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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 10
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010 – Fallen Angel


My hold on the Alpha’s jacket tightened as we entered the indoor arena. The place was deserted except

for us and five more people.

Alpha Stone and Ethan, who Beta Collin told me was also an Alpha, were standing in the middle with a

man between them.

“What are they doing?” I asked in a soft voice.

“Discussing an agreement.” Beta Collin replied as he crossed his arms against his chest.

“What kind of agreement, like rules?”

“1 think they set no rules. Human or wolf form is okay. They are discussing now if the duel is a fight to the


“Until death?” I gasped, cutting his



He chuckled before he continued. “Until death or submission.”

“And what have they decided? If they will fight to the death, then they’re both stupid! And I will walk out of

here, run away, and they will never see me again. They’re wasting their lives for nonsense.

Who even duels for a female these days?”

“Hmmm… Alpha Stone and Alpha Ethan…

He answered, and I knew he was mocking me.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms against my chest as I ‘turned my attention back to the middle of

the arena.

“Are you sure you’re an Omega?”

My eyes widened and my heart thumped loudly. Oh, shit! Me and my big mouth! I was not able to control

my outburst.

How do I get back from this?

I bit tuy bottom lip and hoped for the best Fa!ten before I tilted my head to look at him. “I don’t

understand. What do you mean?”

‘I Nothing. You have a strong personality. ” l just don’t want the Alpha to be harmed because of me…

So, do you like him?”

“Am I not supposed to like him?”

He ignored my question and threw another one out. “Where have you been before you came to the

orphanage? Family? Pack? Rogue?”

swallowed hard, still thinking of an answer when I heard footsteps approaching, and both our heads

turned to the direction where it was coming from.

“I’ll be the one goipg into a fight, so I expect both your eyes to be on me and not on each other. u He said

in a cold voice as he unbuttoned his shirt. His gaze went to me before he shifted it to his Beta. ‘ t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I l


Especially you. I ‘m fucking sure Ethan will let his wolf out, and if I lose control and Beast surges forward,

I need you to take this Omega out of here. ”

NO, fucking way, man. What if Beast killed Alpha Ethan?”

“His fault, not mine.”

“Is Beast the name of your wolf?” I butted in, my eyes beaming. His wolf’s name sounded better than his

own name.

“When were you allowed to speak without being told?” He asked me. His forehead creased as he slipped

the shirt off his body.

If he wasn’t this grumpy, I would have soaked my eyes with his naked chest, which was too perfect, but

now I wanted to throw a punch at hilli. But of course, I couldn’t. I shouldn’t.

Oh, Goddess, was it wrong that I desired this man? Maybe it was not too late yet to run away.

‘That’s his wolf’s name. And he’s out of control. Beta Collin informed me.

I l Enough.” Alpha Stone growled lowly as he threw a dagger look at his Beta. “Just do the fucking job I

told you to and stop with the tattle-tale. ”

He turned around and walked back to the middle of the arena without even throwing a glance at me. I

rolled my eyes and mimicked the way he said tattle- tale in a very soft voice, which made the Beta


“Convinced me again that you ‘re an Omega.” He said shaking his head.

“Fine. I’m an angel. I fell from the heavens.” I answered sarcastically.

“Nah. Maybe a fallen ångel. Angels are the exact opposite of He snickered before his attention was

drawn back to where Alpha Stone

I swallowed hard. He hit me there. And it hurt badly. I was sure it was a joke, but between Angels and

Demons, the latter one would always be the villain of the story.

But not all demons are bad.

My eyes widened when the growls became louder, and before I knew it, bodies were flying in the air. It

was happening too fast, and sometimes I couldn’t see who was hitting who. Both Alphas were equal in

size and almost equal in height.

For every hit that Alpha Ethan gave, a counter would be given by Alpha Stone and vice versa. And none

of them have even fallen on their asses yet.

‘I SO if no one submits, are we staying here forever?”

“Looks like it.

“Maybe by that time, my wolf is ready to come out and introduce herself to me.” I giggled, placing my

hand over my mouth

“What did you say?


II Did you say you don’t have a wolf?” His eyes dilated and I inched backward, not liking the animosity on

his face. “Is Alpha

Adan aware of that?”

Who’s Alpha Adan?II

I Stone. Is Alpha Stone aware that you don’t have a wolf?” His voice was getting louder.

I raised my shoulders and shrugged them off because I really had no idea. “Were you not informed by

the organizer?”

