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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 29
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029 – Missing Him


Two days turned into four, and then into six. By then, I was already in misery. I have never felt so

unproductive and useless as I felt at the moment. Although my body was functioning, my heart and my

brain weren’t.

I miss Alpha Stone.

And even if the Beta and Gamma Females

told me that Alpha Stone could handle

himself well in times of danger, I

couldn’t help but worry for him and

hated myself for ignoring him before he


If this was how it felt to be away from him for just a few days, what more if he asked me to leave for


I had no idea how many times I asked

Laira if she had gotten any messages from her Beta, but she always had the same answer, nothing yet.

And although I could see the longing in her eyes, she was

handling herself well. Maybe she was

already used to this.

I spent my days training to increase my stamina. Lena was giving me a personal workout plan, and I

didn’t need to hide.

my own strength this time after Laira

told me I was bluffing about being weak.

So there was no point in pretending, and I just had to tell them I did work out while I was in the

orphanage, and I did morning and evening runs. But I wished

we could do more to help my wolf

because, even with thorough training, I couldn’t feel any changes in my body.

Aside from that, Laira gave me books that I could read. As much as I hated reading, I

wanted to know more about the other

species in the world, so when she told me

029 Missing Him

this house had a big library and a wide variety of books, I got excited. Maybe I could find answers to my



But then I ended up reading romance s instead. And it was crazy that for every male lead, I always

pictured Alpha Stone. I was finally convinced that I was really crushing on the grumpy old Alpha.

I was lost in the story I was reading when the door to the library opened and Lena stepped in. “Lucy!”

I shut the book and looked at her, confusion on my face. “Is there something wrong?”

“Kingston got a word from the border. The Alpha and his convoy just entered the territory.”

I pushed my body up from the couch and found myself with parted lips, but I had no idea what to say. All

the while, my

heart began to thud wildly, as if it would jump out of my chest.

“Yes, the Alpha will be home soon! So if you want to fix yourself, you better get going!” Lena’s words

snapped me from my thoughts.

I nodded my head, but I remained in my

spot. “Okay.”

Lena laughed before she grabbed the book from my hand and dropped it on the

couch before she went behind me. Her

hands grabbed my shoulders as she pushed me toward the door. “You need to

move or he’ll be here and you’re still

standing here. Laira is already in the

shower, so if you…”

“Yes!” I finally snapped myself out of shock and realized what I needed to do. ”

How much time do I have?”!

“It’s forty-five minutes from the border, but if it’s the Alpha driving, they might

be here sooner, so let’s say thirty


I didn’t say anything more and dashed out of the library, running my way up the stairs while Lena was

laughing heartily as she followed me out.

As soon as I entered the main bedroom, I let my eyes wander the room before I decided I needed to

change the bedsheets and the pillowcases. The Alpha must be tired and, who knows, maybe he didn’t

have a decent bed to sleep on, so it would be better if he had fresh sheets.

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I began moving my ass and in just a few minutes I was done with it. I gathered the dirty sheets and was

about to run out of the bedroom to deposit them in the laundry area when I bumped into Lena as soon as

I opened the door. She was about to knock with a paper bag in her hand.

“Give me that.” She took the dirty sheets off my arms and I didn’t even object – it

would give me more time to shower. ”

And take this.”

“What’s this?” I asked after taking it

from her hand.

“Some lingerie. Laira went out to buy some days ago to prepare for her mate’s homecoming, and she

bought some for you too, since she couldn’t take you with her.” The Alpha instructed both females.

that I was not to be taken too far from the


“Are these mine?” I asked, grateful for these females who had been wonderful

and helpful with me while the Alpha was


“Yes, make good use of it.” She winked at me before turning her body around and walking away with my

dirty sheets.

I closed the door and, after making sure the bedroom was in perfect shape, rushed to the bathroom and

stripped off my

clothes. I was in a hurry, but I had never scrubbed myself as hard as I did at the moment. I wanted to

make myself

squeaky clean and smooth for the Alpha.

Just the thought of seeing Alpha Stone was making my pussy throb – hard, really hard.

