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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 30
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030 – Nathaniel & Carlston


The last six days went draggingly slow, and although I was able to keep myself busy and focused during

the day, the nights left me restless and unable to

sleep. I missed my stubborn Omega.

I wish I hadn’t left without saying goodbye. I knew she was awake while I was trying to touch her, and

because she was ignoring me, I thought I would teach her a lesson. In the end, I was the one

with a lesson learned – I liked her, and it looked like I would be the one giving in to

her whims.

But I didn’t fucking care at the moment. I wanted to see her.

So when we finally rounded up the whole area and made sure there were no more illegal settlers and

that all the ruined

buildings where they were camping were totally demolished, we finally prepared ourselves to travel


And the men with me mirrored the excitement I felt. But unlike them, I tried to mask my real emotions.

That was the reason I remained seated in my car even after I put it to a complete halt. I wanted to look at

her, and at the same time, I had to control myself first or I would end up looking like a lovesick dog in

front of my


Lucy was standing by the front steps, a few meters away from my car. And even though she was wearing

that ugly black hoodie, she was still the most beautiful female tonight, and the packhouse ground was

swarming with females.

I couldn’t wait to have her alone to

myself. Six fucking nights that I had to pleasure myself with just the memory of her. I told myself that

even if I didn’t end

up fucking her tonight, I would still be pleased just to have her beside me.

But the moment I saw the desire swirling in her eyes, I knew I would not last the night without fucking

her. And that’s what I intended to do.

I kicked the bedroom door closed the

moment I stepped in before I let her

down on her feet. She turned around and beamed at me, watching as I pulled my shirt off my body. She

was about to help me unbutton my jeans, but I stopped her hands and shook my head.

Her face dropped as she stepped back and

I made my way to the bathroom. I hadn’t showered since I went away, and the last

thing I wanted was to fuck her with all

the dirt and animal blood that was

clinging to my body.

And I refused to speak with her because the moment I opened my mouth and she began to converse

with me, I might snap

out of my control and fuck her right away.

So I left her and went to the bathroom.

“Alpha,” she followed after me. “I didn’t prepare a bath for you. Do you want…”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I’m okay. I can take care of myself, just

wait for me in the bedroom.” I cut her

words even before she could finish.

A scarlet tint crept through her cheeks,

which was unusual. Lucy was not the type

to get embarrassed easily, but it looked

like she did because I dismissed her.

I stepped into the shower and reminded myself to make up for how I made her feel. I just needed to get

this shit off my body and I would start to treat her better.

After I was done with my shower, I went

to the bedroom with just a towel wrapped

around my waist and took my whisky

decanter, and poured it on two empty glasses before I handed one to her.


She didn’t even object and just took it from me. I clinked our glasses together

and watched as she drank it all in one

gulp while I was sipping mine slowly.

“Tell me what happened to you? You’re

suddenly meek as a lamb.”

She just smiled as she placed the glass

back on the table.

“Did you miss me?” I asked, my eyes just staring at her.

“I answered that at the grounds, Alpha.”

“Wasn’t it just for a show? I want to hear it when it’s just the two of us. Again, did my Omega miss me?”

“Did you miss me, Alpha?” She asked


I chuckled and tipped the glass onto my lips, drinking all of it. “You’re too brave

to ask. Why would I miss you? I’m used to being alone.”

“Yes. I should have guessed that. And you most likely have far too many females to keep you company

at night.”

“Probably…” I flashed her a smug smirk.

Although I was planning to be nicer to her, I was enjoying the scowl on her face. “So, did you miss me?”

I walked toward the sofa and sat comfortably, legs spread out as I leaned my back lousily on the back

cushion. I saw her eyes dart to my exposed thighs as my towel slipped, but she got hold of herself in an


“No, Alpha. I didn’t miss you,” she answered and I didn’t miss the way her

eyes rolled.

Stubborn. Just the way I like her.

“Good. I’m leaving tomorrow…”

“Where the heck are you going again? You just came back?” Her eyes glared at me, and I couldn’t help

but laugh this


My Omega just forgot that she was supposed to act as meek as a lamb.

