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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 23
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023 – Omega Quarter


I had no idea how long I went for a run. By the time I got back to the pack house, the sun was already

down, and by the looks of it, dinner had been served.

I just nodded my head at my Beta and ignored his question when he asked me if I wanted to eat. I went

directly up to my suite, where I was expecting to see her.

I still had no idea what to do with her.

I didn’t want her to control me and my emotions, but I didn’t want her away

from me either.

It was just a fucking 24 hours and yet she

was giving me inner turmoil. I pushed the door open and my forehead creased when

I couldn’t smell her. Her scent was too

faint it only meant she wasn’t around

here or she never went back.

I stepped inside and double-checked, but I couldn’t find her anywhere inside the

suite. The room looked like how we left it

this morning since I didn’t allow anyone t o clean the room today.

Soon, Beast was growling in my head. If I was not bothered by the Omega’s absence, I would be

taunting my wolf for suddenly connecting with my mind. But I knew he was upset that Lucy was gone and

was now fucking blaming me again. A s expected, he would only let me feel him when he was fucking

mad at me. 1

‘Where’s the Omega?’ I sent Beta Collin a

mindlink as I walked out of my room, slamming the door as I exited and headed


‘Talk with Laira, Alpha. She can explain it better.’ Collin replied, and I wanted to curse him. What the fuck

happened to let me know everything happening in the

pack, especially within the packhouse?

‘Where is Laira?’

‘At the office with me.’

‘Meet me by the stairs.’

I doubled my steps, my nose flaring. Did she fucking run away or leave?

Beast growled again. He was giving me an awful headache, and I tried to push him t

o the back of my mind, but he wasn’t giving up control. And this was pissing m

e off more.

I don’t need him right now. I needed to find the Omega. I didn’t spend money on her just so she could

leave after a day. 1

I kept telling myself it was the money that was pissing me off, but in reality, I knew I fucked up and led

her to leave. If she did run away, it was because of how I

treated her after I fucked her. But I kept justifying to myself that that was not my

problem. She should have expected that. I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

was not made for cuddles and sweet


I saw Laira and Collin by the foot of the

stairs, waiting for me.

“Where is she?”

“She requested her own place, Alpha.

Where she can rest.”

“And you decided for her instead of asking me?”

“She said she didn’t want to bother you

since it looked like you were disappointed

with her.” 1

My brows raised at Laira’s words. But I

didn’t need to explain to them. “Where is


I was expecting she would point me to

one of the guest rooms.

“At the Omega quarter?”


“I can pick her up and bring her here if you need her.” Collin volunteered, but I could see he was

frustrated too. Probably

with me.

“I can take care of that.” I didn’t wait for any response as I walked past them and

headed for the front door.

Beta Colling walked behind me. “Alpha,

don’t scare her.”

“We both fucking know she’s not easily

scared.” I didn’t know why I said that,

but it was the truth. And it was the reason

why I wanted to put her in her place.

I’m the fucking Alpha here. I don’t need a

female, especially an Omega to run over m



I sat by the window sill just looking over the grounds outside this apartment building, or what they called

the Omega quarter. Most of the residents here are Omegas working within and outside the territory.

Laira told me the Alpha provided this place for free and they just needed to pay for the electricity and

water bill, but the maintenance and keeping the place safe

was still under the Alpha. She was hesitant to put me here, but I insisted. I didn’t like the way Alpha

Stone looked at me earlier. He was disgusted with me and I didn’t even know what I did wrong.

I thought we were both enjoying each other’s company after the mind-blowing sex we shared, but I was

wrong. I was the

only one who enjoyed it.

And I didn’t know it would hurt. I

couldn’t explain what I was feeling, but for the first time, I felt no motivation at

all to keep going. I felt like I just wanted t o curl up and let my wings cocoon me, away from the world,

away from the pain.

My thoughts were distracted when I saw a lot of movement on the grounds as if everyone had just

disappeared, and when my eyes focused, I saw the Alpha walking toward the quarter with a furious

expression on his face, making the small

crowd pave way for him.

