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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 13
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013 – The Beta Couple


‘Alpha?‘ I reached the Alpha’s mind as

soon as we neared the border.


‘We’re approaching the border. Can I lower the partition?‘ He didn’t reply, so I thought it was okay to do

so. And so I did.

The partition between us lowered, and the Alpha was startled when it happened. His hand was tucking

the stray hairs from the Omega’s face behind her ears. She was sleeping peacefully – on the Alpha’s


‘Roll it up,‘ he ordered me through mindlink, probably so as to not wake up the sleeping female in his

arms. His eyes were looking at the ceiling of the car. He was refusing to meet mine.

I rolled the partition up before I let a

smile tug on my lips.

I think someone was smitten. I couldn’t

remember the last time I saw a female

seated on his lap, aside from those

females he would hang out with

whenever we hit clubs and bars. But never

in his car. In fact, in my years of service

with the Alpha, he never sat in the back

seat. He would always drive the car or sit

on the passenger’s side.

Even when we picked up females from somewhere, females he would end up playing with, but they

never reached his lap inside his car the way this Omega did.

I knew something was odd with his

behavior the moment we entered the

auditorium where the bid was being held.

This afternoon, I had to force him out of the packhouse to come with me.

I literally had to beg him to just check the females out and if none of them

interested him, we would leave the feast


immediately. But the moment we stepped in, instead of going to the stairs that would lead us to the

private viewing room, the Alpha walked straight to the front of the stage.

For a moment, he stayed there without

saying anything. I thought he was just

checking on the females. I would say they

had a pretty good bunch this year, but, of

course, none was as beautiful as my mate,


So when the Alpha decided to turn

around, I thought we were heading home.

But he went to the private viewing room

and ordered drinks for us.

And the next thing I knew, he was

handing me a tablet and asking me to continue bidding, and to make sure we would win the Omega. He

said the sky was the fucking limit.

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I knew Alpha Stone had personal money due to being the only son of Alpha Audrius, but he was looking

at me with an


expression that said he was willing to

send my soul to the devil just to make sure I would win the bid for the Omega.

‘No need to roll my window at the border.

Just tell them I’m asleep. I don’t want

anyone to see her for now.‘

‘Yes, Alpha.‘ I chuckled internally, knowing he probably didn’t want the others to see how the Omega’s

body was clutching to him like he was a damn bed.

Maybe having the Omega around wouldn’t be that bad. If she could tame Beast, maybe she could

control the Alpha’s temper as well. Because lately, he has been a little pain in the ass with his anger


I stopped by the border and checked with the man patrolling for any issues. The weather was chilly on

this side of the territory, and the leaves were starting to frost. Soon, winter is coming. Not that the cold

bothered us, but we needed to play our part when traveling to human


territories or neutral cities. Who the fuck wanted to sport big coats and boots when I’d rather be walking

around naked?

‘Babe?‘ Laira’s words dug into my head. ‘ Are you in the territory now?‘

‘Yes. Five minutes, we’re arriving at the pack house.‘

‘Oh, thank Goddess! I thought you ended

up in some clubs again with the Alpha. So

did he take home an Omega?‘

‘Yes, we took home one. Did you ask

Matilde to prepare a room at the Omega



‘Yes. But, did the Alpha really say she would stay there? I mean… that area is for the workers around

her. And that female…

‘That’s what he told me this morning when I asked him where the Omega will stay if we take home one.‘

‘Hmmm… Just odd. I mean, if I’m your

personal Omega, shouldn’t I be in a room beside yours?‘

‘If you’re my personal Omega, you’ll be in my room. In my bed… But what the fuck, aren’t you already

my sex slave?‘ I chuckled, my dick twitching in my pants at the thought of my female naked in our bed.

‘Hmmm… Isn’t it the other way around, Beta? Last I checked, you were doing everything I asked you to

do… strip, roll, on your back…‘ She teased back, and I knew she was right.

But she had to stop teasing me because I

was still on duty.

‘You have to stop, Lai. Or I will have a fucking boner when I step out of the car.‘

She giggled seductively, and it just made me want to slap her ass and bend her around for teasing me.