Her hands flew to her mouth before she

dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry…

“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.” She didn’t reply, so I continued. “Are you angry that I’m leaving


She tilted her head up and met my eyes. She was still upset. “But you just came

back. Don’t you want to rest at least for a day or two?”

“Well, no one cares if I stay here or not. No one misses me, so I’d better just

continue to do my work somewhere else…

“It’s boring here without you…”

“Really? So Lena and Laira were not able to entertain you?”

“Well, there are some males who wanted

to entertain me, but…”

“What the fuck did you say? Males?”

“It was nothing.” Her eyes widened, but I could sense she was trying to suppress herself from smiling,

and it irritated the

hell out of me.

“Names? I want the fucking names of

those males!”

“Relax, Alpha…”


A smile curled on her lips as she dropped

to her knees in front of me, in between my legs. Her hands went to my thighs as she raised her brows

up. “Again, Alpha, did you miss me? Then maybe I can give

you names.

I leaned my face closer to her, so close

that I could smell her sweet breath. “Are

you trying to outsmart me?”

“Maybe!” She smiled widely, showing me her pearly white teeth, and she looked fucking irresistible.

We stayed staring at each other, and I knew I could stay here all day and not

blink at all.

Her eyes watered before she dropped her gaze and let out a sigh. She stood up and walked away. “Fine.

I know I’m worth nothing, so who would miss me?”


“I miss you,” I said it in a low voice, but I was sure she heard it because she stopped in her tracks and

remained silent.

I leaned back again and clasped my hands together, resting them almost where my

crotch was. “Tell me the names.”

She took a deep breath before she turned around to face me, her face void of any emotions.

“Nathaniel and Carlston,” she spoke their names so low as if she was giving them a death sentence

before a sly grin slowly crossed her face.

She played me well.

Nathaniel and Carlston were the Beta and Gamma couples’ pups. They were seven and five years old. 2

I licked my lips, trying not to smile this.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

time as my eyes roamed her body. She had already taken off the ugly hoodie and was just wearing tight

leggings with an ugly shirt, which I thought was mine.

I grabbed the lights remote control on the

side table and switched off the main lights, leaving the bedroom dimmed with

just the scented candles she lit up.

“Dance for me, Omega…”

Her eyes rounded as she tried to speak. “I don’t know how to dance, Alpha…”

“Were you not the one I saw dancing at

the Feast?”

“That’s the only dance I know…”

“Then show it to me privately this time. And get rid of those fucking ugly clothes. “I scoffed as I placed my


behind my head, waiting for her to jump

into dancing.

She swallowed hard as she bit her bottom

lip. She looked too shy at the moment, but her eyes were telling me something else. I saw them lit up

with excitement before she was able to hold them back.

Her hands went under her shirt as she tugged her leggings down and kicked

them off her feet. She was left with my

shirt which ended up almost on her knees. I wondered why the fuck she kept wearing those ugly shirts

when I knew

she got new clothes from the females.

Her hands reached for the hem of her

shirt as she slowly tugged it up over her head. My eyes widened as my jaw

tightened when her skimpy red lingerie

came into view.

I wiped the drool off my mouth as I leaned forward, resting my arms on my thighs as I watched her next


She was almost naked in front of me. Her

red lacey lingerie with strings and garters

left nothing to the imagination.

I could fucking see her nipples, standing too proudly as if they were waiting for me to suck them. And

yes, her pussy was exposed. She had crotchless thongs, and her pussy was exposed and glistening with

wetness under the dimmed lights.

She raised her arms over her head and

began swaying her hips, slowly and seductively, without taking her eyes off of me. My lips parted and my

fucking dick

tented up under the towel.

My hand raised to my face as I brushed my fingers along the corners of my mouth. I was drooling at the

sexy temptress in front of me.

The bedroom suddenly felt too fucking

hot that I slipped the towel covering my lower body off before I leaned back on the couch, with my hand

coiling on my

erection. I slowly jerked my cock as I

watched her seduce me with her dance.