I closed my eyes and clutched my

pendant as if it would help me and give m e strength. He was probably here for me. A s much as I was

brave with everything, I

didn’t have it in me to argue with him.

Besides, I should act like an Omega, and a t the moment, I felt like one.

I got up from the window and walked to the door that separated my small apartment from the hallway

outside. I leaned against it and closed my eyes, trying to hear if there was any


I was just on the second floor. If he was

here for me, it wouldn’t take long before h

e would arrive here.

And I was right. Soon, loud footsteps were heard from the hallway, and then

they stopped. I knew he was right outside my door.

I didn’t wait for him to knock, instead, I

turned the knob and opened the door. I

avoided looking into his eyes, so I bowed my head as I acknowledged him. “Alpha


“Who said you can move here?” His voice

was cold, too cold.

I opened the door wide, and he stepped inside. He might have understood that I didn’t want anyone from

the corridor to

hear us.

“Answer me.”

“I’m not sure if you wanted me around, and I didn’t want to intrude on your

space so…

“You didn’t want to intrude on my space? || He scoffed, and my eyes squinted, but I didn’t look at him. My

gaze was still fixed on the floor.

“I don’t even know what I did wrong… bit my inner cheek because I felt so weak a t the moment, and I

knew if he kept this attitude toward me, I might end up crying. I was on cloud nine earlier, and he just

smashed all the happiness around m e when he walked out without saying anything. I had always been

confident, but this Alpha was destroying all the confidence I had.

“Look at me.” He ordered.

I blinked back the tears pooling in my eyes before I tilted my head up and

looked at him.

“Are you sure you want to stay here?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yes, Alpha.” I did my best to sound tough. I wouldn’t cry in front of him.

“I’m giving you the last chance. If you decide to stay with me in my suite, I will forget that you defied me

and decided on

your own. But if you choose to remain here, then so be it. I will just call you when I need you.”

His words hit me badly. I thought I was already tough enough and no one could break me. And yet, not

even 24 hours after I met him, this Alpha was already shattering my heart and my confidence

into pieces.

“I understand, Alpha,” I answered in a

straight voice.

“Which means?”

“I’ll stay here. And I will come to you if

you call for me.’

“Fine. I want you in my suite then, at ten o’clock tonight. After that, you can return here.” He said those

words without any emotion before he left without saying goodbye, slamming the door on his way


My knees buckled, but somehow I found my way to walk toward the door and lock i t. I rested my

forehead on it while my hand was still clutching the door handle, and this time I just let the tears pour

down my face.

I didn’t know liking someone would hurt like this. Why, of all the people in this world, did I end up liking a

conceited, cold -hearted Alpha?

I was trying to stifle my sobs, but I couldn’t stop them. Did I make the wrong

choice? I should have come with him.

Maybe even if he’s cold, I would still at least get to be with him. And now my choices have just demoted

me back to my

real purpose when I was sold for the feast – just a mere Omega, a piece of flesh needed to satisfy my


“Lucy…” Alpha Stone’s voice came through from outside the door. I thought I was hallucinating because

it sounded so soft like he was in pain. But then he spoke again. “Open the door…”

I abruptly unlocked the door and twisted the knob, opening it wide in such a hurry that I didn’t have time

to wipe the tears

off my face.

I saw the Alpha leaning his forearm against the door frame while his forehead was resting on it. He was

looking at me, and his face mirroring the expression I

had on mine. He looked lost too.

“I’m sorry…” His voice came out, almost inaudible, but I heard it loud and clear. Did the Alpha just

apologize to me? An Omega?

My lips quivered as I bit my bottom lip. Everything I felt right now was

something new to me, and I couldn’t stop myself from crying.

Alpha Stone moved from his position and closed the gap between us, shutting the door behind him

before his arms coiled around my body and pulled me against his, hugging me tightly while he pressed

his mouth onto my hair. “I’m sorry. Come home with me, let’s talk.”

“Did I do or say something wrong?” I asked. My hands on his chest were clutching his shirt tightly.

“No. Yes! Fuck!” He cursed, gritting his teeth as his arms around me tightened. “I fucking don’t know.”