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After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 1003
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Chapter 1003: The Pain of Embarrassment Clare thought for a moment and didn't want to hurt his child's self-esteem.

So he said, "If you want to play around, why don't I have the company make a few dozen bottles for you? You can give them away or keep them for yourself. It would count as your own perfume. How about that?" This was the utmost humility from an elder.

Sylvia was amused by his words.

Since he didn't believe her, she let it go.

"Alright, Uncle, let's do as you said. Makea few dozen bottles to play with!" Clare took Sylvia's perfsample to Joel Hipps' office.

He handed the sample to Joel and explained his purpose.

Joel Hipps thought it was just something Sylvia made for fun and didn't take it seriously.

He thought to himself, "What a spoiled young lady." The company was in such a state, and she still had the heart to play around, causing trouble for everyone.

The main house members spoiled her too much. Now that Hipps Group's perfdivision was struggling, this young lady still wanted to cause trouble.

She really didn't know the hardships of life.

Joel Hipps felt like Clare was an ancient foolish king.

But Joel Hipps, being the general manager of Hipps Group's perfdivision, wasn't a young hothead. He naturally wouldn't say anything in front of Clare and just agreed.

"Don't worry, I'll have the factory produce a few dozen bottles when I get to the company." A few dozen bottles wouldn't take up much resources.

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He felt speechless.

He took the sample out of the Hipps family and went straight to the company.

Sitting in his office, he opened the bottle and took a casual sniff. It smelled quite good.

Could it be that this young lady had stalent in making perfume? Without thinking much, he took the perfto the research department and handed it to the head of the department. "This perfsmells quite good. Make a few dozen bottles. Here's the formula." He handed the formula to the head of the department.

The head looked at the formula and his eyes lit up. "General Manager, where did this formula cfrom?" As someone in charge of research and development, he was very familiar with perfumes. Seeing this formula, he felt like he had found new hope in life.

His eyes sparkled as if he had seen countless gold coins shining.

Joel Hipps was stunned. "Is there something special about this formula?" "This formula is amazing!" The head quickly opened the sample bottle and took a deep breath. "It smells wonderful! Better than any perfour company's perfumers have made!" Joel Hipps was dumbfounded.

"Impossible! This was made by an amateur. Our young lady, you know, the one who just cback a few days ago... she made it for fun." The head was very excited. "No, no... General Manager, you don't understand. I've been in research for so many years and have only seen one other formula as excellent as this, made by Master R. This is the second tI've seen a formula that can rival Mr. R's! The proportions of each ingredient are perfect; one more would be too strong, one less would be too weak." Joel Hipps looked at the sample in shock. "You praise it so highly? Comparable to Mr. R? How is that possible? She was just playing around..." The head looked at the sample in awe. "No way she was just playing around. The proportions of all the ingredients in this perfare perfect. She must be a master perfumer!" Joel Hipps' mind buzzed.

A master...

A master perfumer? Comparable to Mr. R? How could that be? He felt dizzy, wondering if he was dreaming.

He quickly called Clare. "Miss is a master perfumer? This perfis very high-end, very good! Excellent!" Clare was handling sbusiness when he heard Joel Hipps' excited and trembling voice. He said indifferently, "How could that be? Sylvia isn't good at this. She's good at... fighting, playing piano, singing, dancing... she's good at those." Joel Hipps couldn't help but tremble with excitement. "Someone who can do so many things must be a genius... So she must be a genius in perfumery too?" Clare: "" Joel Hipps had too much confidence in Sylvia.

As he was thinking this, he heard Joel Hipps' excited voice again, "This perfmust be mass-produced. Miss must becour company's new perfumer. Please make sure she signs with us." Clare thought about Sylvia's expression when she gave him the perfume. He felt that she might be very interested in perfumes. Since Joel Hipps and the company said Sylvia's perfwas good, why not try mass production? So he immediately hung up and sent Sylvia a message on Facebook: "Sylvia, are you interested in becoming a professional perfumer?" Sylvia was practicing formations when she saw his message and raised an eyebrow.

