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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 “Why don’t you just stab yourself if you want to die so badly? Playing the jumping-off-a-building gis so tic,” JerMiller said coldly.

“I was thinking of stabbing...” Suddenly, Mikayla Davidson felt something was off about JerMiller's words.

When did she jump off a building? “Madam, you're finally awake.” At that moment, the maid, Amy Jones, approached with water and medicine.

“Is your head hurting? The doctor said you have mild symptoms of a concussion and prescribed smedicine.

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Would you like to take it now?” Mikayla didn’t respond to Amy because she realized she was lying in a spacious bedroom.

Judging by the furnishings, it seemed like the Miller Estate from before.

She hadn’t been back here since entering the mental hospital over two years ago.

Had Jerbrought her home? No, she didn’t think that was possible.

She had stabbed herself in the heart, and even if she didn’t die, there was no way she wasn’t taken to the operating room.

Mikayla quickly lowered her head to check, and to her surprise, her chest was utterly unblemished. However, she found her head and wrists wrapped in medical gauze instead.

Jerfrowned as he watched her expressions shift from pain to astonishment, and he was growing impatient.

“Next time, choose a higher building if you want to jump. The second floor won't do the job!” he said coldly before leaving the room.

Mikayla ignored Jerand continued examining her body.

After two years in the mental hospital, she looked pale and thin. But now, her skin was fair, smooth, and supple.

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Her arms and body showed no signs of bruises or scars inflicted by either fellow patients or caretakers.

“Madam, Mr. Miller said those things out of anger,” Amy consoled, thinking Mikayla was upset. “Couples go through tough times. Talk to him later—" “Amy, what day is it today?” Shocked, Mikayla hastily interrupted Amy.

Amy looked at her in confusion. “Today is Ms. White's birthday. You heard that Mr. Miller went to celebrate for her, so you called him back home...” Mikayla didn’t bother to explain to Amy. She quickly glanced around and grabbed the phone placed on the bedside. The year displayed on it was unexpectedly three years ago! Suddenly, Mikayla remembered something. She lifted the blanket, jumped out of bed, and hurriedly went to the conservatory.

The conservatory was indeed in a mess, with only remnants of flowers on the floor.

Three years ago, she heard that Jerwas going to celebrate Kylie White's birthday and even bought flowers for her. In a fit of anger, she smashed them all.

The flying shards injured her wrists, but she ignored the pain and impulsively jumped from the second-floor terrace.

Despite the bushes cushioning the fall and preventing broken limbs, her head hit the edge of the flower bed, and she fainted on the spot.

So, had she returned to three years ago? “Madam, why did you cto the conservatory again? The floor is covered in ceramic shards. Please don’t do anything reckless!” Amy was worried that Mikayla might cause a scene, so she hurried over to persuade her. “Mr. Miller is worried about you. The moment he learned that you got hurt, he rushed back. Sir!” Hearing Amy's tense tone, Mikayla looked up.

Making their way toward her was not only the tall and handsJerbut also the elegantly dressed and gentle Kylie. They stood together like a perfect match in front of her.