I dried off and applied a lotion that smelled like crushed freesia. Alpha Stone told me at one point I

smelled like one and I had no idea why, but since he liked that smell I asked Laira to buy me this lotion

together with the hair coloring to

cover my roots.

The good thing about Laira and Lena, they never asked. They just bought me the things I needed, plus

some clothes, and didn’t even ask me to pay for them, even if I offered to give them my money.

I was already naked when I checked the inside of the paper bag. I picked up the first set of babydoll

lingerie. White? Too


Black? Too safe.

I had no idea how many were inside the paper bag, but I saw a red one in the

midst of it and fished it out immediately.

Skimpy and the sheer lace covering will almost hide nothing. Just perfect.

I had never worn this one before because

I simply didn’t have the money to buy it. But I think I liked it already. Despite

having many strings and garters, it was not that complicated to put on. In just a few minutes, I was

already set, but then I

didn’t want to wait for him inside the

bedroom. What if it took him hours

before he came up here? I would rather

meet him at the front door.

I only needed something to cover me up. I had to wear a hoodie or a jacket because it was a chilly night.

So I opted for tight leggings and the Alpha’s loose shirt.

Better if he had no clue what was waiting for him underneath these clothes that he

considered ugly.

I brushed my teeth and tied my hair into a high ponytail before giving the bedroom one last look. I had all


scented candles lit up, and the room

looked fresh.

I did well! Who would say I am not a perfect Omega?

I giggled softly as I made my way out of the suite and bumped into Laira, who was looking fresh as well,

with a wide smile

on her lips.

“Aren’t we excited?” She asked.

I nodded my head and we held hands as

we walked together down the stairs to the

main door of the packhouse.

Gamma Kingston and Lena were already standing by the foot of the steps facing

the packhouse grounds. And they were

not alone.

There were many females on each side, and all of them looked excited.

“What’s going on?” I asked Laira in a whisper as we walked toward the Gamma


“The Alpha’s entourage is mainly mated males, so those waiting are their females.

“Oh.” That was the only thing I could

come up with to say. I let my eyes roam over the whole grounds, and I could

count more than twenty females around,

maybe even thirty. He took many with him. Was the task so dangerous that he needed many


“We’re not the only ones feeling giddy tonight,” Laira added as we stood beside


“You smell lovely, sweetheart,” Lena whispered in my ears, and I couldn’t help but grin widely.

“Thank you…” My response got lost in the air as the sound of approaching cars

echoed around us. Soon, most of the

females around us started to squeal softly

in delight. They mirrored the exact

emotions I had, I was just good at hiding


Or so I thought.

The moment a red four-wheel-drive car

came into view and with Lena pointing out that it was the Alpha’s car, my heart.

began thudding loudly as a big smile curled on my lips.

I wanted to run and meet the car halfway because of the excitement I felt knowing he was there, but I

restrained myself.

Relax. Breathe in, breathe out.

The Alpha’s car came to a halt as six more cars behind him stopped. Soon, one by one, the doors of the

car behind him opened, and out came men from them.

The females were running to meet their mates while I kept biting my bottom lip.

Where the fuck is my Alpha?

The passenger door of his car opened and

Beta Collin stepped out. In seconds, Laira

launched on her feet and ran towards

him, all the while my eyes were pooling with tears. He certainly didn’t want me here. Maybe that’s why he

didn’t want to

come out.

Finally, I saw movement in the driver’s seat as the door opened. And as if in slow motion, Alpha Stone

climbed down.

I blinked back the tears I was holding off as my eyes feasted on his features. His hair had grown a bit

long and the last few

days of stubble were evident on his face. He had just a fitted t-shirt on him and it looked like his body had

become more

buffed and tanned.

He stopped just beside his car, his eyes staring into mine, and I had no idea what

to do next.

Should I run as the others did? Or…

“Approach the Alpha. He’s waiting for you …” Lena spoke in a whisper without taking her eyes off the

view in front of us.

I swallowed hard before taking the first step and walked toward the Alpha. I wanted to run to him earlier,

but seeing

the cold expression on his face made me change my mind.

