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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 7
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007 – Touch It


Dark Blue Eyes was approaching, but his eyes were on Mr. Asshole, a smug smirk plastered on his face.


Another flashed on the screen and the

asshole cursed and brushed his hand over

his hair before he started pressing his tablet again. All the while, all my hopes of being bought by Dark

Blue Eyes flew out of the window. He had no tablet with him.

He was not bidding. He might be the organizer. Or… Goddess, he might be

Olivia’s mate.

My heart clenched and I had no idea why I was hurting. My eyes watered as I dropped my gaze down,

but I saw the


screen move. Mr. Asshole bid over again.


“Getting frustrated, Ethan?” The deep baritone voice sent shivers down my spine, but this time, it was a

shiver of pleasure. Even without looking, I knew it came from him.

“Me, frustrated? Watch and learn, Stone. “A cocky grin flashed across Mr. Asshole‘s face.

Stone. What kind of name was that?


The screen flashed, but I was wondering if Ethan – Mr. Asshole, saw it as he was still looking at Stone.

“You‘re losing your touch. What‘s special about this Omega?”

I almost raised my brow, but instead, I bit

my bottom lip and made sure to glue my eyes to the timer ticking down.

“Fucking virgin.”

Goddess, you’re wrong. I was far from


“How many have you bought tonight? Are you not running out of resources? Your pack is going to lose


Five seconds.

“Why do you care? Do you want to take over my pack?” He chuckled, shaking his

head as he mocked him.

Stone shrugged his shoulders before he

faced the stage at the exact moment the

clock timer went to 00:00.

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Our eyes met, and I couldn’t help the

smile that graced my lips, despite the fact

that he wasn’t smiling at me. I was thankful for his distraction. Now if I


could only find out who bought me.

“What the fuck?” Ethan growled, and my body jolted at the intensity of his voice as his eyes dilated,

fangs erupting as he looked furiously at Stone.

He was throwing words at him, but my attention was drawn somewhere. A

muscular man with blonde hair walked

down the same stairs that Stone

descended, with a tablet in his hand.

Was he my buyer? I swallowed hard as I looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at


A female came and asked me to step off the stage. I followed her, but my eyes weren’t leaving the

blonde man while I was being ushered out until he reached

where Stone was and handed him the

tablet he had in his hands.

I gasped softly. Did Stone buy me?


It was at that moment that Stone motioned for the female who was holding my arm to stop walking.

“Stop. I‘m taking her with me.” His voice was so sexy I couldn‘t help but swallow.

I bit my bottom lip as I dropped my eyes to the ground. Did he really buy me? If he takes me now, I will

not be able to run away. But do I still want to run away?

“Sir, payment must be made before you can take the Omega.” The female answered respectfully.

He scowled at her. “I‘m not going to run


His words were cut short when Ethan came and held his shoulder, which Stone slapped away before he

growled at him for touching him.

“This is not fucking over, you fucking

cheated!” Ethan’s face was furious.

“Complain to the board then! Oh, I forgot, there’s no fucking board!” Dark blue eyes smirked at him,

slipping his hands into his inside pocket.

But I didn’t hear the rest of their

argument because the female whisked me away and took me backstage again.

1.5 million.

Everyone was whispering around me, but I remained seated on a couch, my knees

pressed against my chest as I hugged them. I didn’t care if they could see

through my skirt or my thongs.

I was trying to make sense of what happened.

1.5 million for an Omega.

I tried to tune out the noise around me,

and the next thing I knew, there was


somebody standing in front of me.

I tilted my head to look up and met his dark blue eyes.

“Let’s go.” That’s all he said, and I immediately scampered on my ass and stood up, following him, but

we were blocked by Mr. Asshole.

“What the fuck do you want?” He was almost growling, making the Omegas in

the backstage cower.

“A Duel for the Omega.

“The bidding is over. You cannot offer a duel outside of the bidding.”


“No rules stated I couldn’t offer after the bidding. Now it’s up to you if you’re fucking scared to accept a

duel because you know you will lose.”

“Me, lose? On you? Look at you, Ethan. You’re hallucinating.”

“Then take my offer. If you win the duel, I will pay half of her bid price and she‘s still yours.” He smirked,

crossing his arms against his chest. “Lose, and I‘ll take her home. I‘ll pay you back whatever you paid for


My hands clutched the hem of my skirt tightly. Please don‘t. Please don‘t agree.

“Don‘t tell me you‘re cowering? Where is the fearsome Alpha of the Mystic Pack?” His tone was mocking


“If I win, you‘ll pay one million. Take it or leave it.” Did I hear Stone say that? Oh, Goddess!

“Deal.” Ethan extended his hand while a devilish smile tugged at his face.


“Deal.” He took his hand and shook it while I restrained myself from shouting at him for being stupid.

Fucking male egos!

My face was burning with anger, but I tried my best to steady my breathing.

“I’ll meet you in ten minutes at the arena on the ground floor. I’ll have someone open it for us.” Ethan

sounded too

excited, and it made me nervous.

He and Dark Eyes have the same body frame. Could he win over him?

“Make it thirty minutes.” Stone said in a cold voice before his hand coiled around

my arm as he tugged me closer to him.

His touch sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, but I was still furious at his stupidity.

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“Where are you taking her? She’s not

yours yet. We have a deal.”

“I didn’t remember discussing who she


would spend her time with before the

duel. Now fuck off and check the arena

before I change my mind.” And without any warning, he pulled me away and led

me to another exit, which in the end led

to the same corridor where I saw him

walking before he appeared and

distracted Ethan.

“Where are we going?”

“Did I allow you to ask questions?” He

asked back in a cold tone that made me

roll my eyes.

He was walking so fast that I had to

double my steps so I would not trip over. I was thankful I wasn’t wearing any shoes, or I would have been

fumbling over already. We finally reached the door where he came out earlier, and my eyes widened

when I saw the one–sided glass all around the room. He could see me

earlier. He watched from here.


He locked the door of the room before he shoved my body onto the couch, and I almost fell down.

I closed my eyes to stop myself from snapping at him. I needed to be nice to him. I needed him to win

because I would rather have him as my owner than Mr. Asshole.

My breathing slowed down, only for it to beat faster again when I heard a belt being unbuckled before a

zipper was zipped down.

My eyes snapped open. And my jaw dropped as the biggest cock I had ever seen sprang free from his


“Touch it.” He said it with a blank expression on his face.

“What?” My lips quivered. Was he planning to fuck me here?

“I said, touch it.”

“Why?” Of course, he wanted to fuck.

“Again, did I allow you to ask questions?”

“I just want to know what you want me to do?”

“Touch it.” He grunted, his teeth gritting,

and I saw his dick twitch as if it was

getting harder than it already was. “Fuck! Just fucking touch it! I just want to know if you’re worth the

fucking 1.5 million and worth putting my life on the line!”