from the bedside table at her.

Kylie’s head got hit, blood spurted, and she fainted.

Jerwas furious. He rushed Kylie to the hospital and cared for her for several days. Their relationship deepened in the aftermath of that incident.

Mikayla would have been upset years ago, but now her heart was calm.

She even smiled casually and said, “Thanks for explaining. I'm not mad. Your dad invited Jerfor a meal, right? Hurry, don’t keep him waiting!” Kylie was surprised. She didn’t expect Mikayla’s reaction to be this calm.

Jerfrowned, wondering what Mikayla was thinking. She hadn't cried or yelled at him, and now she even permitted him to go to dinner with Kylie.

Only two hours earlier, she had leaped off the building just because he didn’t chome.

It crossed Jerome’s mind that she might be employing reverse psychology.

He coldly chuckled and said to Kylie, “Since she said that, let's go.” With that, Jerleft without looking back.

Kylie hesitated, wished Mikayla a “speedy recovery,” and hurried after jerome.

Seeing this, Amy was very worried: “Madam, even if you're upset, you can’t let Mr. Miller and Ms. While leave together.) “I'm not upset,” Mikayla said calmly: She was certain she had returned to three years ago. Thinking of that, she vowed not to repeat the smistakes.

She wouldn't cling to Jeror anxiously wait for his response. Whatever he wanted to do or whoever he wanted to be with, it no longer concerned her.

From now on, she only wanted to live for herself and her loved ones! “Amy, I'm so hungry. Can you helpmake something delicious?” Mikayla asked.

During her two years in the mental hospital, she had to stick to a diet of medication and plain soup, and the lack of proper nutrition led to stomach cancer.

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Now, she eagerly desired a good meal to comfort her stomach.

Amy was somewhat surprised. “Of course, I'll go make something right away,” “Ill join you!” Mikayla went to the kitchen with Amy.

No one nearby noticed Jerhad returned, standing there with a frown.

Jerthought he could catch Mikayla in a crazier tantrum so he could teach her a lesson. However, Mikayla didn’t make a fuss, and she even suggested eating something.

This sudden change was unusual to him, and he thought she must have other plans.

Jerfelt annoyed and turned away again.

After a satisfying meal, Mikayla patted her stomach contentedly. The feeling of being full was indeed blissful! She had rarely had a full meal during her tin the mental hospital and at Miller Estate, where she only dared to eat moderately to maintain a perfect figure for Jerome.

“Jerome, I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall and weigh 198 pounds. The intesays this is the standard model figure!” Her self-satisfaction only earned her a cold look from Jerome. “What does it have to do Chapter: with me?” Now that she thought about it, she agreed with his notion. She thought, “Yeah, what did it have to do with him?” She used to restrict her eating just to please a man. How silly.

Fortunately, following a near-death experience, she gained a clear perspective of everything.

From now on, she would eat whatever she wanted, however much she wanted, and would never mistreat herself again! Back in her room, Mikayla made a call to her grandfather.