But this is it. At least he was home.

I stopped in front of the Alpha and bowed my head, and my gaze remained on the

ground. “Alpha Stone, welcome home…”

“Did my Omega miss me?” His deep, baritone voice sent shivers down my

spine, down to my core.

I discreetly clamped my thighs together as I nodded my head and bit my bottom lip.

My gaze was still down, finding comfort in staring at the crotch of his pants

because I could see movement in there.

Even if he didn’t want me here, at least I knew he still desired my body.

A strong finger curled under my chin,

tilting my head up. Our gaze locked, and despite the stoic expression on his face, the expression in his

eyes was mirroring


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I was wrong. He did miss me.

“Words, Omega. I want to hear words.”

“I miss you, Alpha…” My words were cut short when his lips crushed into mine

and the world stopped spinning. 1

He was kissing me bruisingly hard. It was too painful that I knew it would be

swollen soon, but I didn’t mind. I basked

in the pain and the ecstasy of his kiss.

He was kissing me in front of his pack,

and I didn’t care anymore what I would look like as I coiled my arms around his neck. My hands grabbed

his hair tightly as I pushed my body up just as his hand cupped my ass and lifted me off the ground. My

legs automatically wrapped around him, gripping his waist tightly and pressing my body closer against


His plump lips watered my already dehydrated body, and slowly, all my

senses were coming back to life.

His hand was on the back of my head,

holding it in pace as we continued to kiss each other, passionately and hard. I was pouring out all my

feelings of missing him for almost a week while internally

rejoicing that the Alpha missed me.

The Alpha was the first to withdraw from our kiss, resting his forehead against mine while I was still

clinging to him. I whimpered softly, not wanting to break the kiss, but I dared not kiss him again. I didn’t

want to break the magic between

us, because for now, the Alpha seemed to like me when I was not too aggressive.

“You can kiss me more, later.” He chuckled softly, his peppermint breath fanning against my face.

I nodded my head slowly. My eyes were still closed, still reeling from the feel of his kiss and his warmth. I

felt his wet lips. peck mine before he let me down on my feet. My front brushed against the hard thing

poking under his pants, causing my core to throb and wetness to ooze out of

my pussy.

Thank Goddess, we were out in the open air.

The Alpha’s arm slid across my back as his hand clamped around my waist, pulling my body to his side

as he faced

the crowd of warriors he came home with.

“It has been a long and tiring journey. All of you worked hard and deserve a good night. So attend to your

females and you’re allowed to stay in until noon time. But I will see you after lunch to discuss. the pros

and cons of this assignment.”

“Yes, Alpha!” Everyone chanted with a bow of their heads and I couldn’t help but swallow knowing all

eyes were on the

Alpha and me as he clutched my body

closer to his.

“Very well then, have a good night, men!

He didn’t wait for any reply this time,

as he turned his body to face me and

scooped me up into his arms.

My eyes widened. My arms snaked

around his neck as he carried me in bridal

style, heading for the front door.

“Welcome back, Alpha!” Gamma

Kingston greeted him and I saw the way his eyes were teasing Alpha Stone, but the Alpha’s stoic

expression didn’t change.

“I assume everything is in place?” He asked him as they walked side by side through the hallways of the

packhouse. Lena was on the other side of the Gamma

and was winking at me.

I was trying to suppress a smile from

curling on my lips, but Lena was making

it hard.

“Yes, all in place.”

“Then let’s call it a day. We’ll talk


Gamma Kingston and Lena stopped by the foot of the stairs while the Alpha

proceeded upstairs.

“Have a great night, Alpha. You’re

allowed to stay in until noon.” The Gamma called after us, using the words Alpha Stone gave to his men.

“I’m allowed to stay in until dinner,” he replied, and my eyes rounded as I glanced back at Lena, who was

giggling quietly beside Gamma Kingston.

Lena blew me a kiss before she waved goodbye and turned around to leave with her mate.

And soon, it was just me and Alpha Stone, and my heart began to thud loudly again.