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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 14
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014 – Tractor


For the last ten minutes, I’ve been staring at the Omega sleeping comfortably,

sprawled out in my bed as if she owned it.

And the strange thing was, I was the one that placed her in there.

No female had entered my room. Not even helpers. I had a male Omega who was assigned to clean this

suite and another one that attended to my clothes and personal things. I didn’t have any issues with

females. I just didn’t want anyone in my space.

But Lucy. She came and just knocked off my walls, and it was not even a day yet. I was planning to place

her in the suite beside mine, which was reserved for the Luna or future Luna of the pack, but for some

reason, I just found myself

unlocking my own suite.

I tipped the glass of solid whisky in my mouth, gulping it all at once before

placing it back on the round table beside me for another refill. I’d stared at her for

a long time, but I still couldn’t find any answers to the things bothering my mind, and my fucking wolf was

not helping at all.

Despite being allured by the Omega, Beast refused to share his mind with me. Beast

and I have been disconnected for over a

year now. The only times we would have

had our minds connected were those

times we were both fighting for control.

To say that my wolf hated me was an

understatement. I think he didn’t want

me as his human counterpart. We used to be in sync with everything until Beast got tired of my bachelor

ways two years ago.

He wanted our mate. But I didn’t give a fuck about it. Instead, I paraded around different females every

night, fucking

014 – Tractor

anyone I could get my hands on. And I thought I was doing okay because I was just living my life to the

fullest. But even if I put our pack as my priority, it was not enough for him.

For every female I fucked, Beast grew distant, until I just woke up and realized that I couldn’t reach him. I

couldn’t connect with him anymore. But seeing how he was with Lucy tonight warmed my heart. He liked

her in a way that no other female in my life, family or not,

came close.

Maybe Lucy could help me patch things up with my wolf.

But aside from that, there was still one question looming at the back of my mind.

I smelled her the moment I entered the auditorium. The alluring scent of moonflower and freesia swirled

around me, and for a moment I thought Beast would come out of his shell and yell ‘mate

014 – Tractor

in my head. But he didn’t.

So I couldn’t understand it. Maybe I was

just entranced by the scent, but it wasn’t

my mate’s scent. After all, I never really

knew what a mate’s scent should be. And

besides, why would I be mated to an Omega?

But it didn’t stop me from watching her dance gracefully with her eyes closed.

She was indeed a beauty, like an angel in a throng of hell.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I was ready to leave the auditorium at the exact moment she opened her eyes and locked them with

mine. She stopped

dancing and got lost in the middle that it almost made me smile, only for me to

remember that she was just an Omega – not worth my time.

I turned my back to her, ready to go home and just forget about her, but for some reason, I just found my

feet treading the stairs and into the VIP room. I watched


014- Tractor

from afar, and I told myself I would just watch and see who would buy her. But

then again, my actions were totally different from my thoughts.

So here I was, in my room, looking at the female I bought but had no idea what to

do with her.

She has no wolf and could never bear me

a son – at least not yet. And she was not

even fit to be chosen. 2

I shook my head and scoffed at myself because my mind was going too far.

A chosen? No fucking way. My family never had a chosen Luna. I might as well

end up alone rather than break the


Besides, like my grandfather said, if I couldn’t bear a son, Alonzo, my nephew, could be the pack’s next


‘Alpha?‘ Collin’s voice dug into my head.

‘Hmmm…‘ I replied as I coiled my hand



on the glass.

‘Do you need anything from me or shall we call it a day?‘

‘Nothing for now. But I want Laira to fix some clothes for the Omega tomorrow.‘

‘Noted, Alpha. In which room did you place her? So Laira can drop some clothes

for her.”

I bit my bottom lip and took a big swig of the whisky while contemplating my response. I could tell him it

was the room beside mine, but what’s the fucking point of lying to my Beta?

‘In my room.‘

‘What? You have got to be fucking

kidding me?‘ He laughed heartily, and instead of being annoyed, I found myself chuckling at the

amazement in his voice.” What did the Omega do to you? Huh? Fuck, Adan!‘

I couldn’t answer him because I had no


014 – Tractor

idea what she had done to me as well.

With my eyes still closed, I stretched my arms slowly, letting a big and loud yawn escape my throat as I

wiggled my body slightly to wake me up from my sleep. I needed to get up early to help Stella with

breakfast so the pups could eat first before heading to school.

