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All too late for his love

Chapter 371
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Chapter 371 1/2 Chapter 371 Willow had no plans on ruining her day, so she looked away from the four eyesores and headed straight for the studio.

The stuwas the largest in Havenpoint, with different sets and booths laid out.

Wilhelmina and Skyler had shown up at the stutoday for photoshoots and to film promotional videos too.

Skyler was miffed to lose out on the endorsement for Arena of Glory, but she worked hard and scored an endorsement deal for another game.

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Wilhelmina, on the other hand, snagged the supporting role for the endorsement deal courtesy of Skyler. Zayn hadn't intended to cto the stuwith Skyler today. He wouldn't have wasted his tif Liam hadn't told him Willow would be at the stutoo.

While Willow avoided Wilhelmina and Skyler like the plague, they did not return her favor.

Although Wilhelmina had recovered from her temporary blindness, she couldn't help feeling as if her response twas slower since she took a hit to the back of her head.

She walked up to Willow elegantly, her eight-inch heels clicking against the floor, and said crisply, "Lolo! Fancy running into you here. I'm sorry about what happened in the cellar the other day.

"It was wrong ofto do that, and I'm truly sorry for it. Will you forgive me?" Willow was too bright to fall for Wilhelmina's tricks. "What do you hope to achieve by putting on this goody -two- shoes act in front of me, Wilhelmina? Would you forgiveif I had someone chop off your fingers and leave scars all over your body? "I doubt it. So doa favor and stop irritatingwith your false contrition. People have gone to hell for less!" "Willow, you little-" Wilhelmina flushed angrily as she glared at Willow with hatred in her eyes.

Remembering Matthew was with her, Wilhelmina concealed her malice and continued piteously, "I didn't mean for you to get hurt, Lolo. I promise I'll make it up to you!" Willow was getting sick of Wilhelmina's pretenses, She shot Wilhelmina a cold look as she said, "If I caused you to be permanently disabled and live the rest of your life in agony, would you forgiveif I said I didn't mean to do it? "Cut the act, Wilhelmina. Only idiots beyond saving would believe a two-faced liar like you!" "Willow!" Matthew growled. He hadn't missed Willow's pointed remark that hinted at him being the idiot beyond saving.

"Oh, are you remindingof my nagain, Mr. Mayer? Thank you, but I'm not so stupid as to not know what my nis!" Willow snapped.

Chapter 371 2/2 With that, she turned on her heels and strode toward the booth designated for her photoshoot and filming today. Her ankle still hurt, but she could move effortlessly thanks to the ointment Moses had given her, which worked wonders.

Matthew was left fuming after Willow stormed off, the vein near his temple throbbing.

Zayn, on the other hand, couldn't help the smile that curled on the corner of his mouth.

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For sreason, it gave him a rush to hear Willow put Matthew in his place.

Matthew, the idiot beyond saving, was so tense with anger that he did not soften even as Wilhelmina clutched his arm. She said, "Matt, the director for our shoot today won't be here for another hour due to personal reasons. "Why don't we drop by Lolo's booth and see how her shoot goes instead of waiting around here? I could find a chance to tell her how sorry I am about the other day." Matthew had not looked away from Willow since he saw her in the studio, so he was more than happy to accept Wilhelmina's suggestion.

Meanwhile, Skyler was not inclined to let Zayn go with Matthew and m Wilhelmina, She was worried he might lose control of himself around Willow.

Skyler thought it was rather foolish of Wilhelmina to want to parade m Matthew in front of Willow, especially since Wilhelmina was afraid that Willow might steal her man. Honestly, how did Wilhelmina expect to keep a tight leash on Matthew at this rate?