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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

“You are not my Master,” | hissed at him mutinously.

The bearded man stepped closer toand | bolted away from him. | didn’t make it far. In my haste to escape, | didn’t notice the long haired man as he stepped in front of me. Fighting wildly, | fought the hands that restrained me. After a quick struggle, | ended up subdued on the floor.

The long haired man heldface down with my hands behind my back. He had my right arm twisted in a grip so strong | feared the bone would break. Screaming apologies | lay still, praying he would release me.

That was a horrible noise, Ciara,” the bearded man commented. | apologize, Master,” | sobbed, grateful the long haired man had suddenly freed my arm.

The bearded man spoke to the long haired man sharply then, “Use Less force, Evan. You act as though we have not been trained.”

The man named Master Evan pulledto stand as he grunted an apology to the bearded man. “It ran at me,” he said, “I was surprised.”

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| stood and trembled between the two men. Powerful did not begin to describe them. Despite my objections the long haired man, Master Evan, had quite simply movedto the floor like | wasn’t fighting him. My arm throbbed as a vivid reminder of how not to act.

The men were looking atand | realized | had been staring at them.

| wasn’t sure how | had ever confused them for human. For one, they were too tall. Secondly, their eyes were different, larger and more feline. Their skin also should have told me, it was very faintly striped gold and golden brown. There were subtle and distinct differences between us.

| dropped my eyes, but not before taking in Master Evan’s complete form. He was tall and his muscles were well defined in his arms and chest. Like the bearded man he also had a good number of scars that cut across his body. Unlike the bearded man he had less chest hair.

“Your eyes are green, Ciara. None of us have green eyes,” Master Evan said conversationally.

| had no response to that but looked up at his face again. Master Evan had a lopsided smile on. He was just intently watching me. For a man that had nearly ripped my arm off, he seemed almost good humored.

ninja.com The bearded man was standing watchingalso, but seemed to have deferred the conversation to Master Evan. “What is Ciara? Why are you callingthat? My nis Rachel,” | said to him in a pleading voice.

“That’s twice you didn’t follow instructions, Ciara. | would be happy to answer your question if you apologize for not addressing us properly. Be forewarned, the punishment will only get worse the Longer you defy us,” he said in that pleasant tone.

The Lanky guy on the bed spoke before | had the chance to. “Liam told me the first they di (th theinslave wesiehaloitia show it the

ipping post. He toldthey strapped it to the post and left it there half the day, after that they had no problems.” The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

I'd been beaten by my mother and her brothers on more than one m occasion. These.guiys Werémhuch tgughe Sh my family. | had no urge to repeat an experience like that ever again. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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“I'm sorry | didn’t call you Master,

Master. Please, tellveo .

Why are es callingyne bidra’ Why

aly The Ym sorry, Master.” |

stumbled all over my words and

looked at the floor. The content is on

Drama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Tears started to fill my eyes, again. | was too weak; | should fight them. The entire experience was humiliating.

“We have named you Ciara that is why | am calling you that. You are on the plPateria. You are our sex slave.”

| gasp looking up but he continued to speak.