‘I’ll meet you at the front of the


‘Sounds good. But I’ll drive the Omega to the Omega’s quarter first. And Lai… make sure you’re fully

dressed when you meet me.‘

‘Fully clothed. With nothing underneath…

I was not able to reply because she shut off her mindlink right away like she always did when she wanted

me to play. Some females just love punishment. I

shook my head as I stepped on the brake pedal as soon as we arrived at the

building where we house Omegas and

their families.

‘Alpha, we’re here.‘

‘What are we doing here?‘

‘Omega? Omega quarter?‘

‘She’ll stay at the packhouse.”

I shook my head again and started the engine before I replied to the Alpha. ‘I didn’t ask Laira to prepare

a room at the


packhouse. But we can have her settle in one of the guest rooms for tonight unless, of course, you want

to spend…‘

‘Just fucking drive. You talk too much, Beta.‘

‘Chill man. When did you start being secretive when it comes to females?‘

‘I’m tired. I just want to fucking sleep.‘

‘Or get laid.‘ I chuckled.

The Alpha didn’t reply, but the partition window rolled down and my eyes darted

to the rearview mirror. The Omega was still sleeping in his arms. Her hands on his chest were clutching

the Alpha’s shirt tightly as if she was not allowing him to go.

“She must be tired,” I said, out of



“Do you like her?” I asked, hoping the

Alpha won’t dodge the question.



“I was asking if you liked her.”


“You can’t lie to me, Adan.”

“My wolf likes her.”

“Stop using Beast as an excuse. It wasn’t Beast who placed her in your arms because I am sure the

Omega didn’t crawl there and demand to sleep on your lap.”


“What now?”

“Her name is Lucy.” He said and

remained quiet after. He didn’t even

respond to my accusations.

“Should I ask someone to come and meet

us, to carry her up to her room? I can carry her too.”

“Can you just mind your business and

give me a moment of silence?”


“Unfortunately, you’re my business,

Alpha. In case you forget that.”

“Laira is waiting by the steps. Go fucking do her and leave me alone.”

I snickered. He was pissed off already, but I had no idea why I was having fun taunting him tonight.

Probably because I knew he would not do anything with the Omega in his arms. He was cuddling her as

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

if she was something precious.

“And you, Alpha, who will you do tonight?

“In case you’re fucking blind, the Omega

I took home slept on me.‘

“You can always wake her up. Start with kisses on the neck, hands rubbing…‘

“Fuck off!”

I hit the brake and was about to turn the engine off when he spoke again.

“Put the car close to the steps. As close as


you can get. She’s almost naked under my jacket, she might get cold.”

If I just thought earlier that the Alpha

might be smitten with this Omega, I

could say now that he was indeed smitten

with her. The little distance from where I

stopped to the entrance of the packhouse

would never hurt her if he walked her to

it, but then who was I to complain?

So I did as I was told and drove the car

exactly beside the steps. I got out of the car and opened the door for them. The

Alpha didn’t even look at me or Laira, and

just went inside the packhouse, carrying his Omega too close to his body, as if he

was terrified someone would take her

away from him.

My gaze followed the Alpha’s movement while my arm snaked around Laira’s


“Is the Alpha okay?”

“I think so,” I answered before placing a

013 – The Beto Couple

soft kiss on my mate’s forehead.

Laira wrapped her arms around my body and rested her cheek on my chest. “He didn’t even look at me.

Or you.”

“You noticed.”

“Even if the Alpha is not in a good mood, he never ignores a greeting. And did I see it right? He was

carrying the Omega?”

She said the last part in a hushed tone to avoid being overheard as I walked her to the car. She sat in the

passenger seat while I went back to the driver’s seat. I needed to park the car first before I could

call it a night.

But Laira was right he was carrying the Omega and it was something he never did. The only female he

would carry

around was little Amara, his only niece,

from his cousin Luna Alexa and her mate,

Alpha Aeon. All the other pups from his

cousins were males, so it was no wonder only Amara was given that privilege by

her uncle.

Alpha Adan had no siblings. His closest relatives were now all living in the South

with their mates. His parents, the former Alpha, and Luna of the Mystic Pack were still residing in the

territory on their own estate. However, they were on vacation for the last two months, visiting the Grand

Alpha Aurelius, who settled in the South two years ago.

So at the moment, Adan, or Alpha Stone, had no family around him.