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Accepting My Twin Mates by Unwise Owl

Chapter 36
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Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 36



There was no possible way I was escaping my mates’ hold around me this morning, not without waking

them up. My Alpha sandwich had a tight hold on me, front and back, that wasn’t about to let up any

time soon. Astennu’s arm was my personal pillow, cradling my head, and his hand lay tantalisingly low

on my abdomen. Badru remained encased in my chest; no wonder a sleepy smile clung to his lips. My

legs had entwined themselves around his waist and his wandering hands were playing their games, yet

again. They had slipped under the hemline of my panties, his large palms gripping tightly on my ass

and his fingers spread apart, covering as much flesh as possible. He groggily hummed, an approving

low growl rumbling his throat and chest, one that vibrated through me when I slipped my fingers along

his neck and down his spine.

‘Don’t I get any attention?’ Astennu pressed his lips to my neck and I flinched, hard, the light contact

rippling and churning my insides.

“Whu?” Badru jerked awake, my sudden movements rousing him.

His nostrils flared, clearly scenting my arousal his brother was initiating from behind. Astennu’s hand

hadn’t moved away from my lower stomach either. He was inching lower, beneath the material of my

underwear. Badru’s swirling black and blue eyes met mine, his sleepy smile transforming into a

mischievous glint.

“So this is how we’re saying good morning now,” he smirked, his hands sliding from my ass to slowly

push up my t-shirt.

He kissed the underside swell of each of my breasts, revealing a new patch of skin with each caress of

his lips. I couldn’t decide whether I needed to stop this or beg for it to continue, to go further. Astennu’s

long roughened finger sliding between my folds chased away all logic in my mind that this was a

slippery slope, a slippery damp slope that led directly between my thighs.

“I hope I’m doing this right,” he teased and I could feel his smirk, identical to his brother’s, nipping

against my marking spot.

‘After this,’ Astennu circled the tip of his finger around my clit, twisting it lightly. ‘I slip in here, right?’ His

digit entered me slowly, pumping deeply.

At the same time, Badru twirled my n****e around his tongue, sucking with vigour. His teeth grazed my

sensitive pert bud, rolling it between his lips. My moans increased in volume. I was about to cry out, as

Astennu slipped in a second finger, but the sound was claimed by Badru’s mouth, snaking his tongue

around mine. His thumbs took command of my breasts, squeezing and twisting my n*****s in unison.

‘Careful. We’re your little secret, remember?’ His throat rumbled in a growl. ‘What would your

neighbours think?’

My ‘neighbours’ was Lucy and she would know exactly what was happening. Somehow, that was


‘Shouldn’t we… slow down?’ I attempted to mind-link and regretted my words instantly.

‘You mean, like this,’ Astennu’s teeth tugged at my earlobe and his fingers slowed their pumps, stroking

the entire length of my walls at a leisurely pace. Hell, this was even better.

“Oh, you mean stop,” he breathed against me, the playful edge to his tone returning as his entire touch

withdrew from my body. Badru’s too.

I pushed away, facing the two of them. My chest heaving and covered now that my t-shirt had dropped

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back down into place. What, in the goddess’s name, did I just allow? Their identical teasing grins told

me one single thing. They knew what they were doing, deliberately riling me up and working as a team

to do it.

“I didn’t take it too far, did I? I promised to leave it a week before I grovelled again,” Badru set his puppy

eyes on me, a hint of a smirk toying on his lips. Now, he learns a sense of humour?!

‘Fuckers! I was enjoying that,’ Evva snarled, making her presence known for the first time.

‘Where the hell were you?!’

‘Busy having a good time and being felt up,’ she snapped back. ‘And I do not like being toyed with.

Show them if they start games, they finish them, or else.’

She flashed me images of what she wanted, my face flushing at her idea of retaliation. Steadying my

nerves and after a deep breath, I whipped my t-shirt over my head before I lost my pluck. My twins’

expressions morphed in the split second it took for them to sweep over my naked figure from superior,

thinking they had the ball firmly in their court, to dumbfounded, realising their balls were in fact in the

palm of my hand.

“I need a shower,” I met Astennu’s gaze, his mouth hanging slightly agape. “It’s nothing you haven’t

seen already.”

