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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 37
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“To what honor do I owe the attention you are paying my slave, gentlemen?” he asked never opening his eyes.

I started to Look up, but stopped when I saw several sets of masculine legs standing at the edge of the pool beside us. I stilled my hands in Master Evan’s hair and waited.

“Just noting how strange it is you all were permitted to keep a slave when your family cannot be trusted to follow the coupling schedule,” the man said. “Will Christof be well enough to accompany you this tor does illness still plague him?”

I could hear the sarcasm dripping over the man’s words. My heart went out to poor Master Christof, it wasn’t his fault something terrible happened to him. He had been kidnapped and probably abused. He was too scared to even have sex with me. ALL that and he gets crap from these guys, too.

Men on this world were just Like the men on my world. They wouldn’t give anyone a break. Their attitude irked me.

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“Master Christof is fine,” I said defensively without really thinking about it.

Master Evan looked up atwith one eye open, “Who are you talking to, slave?”

“You, Master Evan,” I said realizing my mistake.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

He continued to look up atfor a moment and then returned to his resting position. “Christof will join us next time,” he said closing his eyes again.

I watched the men’s feet as they moved away. Slowly, I went back to playing with Master Evan’s hair. It entertainedand keptfrom looking around.

Water splashed up around us as Master Kein and Master Bane rejoined us.

The shampoo job must have been good because they made Master Evan move and I washed both of their short hair. Master Evan stood casually by playing with a tiny braid I’d forgotten to take out.

“Our slave is quite mouthy,” he commented to his brothers.

I’d forgotten about my Little indiscretion, but he hadn’t. My face was hot and I let my hands drop in front ofwhen Master Kein turned to face me. hat did it say?” he asked.

‘Andre and his brothers cto ask if Christof was well and our slave informed them that he was,” Master Evan said.

Glancing up, I could see Master Evan grinning ear to ear like a devil.

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Master Damien was standing beside him now Listening intently.

“When did this happen?” he asked hotly.

“While you were talking to Basin and his brothers,” Master Evan answered smirking broadly. “Must have been quite a conversation to have so distracted you.”

Tseemed to freeze for a moment before everything moved at once. I found myself upside down and passing out the main entrance to the bathing hall before I knew what had happened. I was slung over Master Damien’s shoulder as he marched out into the cooling night.

I tried to wiggle free, but it was Like my waist was caught in a vise.

I made nonsensical pleas to him, but he didn’t Listen to me. I tried to see where we were going, but it was getting dark and all I could tell was we were in the courtyard.

Master Damien jumped up about six feet and I screamed. Before I could make another noise he had setdown. I felt a body behindraising my arms and binding them to posts on either side of me. My legs were also separated and tied to the posts. I was stretched as far as I could go. It was like the auction only more uncomfortable.