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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 38
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“You have defied us all day, slave,” Master Damien said. “We place you at the mercy of the compound and see how long your disobedience Lasts.

When we find you more obedient we will return for you.”

It took a minute for the situation to register. I was outside, bound and nude, in the middle of the courtyard. I looked up at my wrists and noted the lack of the metal cuff. Looking down, the cuffs had also been removed from my ankles. I moved my head around, I realized I didn’t have a collar on.

Did this mean I wasn’t a slave anymore? I wondered. The answer struckand was breathtaking. I was still a slave. I just wasn’t being claimed by an owner.

Master Damien and his brothers toldtheir mark protectedand now it was gone. I wondered what would happen to me, although my exposed position spoke volumes. Anyone could do anything to me.

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It took my eyes stto get used to the gathering darkness. I couldn’t decide if it was Lucky or unlucky that several torches Lit the area. I prayed nobody would noticeup here, but I knew that wasn’t the purpose of this exercise.

Angela’s Library

My situation seemed to be gaining an audience. Warriors strolled past my platform and clucked their tongues at me. Several brought their slaves out to see me.

I was shocked when the first group of Warriors jumped up onto the platform. They looked mean and still had their formidable weapons strapped to their waists. The men twisted and pinched me everywhere. I cried and screamed when they touchedbetween my Legs. I heard Master Kein speaking behindand they left.

It went on for hours. My hands had gone numb and spoint and every joint in my upper body was cramping. Groups of men would conto the platform and touchcruelly until one of my Warriors showed up and shooed them off.

The men that conto my platform weren’t hesitant or nice to me.

Thick fingers invaded my most private parts. They were not gentle as they explored my body with rough hands. Most of them Laughed when I yelled at them. Everything I did spurned them to be crueler and harsher.

Eventually, I started to recognize the pattern. The attacks usually happened when I Looked at the Warriors down in the courtyard, which was hard not to do from my elevated position. I closed my eyes and the attacks subsided mostly. I stayed silent and finally they stopped coming up altogether.

I felt warm bodies surrounding me, but I didn’t dare open my eyes.

Looking at them definitely made the manhandling worse.

“Who do you speak to, Ciara?” I heard Master Damien ask me.

“Only to you and your brothers, Master Damien,” I answered him keeping my head down and my eyes shut tight.

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“Is it wise to look at other men, Ciara?” he askedpulling my feet away from the posts.

“No, Master Damien,” I sobbed as my arms were released.

It felt like lightening was shooting through my hands and I slumped into whoever was holding me.

My owners carriedthrough the courtyard and up the stairs to their dwelling place. The first thing they did was replace the metal encircling my neck, wrists, and ankles. After that they laidon the

bed and massaged my sore joints. Master Bane retrieved the cream from their bathroom and they rubbed it into my skin.

My Large breasts had been a favorite play toy of the Warriors on the platform. They had pinched and tweaked the bouncy flesh in excess. My nipples were raw and tiny bruises punctuated the orbs. Master Kein was gentle as he rubbed the cream across the tender mounds. It made them substantially less sore.

The mistake was ingrained into my mind and I didn’t want to make another one. I was taken to the Lavatory and permitted to relieve myself. No complaints escaped my lips as I was cleaned. They fed me and I ate until they said I was done.

After dinner, the men went and sat in the lower part of the room by the fire. Master Christof and Master Kein looked like they were playing a card game. Master Bane, Master Damien, and Master Evan were all resting in separate chairs talking. Master Damien noticedand pointed to a pad on the floor by Master Evan’s chair. Walking into the room, I knelt down obediently.