If I heard Manuel correctly at the orphanage, he said bidders would be informed about Omegas with no


“Fuck! He brushed his hand over his hair, and I saw frCj$CÉåfién flitting in his eyes.

“You can’t smell I didn’t have a wolf?”

TI You’re an Omega!! Everything in your aura is faint. So, I would never know if the aura I can sense in

you is just you or your wolf. Oh, fuck this! ”

“What’s wrong if I don’t have a wolf?” I asked, my heart thudding loudly. Would this mean Alpha Stone

would no longer need me?

I didn l t have time to ask more questions when I saw the color drain from the

Beta(s face before a loud, earth shattering growl erupted in the air, causing my body to swivel in the

direction of the sound. My eyes widened as my mouth opened at the sight in front of me.

A big, black wolf was slowly trodding his way in my direction, baring his fangs at me. His eyes were pure

black and if this was Beast they were talking about, I knew I would be dead soon jusflbytjlé way his gaze

was burning me.

My eyes shifted to the middle of the

arena. Alpha Ethan was laying down, fully naked, which meant he had shifted into his wolf earlier.

Someone was already helping him up. He was alive.

“Run! ‘I Beta Collin yelled before he shifted into his wolf and jumped in front of me.

I didn’t have time to find out what he was about to do as I turned around and sprang to my feet, my hand

clutching the opal stone hanging on my neck. I knew using it would mean I would lose everything I was

planning for my life, but I would use it to save me from death, Which was obviously what Beast wanted to

do with me.

I exited the small door that led to a long corridor and sprang faster, It didn’t take long before I heard a

loud crash, and if what I was thinking right, Beast was able to get away from beta Collin and was now

breaking the wall Of the arena so he would fit through the small door where I exited,

I kept running while my ‘heart was thudding too loudly, but I could hear paws hitting the tiled floor of this

building. He was too near now!

I finally saw an exit and made my way out to an empty field, but just as soon as the door slammed, and I

was just probably twenty meters away from it, the same door I exited was smashed and went flying past

me, making me cower and fall down on the ground.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I turned my body around and saw Beast approaching, walking in a tortuous slow movement.

He growled, making the earth shake and my body jolt in fear as sweat formed on my hands.

A wolf bite was deadly, And I had no plan of dying.

“Stop there! I will burn you with fire!” I threatened him, my hand motioning for him to stop. I mean what I

said would

set him on fire.

He growled in response, too loud that it Inade lily eyes widen again. Saliva was dripping from his mouth

as he kept walking closer.

I clutched the necklace away from my neck and gripped it tightly, ready to throw it away if the big black

wolf with big fangs jumped on me.

But he just kept walking, slowly, with his mouth still open, and saliva continuously dripping from his


il Please… Please… Alpha Stone! I promise I will be a good Omega! I will not talk and ask questions

unless you ask line to!” I didn’t know who I was talking to, but I

was hoping he would be able to control his wolf. Maybe if he was not furious with Tile, maybe his wolf

wouldn’t think of eating up.

The Beast growled again, giving Ille goosebumps as he bared his sharp fangs

at me. I saw him take a leaping stance, and I knew I was doomed.

I closed lily eyes. I was ready to set lily body on fire and threw the opal stone away when I felt something

wet touch my nose.

I opened lily eyes slowly, and lily eyes grew bigger to see Beast’s face inches away from mine while he

continuously licked lily nose and then lily whole face.

A smile curled on my lips as I slipped the necklace into the pocket of Alpha Stone’s jacket and cupped

Beast’s face, rubbing his fur while gigling softly.

“Aren’t you a cute big wolf? ‘ l I kept gigling while I let him lick my face with my hands still holding his


I didn’t know how long we were in that position before I saw Iliovelnent from where we exited.

I peered behind Beast’s body and saw

Beta Collin holding onto the pillars, his

chest heaving as he looked at me and Beast with a confused expression on his face. He had shorts on

him already, but there were traces of splattered blood on his chest, and behind it looked like a paw’s


Did Beast do that to him?

“Did you hurt Beta Collin? ‘ l ‘ I asked Beast, and he growled at me in response.

I flinched and squinted my eyes, watching as his mouth opened wide as he growled. I knew my head

would fit inside it if he decided to eat me, but I was no longer scared of him.

“Your breath stinks. Who did you eat? Alpha Ethan?” I asked in a low voice before I reached for his head

way above me and patted him gently. “Good boy…