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Accepting My Twin Mates by Unwise Owl

Chapter 1
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Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – I Woke Up For This?


Book 4 of The Rogue Beginnings Series



As I stood in the pack dining room, with the breakfast dripping down my face and the sounds and

stares of pack members quietly laughing at my humiliation, I thought back to what my first major

mistake was this morning.

Getting out of bed. That was my mistake.

I had been awake less than two hours, and I was already over this day completely. I should have

obeyed my instincts, curled in a ball in my blankets and dealt with the consequences of me missing

work later.

The next time my instincts told me to do something, I wouldn’t ignore them…




One and half hours ago

At the sound of the cuckoo singing from my simple alarm clock, I was internally debating whether being

late for my duties was worth the 15 minutes of extra sleep. Probably not, but I was actually warm and

cozy like a lil’ burrito in my mass of blankets.

The dumb bird alarm won out eventually and I hit the dismiss button, stretching my limbs out. I may not

have had a bedframe, but my mattress on the floor was beyond comfortable and huge, a king-size

which just about fit in my room and my own absurdly long 6’5 figure. It was like sleeping on a cloud and

it was just getting thrown out a few years ago! I had salvaged it first, a rare occasion as I was almost

never the first to grab up any of the spare furniture. It was like new and came with the most wonderful

earthy and aromatic spicy scent, like cinnamon, nutmeg and fresh sweet tree sap. The smells were

long gone by now, but I enjoyed them while they lasted.

The air in my room was a little chilly again. I had already asked for the heating to be looked at three

times now, but I just had to admit to myself that I was never going to be high on anyone’s list of

priorities in this place. If anything, I was probably bumped straight to the bottom of the list and I was

worried if I asked again, I’d be knocked off of the repair list altogether.

All I could do was pray that someone would fix the damn radiator before winter kicked in properly. It

was the start of November, currently, and I could bear it for now, but I would freeze when the

temperature really started to plummet. No amount of wrapping up in blankets would help in the middle

of January winters.

Unlike most werewolves in the Two Moons pack, scratch that, all werewolves here in this pack, I had

no wolf to help keep me warm.

I was 23 and had never heard the slightest whisper of my wolf. I was obviously a werewolf, my scent

couldn’t deny that. I had better healing than the humans in our pack and a better immune system too.

Plus the tiny scar on my finger where I had tried to touch silver, just to prove to myself I was a wolf, still


Wolves, and vampires for that matter, were susceptible to the burning effect silver had on our skin from

birth and it had stung like a b***h, more so than I had overheard the warriors describe. Silver reacted to

our skin like a chemical burn and inhibited the receptor nerves that produced the healing response,

causing a scar to be left behind.

There was one incident, though.

One time, I think I almost felt my wolf and it had saved my life. Not that I could remember the incident

much or wanted to dwell on that particular memory. I did, however, remember the cause. It had been

an accident, he hadn’t meant to hurt me…but he had, the Alpha heir to our pack. Well, the elder one of

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the heirs because he was a twin. They were identical The famous Rolfe twins, Astennu and Badru.

They were cocky, entitled, spoiled and privileged.

Thank the goddess above that they were away, currently. They had been away at Opal Sun pack, an

ally in Idaho, for a training trip since the end of September, nearly two months ago. Sadly, they would

be back in a few weeks…

I certainly wasn’t counting or anything. I would concede that they may have grown up a little in the last

few years, not that I knew from first-hand experience. The two of them avoided me like the plague and I

preferred it that way…but what I did mind was how maddeningly handsome I found them.

And I hated it.

To describe them simply, they were an exotic fantasy with their Egyptian heritage; tall, dark and

exquisitely chiseled. With dark sapphire eyes, deep olive-tanned skin, shining pitch-black hair that fell

in waves to just above their shoulders and a physique that I was certain could make the moon goddess

herself blush and drool over.

Though, I hadn’t actually gotten a good look at them in a while. Whenever they saw me, they turned

around and practically ran away like their asses had caught fire.

Why? I had no clue.

Maybe it was guilt?

Astennu had been the one to hurt me accidentally, when I was 14 and he was 16. But Badru…he had

hurt me, purposely, with his venomous words just because I told him ‘no’. I had been 19 and he had

been 21.

Since then, I had pretty much been removed from any duties that involved setting foot in the Alpha

family wing of the pack house. Like I cared; it meant I could keep my distance from them as much as


My internal debate on whether to get up or go back to sleep was rendered pointless. I wasted my sleep

time deciding and now I had no choice but to get up. It would have been risky, anyway, to go back to

sleep, seeing as I had turned my alarm off.

