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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

The wall in front oflit up and it was me, for all practical purposes with no hair. | screamed into the air mask and struggled in my bonds. For sreason it seemed like shavingbare would be the worst thing they could possibly do. Obviously | knew that was just the beginning.

The dark haired man turned around and watchedstruggling. His face was rough with stubble and his short black hair framed his face. He raised a dark eyebrow and said something. Long hair jumped up on my platform behind me. | felt him grab my long brown hair and wrap it around his fist. He twisted my head to and fro talking to his friends.

He jumped down and leaned casually on my platform smirking up at me.

The tentacle lady hit a switch and theon the wall was now just Like | was, hair and all. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. Suddenly, | realized it had cout. The air mask on my face was gone.

The men spoke to the lady in a Language | couldn’t understand. Dark hair continued to watchintermittently. | wasn’t really upset when theon the wall had her leg, groin, stomach, and underarm hair removed.

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Alanky quiet man pointed to his breast plate and addressed the group.

The metal covering his chest had an intricate design on it. In fact, they all wore the sdesign on their chest. The lady stuck her tentacle into his ear.

| was distracted from the rest of the conversation as the long haired man played with my toes. Across the platform from him a man with brown hair and a short beard stroked the other foot as they talked. They were touchingwithout permission and it infuriated me. The logical little voice in the back of my mind reasoned | should get used to it.

Two creatures cin to the room from the side door. They looked Like they were made of jelly. Again, the urge to throw up coverand | fought it back down.

The platform | was on Lowered to the ground and | was now surrounded by my captors at their level. The men were enormous, the shortest was probably six foot something. At 5’7 they dwarfedsubstantially.

The jelly creatures were on the platform now and | started to struggle. ninja.com

Of course | already knew it was worthless, but | couldn’t stop. When the jelly creatures started to engulf my Legs, my panicked screaming filled the room. Quite suddenly the air mask over my mouth was replaced and the tentacle Lady was sticking her thing in my ear.

“Silence, slave,” | heard in my mind. “You are now the property of the proud Warriors that stand around us. They wish your hair removed in certain places and it is being done. They have paid to have an understanding of their Language placed in your mind. | will do this now.”

My world got foggy as tentacle woman dumped an alien language into my brain. | was vaguely aware that the table moved up as | moved down until | was Laying flat at the level of the Lady’s tentacle. It felt like | had had too much to drink. Slowly the words being spoken aroundstarted to make sense. There wasn’t tto marvel at it, though.

The tentacle woman pulled out what looked like a silver pen Light and pressed it to my arm. | winced as a slight burn started where she held the silver pen against me.

“What was that?” the Lanky guy asked quietly.

“It is for the slave’s health,” the dark haired man answered him.

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“Basin told us of this, brother, you must pay more attention.”

“We will give it a drink every day that is similar to that co ection, thel | bearded inarhséid'aiid the others agreed. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

It was so weird understanding a Language | knew was foreign to me. | was stunned.

“Human slave, | am speaking to you in the language of P teria. Oayou u derstapdrne® th woman asked Looking right at me. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

| nodded slowly and she slapped my breast, “You will a enmewhen | speek you SIaver” The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Before | had a chance to do what | was told, | saw Dark hair grabbing her hand.