It seemed he already knew about the quality of her perfume.

She replied mischievously, "Not interested." Clare thought for a moment and over eplied, "I was wrong this morning; I shouldn't have discouraged you. The company says you have great talent and wants to sign with you to nass-produce this perfume. Sylvia.. an you consider it?" Content elongs to englishHis tone was extremely humble.

He hadn't thought that far ahead; he didn't expect this perfto revive Hipps Group's perfdivision.

He just thought that since she had this talent, it would be better to sign with their own company.

It would be more convenient to cooperate.

Sylvia didn't want to tease him anymore, so she sent him a voice message: "Uncle, sure. When do we sign?" Hearing her familiar voice, Clare felt his chest swell with pride.

His child was so understanding, not only beautiful but also a genius. Most importantly, she wasn't arrogant despite her talents and was so considerate.

He couldn't help but feel that his child was perfect in every way.

Clare's admiration for Sylvia was boundless.

"Now, I'll chand take you to the company," Clare thought. Signing such an important contract couldn't be done without him accompanying her.

Half an hour later, Sylvia sat in Clare's car, lazily leaning back in her seat and watching the handsman driving seriously beside her.

She played with a small square seal in her hand. The seal was beautiful, made of white jade, crystal clear.

But Clare didn't notice the seal while driving.

The car stopped steadily in Hipps Group's underground garage.

Sylvia followed Clare out of the car and into the elevator.

They went straight to the conference room on the eighteenth floor without any obstacles.

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Joel Hipps and his son Wayne, along with the head of research, were all waiting there after receiving the news.

Hearing footsteps, they all looked towards the door simultaneously and saw a stunningly beautiful woman standing beside Clare.

The woman had a tall figure and Λοι et wore simple white shirt and jeans with white sneakers. Despite her ordinary attire, she looked exceptionally pleasing to the eye. Her features were exquisite, especially her almond-shaped eyes that were bright and full of life, making it hard for anyone to look away from her.

"Is this Miss Andrews?" The head of research greeted with a smile and opened the prepared contract. "Please have a seat." He pushed the contract towards Sylvia. "This is the contract; please review it and see if there's anything unsuitable." Sylvia smiled and casually flipped through the contract. "Hipps Group is part of the Hipps family, and I'm part of the Hipps family too, so this contract must be suitable. I trust my uncle wouldn't makesign anything unfair." Clare felt deeply moved.

Sylvia was so understanding! She trusted him so much as her uncle.

"Sylvia, don't worry; I would never harm you." Sylvia nodded. Although she flipped through it casually, she clearly saw all the important clauses.

The contract was extremely generous to her.

Because for every bottle of perfsold, she would get a portion of the profits.

It was practically a dream contract.

She picked up the pen on the table and signed her name.

Then she stamped it with her small seal.

"Sylvia R!" The head of research was struck as if by lightning when he saw the letter "R".

"R?" He exclaimed in shock.

"Are you Master Perfumer R?" Joel Hipps was also shocked when he saw the letter "R" on the seal.

Wayne was equally stunned! They had been talking about finding Mr. R all along.

And now... Mr. R was right here in the Hipps family? And it was this newly recognized daughter? "This can't be real..." Wayne muttered to himself. "How is this possible..." Clare was also confused. "What are you talking about? I only know there's a master sculptor named R; is there also an R in perfumery?" "Yes! A few years ago, Mr. R created a perfcalled Birth that sold extremely well!" The head quickly explained to Clare.

Clare's eyes showed confusion. "So this perfis called Rebirth because there was a Birth before it?" Sylvia's lips curved into an amused smile. "Uncle is indeed wise; you guessed right." "So it's really R..." The head felt like he had won a grand prize. "R signed with our company! I'm so excited!" Clare remembered what he had said to Sylvia that morning and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him!