Wrapping my blanket around me to retain some warmth, I shuffled my way to my small ensuite and

turned the shower on; hopefully, the steam would help heat the space up.

My room really was pretty decent, much nicer than what I had in the orphaned children’s home growing

up. For one, it was my own, I had no roommate I had to share with and my own bathroom. And it was

in my favourite colour, a deep midnight, sapphire blue. It was just a pure coincidence that it was the

same colour as the twins’ eyes.

I had lived in the Omega quarters attached to the pack house since I was 18. I was raised within the

small children’s home in the pack and when I reached 18 and was considered a legal adult, I was

asked to leave. Literally, on my 18th birthday.

Luckily, I was permitted to have a bedroom in the pack house Omega quarters. It was bare when I first

arrived because new residents usually bought their own furniture or had help from their families. I had

no such luxuries as an orphan. So the little furniture I had is what I salvaged when a guest room was

redecorated or someone was getting rid of something in their room and left it up for grabs for anyone

who wanted to donate it.

At the end of the small corridor I was on, there were only two doors, mine and another she-wolf, Lucy

Maddrell. She was only a tiny thing, barely clearing 5’2, which, at the side of my huge height was

incredibly comical. But she had welcomed me so warmly, a response I had never received much before

in my life.

The only thing anyone knew me as was the wolfless rogue, and they treated me as such. All I knew of

my past was that I was found as a baby on this pack’s territory, my mother was a rogue and, therefore,

I was also.

The Two Moons pack was not known for its welcoming embrace of rogues. But given our Luna’s history

with them, it was understandable. Unfair and unjustified…but understandable.

I dried myself off as quickly as possible, because f**k me was it cold in here when you were wet


I hastily shimmied into some jeans and a sweater that had probably seen better days and brushed out

my hair as much as possible. With my freshly dried dark-blonde hair put up in a twisted braid, some

nice thick fluffy socks on and a pair of boots – to hide the fact my jeans were too short – I was about to

leave. I quickly remembered to grab my small bag with some training clothes in, so I could go do a little

work out after morning duties and headed out to find Lucy hurrying out of her door too.

Thank goddess, I wasn’t the only one late.

But one look at her had me forgetting about work and worrying about if she should even be out of bed.

The dark circles under her eyes were worse than ever. She used to have the brightest and prettiest

hazel irises ever, but they were growing duller by the week. Her skin used to have the dewiest golden

glow too and it now looked sallow and lifeless. Even her rich red coloured hair was looking a little dull.

Ever since she had shifted four months ago, her health had been deteriorating, which made absolutely

no sense. She was only a year younger than myself at just over 22, so almost right on schedule for an

Omega to shift.

Wolves usually went through their first shift from anywhere as young as 16 or 17 for Alphas and some

Betas, to 21 or 22 for Omegas that had a weaker wolf spirit, if they could shift at all. Some Omegas

only had a wolf spirit and couldn’t actually shift. I would’ve killed just to have that, at least they could

mind-link. Without that, it was just another thing that reminded me how inadequate I was as a werewolf

like I was simply deluding myself that I was one.

Lucy didn’t look on death’s door or anything, she just looked constantly exhausted and in some mild

pain every now and again. The pack doctors had said that it may be a case of shifting sickness, the

human body’s reaction to shifting to our wolves for the first time.

It was never usually an issue for stronger werewolves, but Omegas could be affected from time to time.

That first shift, especially for she-wolves, triggered a whole host of biological processes into action. So,

sometimes, that rush of new hormones and the surge of adrenaline could cause a few issues


The doctor Lucy had seen had assured her that it would pass after a few months, but if it got worse she

should return to them and they could arrange some medication. And like the hard-headed woman she

was, she was still trying to grit it out, instead of just taking some medication for it.

“You look like you need a few more hours of sleep.” I commented, looking down at her. The girl barely

cleared my chest.

“Morning to you too.” she yawned loudly. “Always nice to know I look as s**t as I feel.”

She laced her arm through mine, or at least tried to, and dragged me off quickly to the pack kitchens.

She may have been tiny, but she could move like a gazelle with speed when she wanted to get

somewhere, though I could probably stuff her under my arm and stride there in three steps just as fast.

She would not appreciate that approach.

“You know I didn’t mean it like that. I can cover for you if you just need some time off?” I offered.

“Once I’ve had my injection of caffeine, I’ll be raring to go.” she said, faking enthusiasm. “It was just a

restless night, is all.”