But then I remembered that I was no longer in the orphanage. And the Omega

feast would be…


I snapped my eyes open as I sat up

abruptly from laying down only to see an

unfamiliar big room in front of me. The

room was so massive with Victorian

furniture that it felt like I was transported to the 18th century.

Where am I?

014- Tractor

“Can you be more considerate? Someone is trying to sleep here.” Someone beside me in the bed spoke

in a loud, clear voice that made me gasp in surprise.

Memories from last night came flooding

in and made me realize I must be at Alpha

Stone’s packhouse now. My head tipped

down to look at my clothes, and I was disappointed to see I was still wearing the bra and thongs from last

night. No wonder my breasts were so painful because the bra was too tight.

My head then darted to the Alpha, who was laying on his stomach, with the blanket just covering his ass.

Was he naked under or did he have a boxer on?

Tingles were spreading between my thighs at the sight of his back and those muscled legs. I could have

them for


And just like that, my stomach growled so loudly that my hands flew to my mouth



as if they could stop my stomach from growling.

“What the fuck do you have there? Did

you swallow a tractor?” His head tilted up

as he looked up at me with a creased

forehead, and my heart just skipped a

beat. a

If Alpha Stone was good–looking with neatly combed hair, he was a god with disheveled hair. And that

stubble just

made him more delectable. Maybe I should eat him to satisfy the hunger that

I had within me.

I stopped myself from drooling on the sexy Alpha beside me before I smiled

meekly at him, fluttering my lashes

slowly. “Good morning, Alpha… I think I’m hungry.”

“Obviously. Or it wouldn’t sound like that.

“He answered sarcastically before

turning his head to the other side like he wanted to sleep again.


014- Tractor

“Well, the Alpha who bought me last night didn’t even bother to give me even a cracker to dissipate my

hunger,” I said sarcastically, even if I was trying to be meek, this Alpha always pushed me to my


“Well, if you weren’t busy snoring the whole time in the car, you probably had your dinner at some point.”

“I don’t snore.” I hissed.

“Says who?” He asked before he flipped on his back. My eyes widened, waiting for the blanket to slip so

I could have a glimpse of the one I was playing with my mouth last night. But fate was against me

because the blanket covered him so well. ”

Have you slept with someone?”

Fishing. The Alpha wanted to know if I was still a virgin or not. Well, let’s play a

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


“Do I need to answer that Alpha?”

“Will it violate your morals if you do?”

“Will it make me less of a person if my answer is something beyond your expectations?”

“Expectations? What the fuck are we talking about?”

“I don’t know.“”

“Take off your bra.” He ordered it almost immediately after I spoke.

“Wh–what?” I stammered, not expecting

his order.

He placed his arms under his head as he stared at the ceiling. “I said, take off your


“I don’t have any clothes then if I take

them off.”

“I think that’s the fucking plan.” He closed his eyes and I just stared at him.

“I’m counting. One…” He began to count,


014- Tractor

and my hands flew to my back, unclasping the hook that holds my bra.

I let out a sigh of relief as my breasts broke free from the tight garment. I then pulled the blanket to cover

my naked


So does he want to have sex? Could he at

At least let me shower.

“Sit here…” He tapped his upper thigh without opening his eyes, and my gaze didn’t miss the big thing

tenting under

the blanket.

Oh, Goddess! Was he going to feed me

breakfast in bed?

I swiped my tongue over my lips discreetly before I crawled to his side of the bed, slowly straddling his


making sure I was not touching any part of his erection. I was just in my thongs. The Alpha might have

taken off the wrap around skirt, as he did with the jacket I was wearing last night.

I had already been sitting on his thighs for a few seconds, but he was not saying

anything or even opening his eyes.

“Alpha…” I called him in a soft voice.



“I’m here already.”

“I know.”

I rolled my eyes before I glared at him, knowing fully well that he couldn’t see

He withdrew his arms from the back of

his head before he clamped them over my thighs, rubbing his calloused palms

against my skin, which sent tingles all over my body, directly to my core. This

Alpha knew how to make me wet in seconds.

Alpha Stone opened his eyes and our gaze met. I bit my bottom lip as I waited for him to say something,

fully aware that

014 – Tractor

the way his hands were rubbing my

thighs was making my body melt and my pussy throb.

“Bend over… I want your breast in my mouth. 2