My skin prickled with nerves and adrenaline, not entirely comfortable with being so naked in front of

them. But like Evva, I wanted to demonstrate I could play this game just as effectively and without a

single touch.

Badru was the first to shake himself free of his spell and quickly scooted towards me, kneeling up and

sliding his hands up my thighs.

“Room for two more in there?” He proposed, entirely confident.

I cupped his jaw, looking deeply into those beautiful sparkling blue jewels of his.

“Of course there isn’t,” I placed my foot on his chest and pushed him away, landing him on the flat of

his back, and whirled myself into the bathroom.

Evva howled in laughter, ‘they’ll be dealing with that twin erection for the rest of the morning!’

She wasn’t wrong either.

After spending thirty minutes in the bathroom and a shower, I emerged to find the two of them still

sporting huge bulges in the front of their pants; probably made worse by the sight of me in only a small


“We’re gonna go get dressed,” Astennu cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair, trying to

mask his lack of composure. “Meet us at the stables in twenty minutes?”

‘Getting dressed? Is that the slang for rubbing one out, nowadays,’ Evva cackled to herself, watching

him struggle in his discomfort.

I wrapped my fluffy robe around myself, just as he slid the window open to climb out of. The last thing I

wanted was my towel to pop open in front of a cold burst of air.

“We’re not sneaking around for breakfast first?” Since when did wolf males skip a meal, or pass up any

opportunity for food?

“If you can wait, our host for the morning wants to eat with us,” Astennu said as he crawled through the


“Fair warning, don’t expect any meat,” Badru pulled the silver hoodie over his head that I had borrowed

yesterday. Damn, I was hoping to keep hold of that. “They only eat what they grow themselves.”

“…We’re seeing the wiccans?!” I exclaimed, connecting the dots.

Astennu nodded, gripping the window above him and sticking his head back through. “You remember

us telling you about our Delta, Elan?” I nodded. “He’s back home. Said he can’t wait to meet you.”

“Wait, if we’re going to the wiccan Family, why are we meeting at the stables?” His twin had made his

feelings clear on horses and I couldn’t see him riding off into the sunrise on one.

“You’ll see,” he flashed me a knowing smile.

His eyes lingered on mine, silently asking for a small token before he left.

“I’ll meet you there,” I pecked his lips. ‘For a guy worried about expectations, you did pretty well.’

I pulled back, appreciating the burst of pink across his face and the flash of black in his eyes.

‘My only expectations for next time is that if you stop like that again, I will c**k punch you,’ I flicked his

nose lightly.

Badru followed after him, stopping halfway through the window. “We are cool, right? You know I’m sor-”

I pressed my fingertips over his mouth, silencing him.

“Yes. Trust me, you’ll know when we’re not cool,” I patted his cheek, and kissed him. “Make sure you

pick up your shredded clothes. It’s a bit of a giveaway.”

As he stood up straight and turned to grab the remnants of his attire, destroyed when he shifted, I

called out to him.

“… Badru?” His head spun instantly. “I meant what I said last night. Just be you, you’re more than


Struggling with inferiority was a fight I knew well. It was easy to think of them both as impervious,

immune to vulnerabilities that plagued us mere mortals. They were Alphas, built taller, broader,

stronger, faster, with sharper senses and raised without wanting for a thing. How could either think they

lacked in attributes? I spent so long hiding behind my many, many, walls that I failed to see someone

else hiding behind their own wall.

In a single stride, he leant back through the opening, grasping the back of my neck and pulling me into

a deep, toe-curling kiss. When he pulled away, I found myself stumbling forward after his lips,

completely in a daze, not focusing on what he was doing.

“Since I brought you dinner, you can dispose of these,” he dumped his shredded clothes in my arms,

with a wink, and swiftly backed up, walking away with Astennu.

‘That cheeky little s**t!’ Evva barked in a marry of outrage and provocation.