The grimace she made neither convinced nor comforted me. But she was a surprisingly stubborn

person, given her usual sunny disposition. If she had set her mind on carrying out her duties, then

nothing short of handcuffing her to the bed would stop her.

“Okaaay.” I drew out. “But when I spot you passing out in your breakfast, I’m gonna laugh, loud.”

She punched my ass with a playful growl, “I’d punch your face, but I left my trampoline in my other

pants…dumb giraffe.”

“Just for that, I’m putting everything away on the top shelf today and hiding your little set of steps.” I

patted her head, knowing how much it pissed her off.

The kitchen was bustling, and it was only 6 am.


There’d be no ‘sneaking in’. Lucy probably could, I would stick out like a sore thumb.

And great, Janet had just spotted me looking royally annoyed. She was the head housekeeper and I

wasn’t sure what I had done exactly, but I had incurred her wrath at some point and now she had it out

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for me. She would overlook anyone else showing up late. I, however, would definitely be getting docked

in my already meager wages.

“Miss Meadows!” Janet hollered.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to hold my tongue this time. Why was my surname ‘Meadows’ if I

was an orphan? Simple, I was found in the lowland meadows of the pack. A very creative way of

attaining a surname. Thank goddess, I wasn’t found near a train track or a brothel.

“You can’t just roll in here when you want. Of all the days you’re late, it’s when Luna specifically wants

you. Get your apron on, get the breakfast served and make sure it’s done before 6:30. That’s when

Luna Qamar will be down,” she craned her neck up at me.

“A whole five minutes late. If it’d been six, the whole kitchen would have imploded,” I muttered under

my breath, cursing myself because I had just given myself a mini pep talk to hold my damn tongue.

Also, why the hell did the Luna need to see me? What had I done now?!

“Congratulations. You’re on washing up duty afterwards. Oh, and I’m writing you up too, for being late,”

she sneered, looking smug with herself.

Ok, this was why I was always in trouble. I shot my mouth off and I pissed people off. I always dug my

own grave and then wondered how I ended up in it. It wasn’t a bad thing to be honest, but the way I

went about it was not the most diplomatic, as I tended to be pretty blunt with my words and, shockingly,

I came off as insubordinate and flippant.

“Miss Janet, I was late too. Is this really necessary?” Lucy jumped in.

For f**k’s sake, Luce, don’t throw yourself under the bus as well.

“Lucy, nobody asked you,” Janet sighed. “Just get back your work.”

With that she turned round and went to cause someone else some misery, probably.

“You shouldn’t have said anything. You need your wages.” I warned.

“You jump in to defend me and others all the time, even though they don’t deserve it.” she muttered

those last words. “So why can’t I do it for you? No-one else is gonna.”

There was a difference; she was doing it out of kindness. I was just a sarcastic i***t that said things out

loud instead of internally.

The two of us quickly got to work at our stations. Lucy was busy plating up from the grill, I was setting

up the buffet line and making sure there were plenty of plates, silverware and condiments. A steady

flow of resident pack members and patrols coming in off of their shifts to grab breakfast had started to

form and it would only grow as the morning progressed.

The first of the hot food was about to be set out, so I finished the last of the sides to be served. I had

already taken fresh cut fruit, cereals and jugs of milk out and all that was left was the bowls of yoghurt

and granola.

As I balanced the tray and carried it out into the dining room, a trio of tired looking warriors passed by

accidentally knocking my tray. The whole contents flew in the air, spattering me in pink, raspberry

yoghurt from head to toe and all over the floor.

“Oh…uhh…sorry.” the she-wolf warrior awkwardly apologised as her two male counterparts sniggered

under their breath. The three of them walked off to find a table, leaving me standing there feeling


It was like something from a comedy movie where the protagonist would come up with some clever pun

in this situation and everyone would laugh…but it’s not very funny when you have everyone looking at

you throwing everything from sympathetic glances to gossiping and laughing at your expense, as the

stuff you’re covered in drips down your face. And I had just washed my hair, too.

I got out of my quilt-burrito of warm blankets for this s**t?


Just a quick reminder going forward to be careful of revealing big spoilers in the comments. Not every

reader will have read books 1, 2 and 3 yet. I will be trying to make these first 4 books as ‘stand alone’

as possible while still interconnecting them together.

And if you haven’t read the first three books yet, you really should! You’re missing some gripping stuff


Book 1 – The Rogue Alpha’s Return

Book 2 – The Wanted Alpha

Book 3 – His Mute Luna