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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 33
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“How do I know when they make a point?” I asked watching the confusing display in front of me.

It looked like there were multiple balls in play and the men were running all over the place.

“Just cheer when your men cheer,” was the answer from farther right, “I’ve been watching this gfor ages and I still don’t understand it.”

ALL the women in the tent laughed at that. Suddenly, Fuji rose up and jumped around, when she was done she knelt back down. Smen on the field had also been cheering.

I saw a ball pass to Master Evan and he threw it in the air shouting.

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The rest of my men also made a lot of noise. I’d played drums in the marching band, so I’d cheered in many football games. I hooted and hollered like back then.

Angela’s Library

“Perfect,” the voice from my right said, “they Loved that! I’m Rose by the way.”

Rose?” I asked questioningly, “Didn’t they re nyou?”

“Yes, they asked for the nof the most beautiful thing on my hpland that was the first thing that cto mind. I was so scared, it’s a wonder I didn’t end up with shorrible name. What did they call you?” she asked.

“It used to be Rachel, but I guess it’s Ciara now,” I answered her relaxing.

“Oh,” Rose sighed, “whatever you do, don’t say that again. They get really angry if you talk about your hplanet.”

“Yes, thank you,” I answered staring blankly ahead.

Survival may be more difficult than I thought.

The conversation was pleasant with my new counterparts. I didn‘t look over so I only knew Rose, Tamia, and Shi by the sounds of their voices.

Out of the five of us only Rose and I were from Earth.

I learned being from Earth had protectedfrom being sold onto a plwhere slaves were worked to death. That didn’t take long for a human. Earthlings were too frail for most other planets. Our needs for oxygen and water made us difficult to keep.

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Planets like Pateria would pay huge prices for us. We were everything they wanted in a sex slave. Weak, intelligent, mostly hairless, and with compatible sex organs.

The men hadn’t been lying aboutnever going home. The dimensional portals the slavers used had trouble operating on earth, something to do with the atmosphere. It was getting harder and harder to acquire an earthling.

Pateria had developed a similar shield against the portals. At one point, before the shield, the slavers had tried to steal slaves back.

Rose shuddered when she talked about it. The Warriors were fearless and deadly. The slavers that chad been massacred.

As we talked, I watched the gand dutifully cheered when it seemed appropriate. ALL the screaming was makingthirsty. I was relieved when I saw Master Evan cstriding toward me with a jug.

He made an impressive site. His broad shoulders and narrow hips covered in flexing muscle. His skin was glistening with sweat in the falling light. Master Evan was the kind of guy I would have had wet

dreams about. Back ha man Like him never would have looked attwice.

He feda long drink of the cool Liquid while grinning down at me. I nearly choked when I got a good Look at his mouth. His teeth had grown into Long deadly Looking sabers. He noticedstaring and set the jug on the ground.