Heru whinnied when he saw me walk through the stable house doors, his head bobbing up and down

in excitement. I fussed over him, slapping his neck and rubbing under his chin. I thought he was

leaning into me for affection. Little did I realise he was sniffing out treats, nudging each of my coat

pockets to find what I had brought him. I did this to myself, spoiling my boy too much with apples. The

twins were nowhere around and Heru looked to have eaten already. So I lifted his feed bucket, hung

over the half door and asked the stable hand on duty if they minded me letting Astennu’s horse out. Not

only did she not mind, she even took the feed bucket from me to clean and put away, grateful to not

have to deal with Heru. At least it meant when the twins finally got their asses down here, we’d be


I led him out and fastened his lead rein to the loop on his stable, taking his thin overnight blanket off to

brush his coat. The time gave me pause to wonder why he was so favourable to me. Was it just

because I approached him correctly? Or was it because he knew, somehow, the connection his baba

and I would share? I was also beginning to wonder what was taking Astennu and Badru so long. Had

they been caught out or seen? Was I about to have a team of warriors swarm in to carry me off to face

Alpha Issac himself?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

‘Now who’s the drama llama?’ Evva interrupted my runaway thoughts. ‘Our nugget is rubbing off on

you. Take a leaf out of our goober’s book and chill. They’ll be here.’

‘I can’t help it. All this subterfuge is becoming exhausting,’ I sighed heavily. Heru nudged me when my

brush paused for too long on his neck.

‘There’s only one solution, then. The question is, are you ready?’

Sneaking around had been somewhat fun at the start, but it was losing its appeal, fast. A pack member

was going to see one of us, and soon. Neither of the three of us could stay away from the other. The

idea of going to bed alone after tasting their hot skin and chests pressed on either side of me, would

never do ever again. I didn’t need gossip spreading that I was ‘whoring around’, because that would be

precisely the first thing said about me. No one’s first thought would be that I was their mate. I may be in

an internal struggle, debating whether I wanted to be Luna, but if this was going to get out, I wanted it

on my terms.

Heru neighing and becoming restless snapped me out of all the thoughts storming and raging in my

mind. I looked over my shoulder, spotting Astennu with a huge smile on his face, his eyes on both me

and his horse. It was quite sweet seeing the two greet each other, watching as Heru rested his head on

Astennu’s shoulder. Badru, on the other hand, was comical. He leapt back when he came too close to

the stallion’s liking, who snapped out in a clear display of spite.

“Ahbil,” Bardu muttered under his breath.

“And you wonder why he hates you?” Astennu shook his head with a smirk, having little sympathy for

his twin.

‘What does ahbil mean?’ I mind-linked him, only knowing it must be Arabic.

‘It literally translates to stupid, but it’s also said in the same way as asshole.’

I couldn’t suppress the chuckle in my throat at seeing an Alpha and a horse have some little stare-

down in dominance. Assholes indeed. The two were more similar to each other than they knew.

“So am I putting the big guy out in his field or does he have something to do with why we’re meeting

here? He’s all brushed, because you both took your sweet time,” I glanced between them.

Badru glanced away with a tiny telltale smirk, and Astennu’s adorable blush confirmed all I needed to


‘Told you they were whacking it,’ my wolf howled in amusement.

The eldest twin cleared his throat awkwardly, “I was hoping you’d like to ride Heru while me and Ru run

in our wolves?”

I nodded. This actually sounded fun.

Astennu went over to where the saddle was kept and Badru looked around to make sure we were still

alone, reminding me I didn’t want to hide anymore. He stripped off his clothes to shift into his huge

ebony wolf and I could tell he wanted to approach, but a glance at the golden stallion had him thinking


“Let’s tell the pack, about us,” I blurted out.

The western-style saddle fell from Astennu’s hands, landing directly on his foot. “Oof, s**t,” he swore

under his breath, hopping out from under the heavy leather.

‘Smooth,’ Badru’s wolf huffed in laughter.

“You’re really ready?” He ignored his twin’s jibe and picked the saddle back up.

I shook my head, placing the saddle pad over Heru’s back, covering his withers. “We’re only gonna

grow more obvious that there’s a hell of a lot more going on. It was never gonna last as long as I


He swung the saddle up and on, flipping the stirrup down from off the carved eagle horn.

“When we get back,” he gripped my hand, resting his forehead against mine.

A cold wet nose nudged my other hand. Badru rubbed his furry head up my chest, locking his pretty

eyes with mine. ‘And we’ll be right there with you.’